“You should,” she said, bringing his mouth back to hers. She didn’t kiss him like she wanted him to go but rather the opposite. Her parents had gone to their hotel an hour ago. His had left two before that, along with his siblings and his son. Her sister slept down the hall in Rose’s spare bedroom, which sat across from Autumn’s. Even Thumper had disappeared, leaving Lee and Rose completely alone.
Lee had been with a woman before, and he wanted nothing more than to be with Rose, wake up beside her in the morning, and make sure her Sabbath was glorious and full of joy. She matched him stroke for stroke, but he knew it wasn’t an invitation for him to stay the night with her.
“What are you doin’ tomorrow?” he asked, finally pulling away and getting control of himself.
“I don’t know,” Rose said, pushing her hands through her hair. “Probably going to the beach. Nat loves the beach.” She smiled at him, the happiness in her eyes making him happy too. “Please come.”
“Just tell me when,” he said.
“You’d miss your family lunch?”
“Of course,” he said. “Or you guys could come to it, and then we can go to the beach after that. Whoever wants to.”
“Who’s cooking tomorrow?” she asked as if that would be the deciding factor.
“Rissa,” he said. “She said anyone was invited.”
Rose clasped her hands around the back of his neck. “You’re my hero, you know that?”
“Hm, I thought I was just a surly cowboy.” He grinned at her, glad when she grinned back.
“Not at all, Handsome.” She kissed him again, and Lee let her set the pace as he moved with her, enjoying every moment with the woman of his dreams.