Page 43 of No Bad Deed

“Give ‘em here, Eden,” I demanded, hand out and no-nonsense expression in place.

“Fuck you, I’m in pain,” she retorted, tucking the remaining pills into her bra before somewhat reassuring me. “My tolerance isn’t as high as it used to be, but I won’t take more unless I can’t get off my feet soon.”

“Fine, but you’re giving up whatever you have when we’re through here,” I replied, not about to give in. They weren’t her drug of choice, but I didn’t think she’d be all that picky if she really wanted to backslide.

All I got was an eyeroll and a smartass reply. “Yes, Dad, I’ll behave.” My wince had the ghost of a smile floating around her lips. “Seriously, Detective, you’re a fucking prude. But please tell me it worked?” I quickly looked around, worried she might have been overheard.

“Shh, not discussing this now, but yes.” I shouldn’t have been surprised she’d heard me and the woman, Elodie, in the bathroom. Eden was quite good at using any angle to her advantage if she was at all able to. The fire alarm had gone off while I helped her clean up, so Vanni was probably wiping Rodrigo's system as we spoke.

“Good. Alright, help me out there. The less time on my feet, the better. Gonna be a pole-hanging night,” she snickered, eyes bright from the narcotics under all the heavy makeup.

I groaned at her morbid sense of humor but did as she requested, running into a snag with the announcer.

“What the fuck is wrong with my stage name?” she bitched when she was told she had to pick something else.

“Boss’ orders, Angel. Pick something else.”

“Fine,” she said with a sly smile that worried me. Not that I was sure what trouble she could cause with a fucking name. “Paradise. And play the Guns n’ Roses song to match, please.” He eyed her before shrugging and marking it down. He knew something was up as well as I did, but neither of us had a clue, and hopefully, neither would Rodrigo.

“I’m going to leave you here if you’re good,” I said, just out of sight on the side of the stage.

“Yep, you do your thing, Fields, and I’ll do mine.” With a wink, she composed herself and waited on her cue. If I didn’t know better, I’d have never guessed that she was hurt.

I came up next to Rodrigo who was working the room, trying to keep everything as it should be without the cops that moonlighted as extra guards for him.

“How’s it going, boss?” I asked, wanting to keep him close to me and away from Eden. Even on the stage, I didn’t dare trust that she was safe from him.

“You have a peculiar habit of turning up and being conveniently seen when you would otherwise need an alibi, Detective.” Before he could expand on whatever accusation he was about to lay at my feet, the decades-old, familiar beat and guitar chords of Paradise City filtered through the open room. "We have an old friend back in action tonight, gentlemen! She might look like an innocent angel, but tonight, we welcome Paradise!"

Eden strutted onto the stage, suggestively sucking on a cherry red lollipop amid catcalls as the customers realized it was her. Rodrigo, on the other hand, was already moving through the crowd toward the stage, fury emanating from him.

"She found a way around it anyway, fucking bitch. She's mine now, not his!"

I could only guess that he knew what the new name meant and that it had to do with his estranged son since he was headed exactly where I didn't want him—straight for Eden. My thumbs flew across the screen as I shot off a text telling the Carlottis to hurry the fuck up. An answering text came in, simply saying 'Here' before I pocketed my phone and chased after Rodrigo.

Of course, the fuckers came in and caused a stampede when they fired shots into the ceiling. Customers and employees alike fled for the exits that didn't host the gunmen, not that it did a whole lot of good. More men flowed in from the recesses of the club, but at least they ushered the dancers and waitresses out before putting down anyone else that even thought about putting up a fight.

I was still on my mission to get to Eden without getting shot, staying to the edges of the room and holding up my hands while yelling I was with Tony. “I’m trying to get to Eden. She’s on the stage!” The man became helpful then, clearing a path much faster than I had been able to. Some days, being a cop was not in my favor, especially around this crowd.

As the club emptied of patrons, I caught a glimpse of Eden’s men ruthlessly tearing through their enemies, leaving a trail of bodies behind them to bleed out on the floor. They’d catch up soon, so I’d better have Eden safe and secured, or they just might add me to the body count. I tried to ignore those that were caught in the crossfire, knowing that they had to have been aware of the risks before they chose to show up.

“Get the fuck off of me, you piece of shit! You’re done, asshole!” Eden's voice came from the side of the stage, but the lack of visuals made it so I could only imagine what was going on out of sight.

I rounded the corner, stopping dead when the man that had been clearing my way dropped, clutching his thigh and cursing when he couldn’t return fire. Rodrigo had one arm around Eden, the other pointing the gun at her head. At least he’s alive, I thought as I stepped over him, palms up.

“Don’t hurt her, DeLuca. Just let me have her,” I pleaded despite the futility of it.

“Hurt her? Why the hell would I do that? The whore is my ticket out of here,” he replied, brows arched, looking at me like I was the fucking idiot. He had to know he wouldn’t make it out of here, but he kept talking like he would. “I should have known you weren’t to be trusted. What’s your plan? Grab the girl and keep her for yourself? I promise, her pussy isn’t worth it.”

“You’re the one assuming I’m not on your side. I don’t want to see her hurt; there’s a difference.” I was trying to buy time, but I wasn’t sure what the fuck I would be able to do. Then the Carlotti men coming around the corner shot any chance I might have had all to shit.

They drew up behind me, hurling threats at Rodrigo while Eden stood there, gun to her head and...not fucking seeming concerned in the least. Did she take more pills? But her wink and pointed glance down had my eyes widening. She’d picked up a lighter somewhere and was surreptitiously trying to light it. I looked away from her hand, afraid of drawing attention to it, and stepped to the side, forcing Rodrigo to turn them both, giving her the cover she needed.

"Uh-uh, Detective, you stay where you are. I'm leaving and will deal with you all later." He turned his head, addressing Tony as if I was the least of his problems, and right then, I might have been. "I warned Vincenzo what would happen if you refused to fall in line. You're all—" His bellow of pain cut his bitching short, and he twisted and turned, never letting go of Eden as he tried to figure out what was happening.

"Balls hot, you asshole?" she taunted as she shoved him back. He let her loose to pat his rear and between his legs where smoke poured.

I didn't waste time; stepping to the side, I pulled out my firearm and hit him in the shoulder causing his arm to go limp and drop his gun.