Page 12 of An Alpha's Claim

“Devana!” Dax roared. I knew he and everyone else would be on us in a hot second, but that was all I needed to get the job done. I jammed my blade into the wolf’s neck and twisted. The wolf’s head was angled the exact way I needed to reach the spot where the marking was hiding under the fur. William pulled back and roared in pain, but I held on to my blade and grabbed his head, and I began digging out the rot that was trying to settle into his flesh and soul. Blood began to pour, and I smelled the wrongness of it, but I kept up the pressure until I hit bone. Then I spoke a few words that made my blade flash with pure white light, making everyone blind for just a second. William howled, but I felt him weaken, and his blood began to smell of shifter once again. Finally, the light blinked out, and I pulled my blade out as William fell to the ground.

“She killed him! She…”

“Devana!” Dax was in front of me and pulling me out from underneath a now sleeping William. I could hear the growls and snarls coming from the Pack. What I didn’t expect was Dax pulling me into him as he checked me over for what he probably thought was a severed arm.

“What the hell? Where are you hurt? You could have been killed.” His voice was rough, but his touch was gentle as he maneuvered my arm.

“I’m good. I need…”

“Alpha! We can’t trust the Hunter! She killed William!” I tried pulling away from Dax, but his grip on me was like iron. I wiggled to turn and face everyone when I heard two shots ring out in the night.

“Every round I have is silver, and every weapon I possess is coated in it. Now get your damn hands off of my sister. If it weren’t for her, that wolf…well, he probably would have killed his family later tonight.” I knew the voice as if it were my own. I didn’t know how or why Dali was here, but this was about to be a shit storm in two seconds. I felt Dax tense and knew that he gave an order to someone on some level, but I wasn’t able to hear him mentally. At least not yet.

“How the fuck did you get on my land?” Dax growled.

“Dax, hold up. Dali, what in the hell are you doing here? I told you to stay away!” I said as Dax finally let me go after he realized my arm was fine. Dali strolled down a hill toward the growing crowd and agitated shifters with two guns held high. Her silver-lined, dragon-skinned Hunter gear would make it hard for any of these shifters to get close to her, but it wouldn’t stop all shifters.

“Saving your ass just in time! I told you they wouldn’t…” Dali stopped talking, and I saw a large form seeming to peel out of the darkened tree line. He moved so fast I only glimpsed amber eyes with gold flecks. He was in front of Dali in a second. Her gun shifted to point at his chest, but his clawed hand was around her silver-covered neck. Except she didn’t seem to notice it or move when her trigger finger spasmed slightly. I knew the silver had to hurt, but Max was also an Alpha. A powerful one at that.

“I don’t have time for this,” I muttered. I turned and moved for the down wolf, but a female shifter growled at me when I was two steps away from him. It didn’t frighten me, but it made me pause. She was small in human form, but the yellow eyes that looked at me were predatory. “I need to finish the ritual if you want me to save his life. The demon has already gotten to him, and I don’t know how long he has been marked. If you want me to save him, then let me do what needs to be done.” I stated. I was always taught never to take my eyes from a predator, but I needed Dax to see what I was saying is the truth. I turned away from the woman who had to be William’s Mate and stared at my own.

* * *


I knew Hunters were fast, but I never saw a Hunter other than Taria move the way Devana did. Before I could move, William had his teeth in her as he shook her like a rag doll. This was why I did not want her at this meeting because, Pack or not, Devana is my Mate, and I would kill William if he harmed her. I moved, but a sudden flash of light filled the night, blinding me. It didn’t matter because I could still scent my Mate. The light was gone just as suddenly as it came, and Devana pushed the large wolf to the side, and William laid still. “Fuck,” I growled. I couldn’t help but pull her into me to see how bad the damage would be. I didn’t know what to expect, but I should have known that a Mate of mine would know how to handle herself. As the words she spoke filtered through, I filtered out all sounds too narrow in on William. I knew my brother had the other Hunter, so I wasn’t worried about an attack from her. His heart was still beating, but it was at a slow pace. William’s temperature was low, too low for a pure-blooded shifter. It only took a moment for me to see the truth in Devana’s eyes, and I knew if she weren’t here, my Pack might have been decimated overnight.

“Jayla! Stand back.”

“Alpha! She…you can’t let this Hunter….”

“I said stand back! All of you stand back!” I growled. I knew my eyes burned, and I could see the effect my power started to have on everyone present. Devana had a slight limp, but she kneeled beside William and placed her hands on his blood-soaked fur. She whispered in a language I only heard two other people use, and they both were Hunters. I wasn’t sure if it was Enochian or something similar.

“That’s enough, Devana!” The woman screamed in our direction.

“You give no orders here, Hunter.” I heard Max growl. It wasn’t his usual growl to an enemy, but something…else. I took a step forward, not caring what would happen because if I was correct, the intruder is my Mate’s sister, and she wouldn’t tell her to stop if it wasn’t doing Devana any harm. I could feel the heat coming from her hands, but I paid little attention as I reached down and snatched her away from the wolf.

“Wait! Dax! Wait a minute.”

“He’s fine! He is waking, and you look…” I looked her over, and the dark bruises under those cat-like eyes held all of my attention. “You’re exhausted.” I gritted.

“Jesus! Can you tell your mutt to stand down! I need to see my sister.”

“I am nothing but Purebred Alpha over this way, sexy. There isn’t a need for orders because you aren’t moving an inch.”

“I…I’m fine, Dali I…” Devana’s eyes rolled back in her head, and that was that.

“Dimitri! Take William to the clinic and stay there with him until one of the enforcers gets there. Max, stop the bull shit and get that Hunter to the house. Everyone else, you know what needs to be done, so fucking do it!”

“A…Alpha I would…” The shuddering came from Jayla, but I knew what she wanted.

“You may go with him, but you will stay there until I speak to the both of you. Now Move!” I shouted as I took quick strides to the main house.

Remi had the doors open before I made it to the house’s front steps. But I didn’t stop as other Pack members darted questioning looks at the other Hunter that made it onto our land and at me holding my Hunter in my arms. The fact that Dali made it onto our land in itself should have been impossible. I was up the stairs and inside my room before I knew it. I laid Devana on the bed, not knowing exactly what I should do for her when I heard Dali raising hell. I needed answers from her about what to do with Devana. I also needed to know how she managed to step foot on this property. My wolf refused to let me move from this spot, so I had no choice but to have Max bring the Hunter to me.

I moved toward the door, but I didn’t make it a few feet before my wolf went crazy at leaving Devana’s side when she was vulnerable. “Bring her here, Max.” I knew everyone heard the low growl. I was trying to hold back my anger, hatred, and fear all at once. Just because Devana is my Mate doesn’t mean I put aside my disdain for Hunters. Now I have two of them on my land and inside of my home. One of which was not invited and will not be staying.

“Da…Dax.” My body moved to the bed before I realized it. Her eyes opened, and I knew my wolf was peeking out, and it was the first time I couldn’t control it.