Rosalie called her daughter’s name as she went down the hallway. “We have to get going,” she said. “Lee and Ford are going to be here any minute.” She entered the bedroom to find her daughter struggling with the fairy wings that would complete her costume. “I got ‘em, baby.”
She dropped to her knees behind Autumn and helped her get her arm through the right loop to position the sparkly wings on her back just-so. “There.”
Autumn turned, bumping Rosalie in the face with the pointed tip of one wing. “Oof.”
“Sorry, Momma.” Autumn glowed with the joy that only Halloween brought to small girls who loved magical fairies and unicorns and glitter. She wore a leotard in bright pink and green, with more bedazzlement than Rosalie thought one garment could hold. Both Shay and Gretchen had helped Rosalie deck out the costume, and they’d all been there when Autumn had opened the package a couple of weeks ago at the farmhouse during one of their Sunday lunches.
Out of everyone there, only Rosalie and Autumn didn’t belong to the Cooper family officially. She hoped Lee would rectify that soon, but so far, there had been no proposals and no mention of diamond rings.
He’d shown up at her house about six weeks ago now, his guitar in his hand and everyone who mattered to her at his side. They all loved him too, so even if he could be distant sometimes, and proud others, and yes, surly, he was still everything in a man she’d always wanted.
He let her pick the restaurants they went to, and he showed up with surprises for her and Autumn just to make them smile. He kissed her like he meant it sometimes, and other times, he let her dictate how fast or furious the kiss would be. He never let a day go by where he didn’t tell her he loved her, and that meant so much to Rosalie.
The doorbell rang, and then Lee called, “It’s us, Rose.”
Autumn hugged her tightly and she said, “Go show him and Ford what you are.” Her daughter skipped out of the bedroom, calling for Lee to come see her. He laughed with her while Rosalie got to her feet. She peered out of the doorway to watch their interaction, and her heart had never felt so full with the love she saw and experienced between Lee and Autumn.
He would be her father figure, the man who’d raise her, and gratitude that her daughter would have someone like Lee in her life full-time overcame her.
“You didn’t dress up,” Lee said, looking past Autumn to her.
“No,” she said, stepping into the hallway fully. “I see you didn’t either.”
“You’re lucky I’m here,” he said dryly. He didn’t say he disliked Halloween, though he had in the past. She knew he didn’t like it, but he’d agreed to come walk around the neighborhood with the kids.
At the end of the hall, Ford stood in his wizard robes, and Rosalie smiled in his direction. “Let’s go get this done,” she said. “Then we can have hot ham sandwiches and caramel popcorn.”
“That’s the only reason I came,” Lee said, bending to put Autumn down. She ran off toward Ford, and the two of them disappeared into the kitchen to get her treat bucket. “And to see you, of course.” He took Rosalie into his arms, breathed her in, and swayed with her right there in the hallway. “I saw those caramel apples in the kitchen too.”
She giggled against his chest. “I bet you did.”
“Are those for me, or…?”
“You can have as many as you want,” Rosalie said. “Gretchen dropped them off earlier today, while I was at the office.”
Lee looked down at her, something serious in his expression. “What?” she asked.
“I’m glad you get along with Gretchen and Shayla,” he said. “Rissa too. Mama. Everyone.”
“I am too,” she said. “Now, if someone would get his act together and ask me to marry him, I wouldn’t have to feel on the outskirts of the family for much longer.”
His eyes danced with light. “Get his act together?”
“Yeah, that’s right.” Rosalie backed up out of his arms and started to go past him. “We’ve talked about marriage, where we’ll live, all of that. I’m not sure what you’re waiting for.”
“Rose.” He latched onto her hand, his fingers tight against hers. She turned back to him, surprise darting through her. “Kids. I want to talk about having more kids first.”
“Is that something you want? I mean, I’ve got Ford, and you’ve got Autumn, and the four of us will be fine. I just…wondered.”
Rosalie had fantasized about having a little boy or girl with Lee’s shiny, dark red hair. Maybe more like hers, with just a hint of fire in there. “Yes,” she said simply. “I’d have more children, Lee.” She reached up and tracked her fingers down the side of his face. “Your children.”
He smiled softly into the palm of her hand. “All right, then.” He kissed her then, and Rosalie could only imagine what it would feel like to be his wife and the mother of his children.
“Dad,” Ford said, and Lee ducked his head to break the kiss. “We can’t find Thumper.”