Page 44 of No Bad Deed

His yelling was getting distinctly higher-pitched when I kicked his legs out from under him, and he rolled on the floor, trying to put his pants out while simultaneously clutching his useless bleeding shoulder.

There wasn't enough room for the other men to get past me and to Eden, but they'd turned to face whoever had come up behind them, trusting me to take care of their girl just I had to trust that they had mine.

"You should have kept your hands off of my niece!" I shouted at the downed man. "What part of Eden fucking Moretti was off limits, did you not understand?!" His eyes widened, full of pain and defeat, then his head jerked to the side when Eden popped off.

"Actually, it's Carlotti now. Tony and I got hitched." But that wasn't all she'd done. "Buh-bye, you rapist prick," she said sweetly with a finger wave before gripping Rodrigo's gun and putting a bullet between his eyes. Then she sat down on the steps and fished a pill out of her bra, swallowing it dry as she bitched about her feet hurting. I really need to get those away from her...and clean this mess up before the entire police force shows up.

"Eden!" Santos yelled, apparently done with whatever had drawn his attention away.

She looked up at him and held her arms up, confusing the shit out of me since she was supposedly married to Tony, which really irked me as I'd have zero chances of getting her away from them now, but I wasn't about to question what they had going on either. He picked her up, holding her to him, and from the grip he had, I doubted he'd be letting her go anytime soon.

"Hey, baby," she slurred, running a finger over his scars in a way that made me uncomfortable as fuck to be witnessing their reunion. "I killed your dad."

"Good, I hope it helped. God knows what he did to you. I'd have done it for you though, angel," Santos replied, unconcerned that his father's body was on the floor next to him.

"I don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to go home," she mumbled into his neck as he carried her out of the alcove and into the main room of the club.

"Santos, where's she hurt?" Vanni asked as soon as they came into view. Marco and Tony were behind him with a restrained, pale-looking Peter between them.

"I'm not sure, but she's not talking clearly," the scarred man answered, tucking her even closer if that were possible.

I sighed and fessed up. "She's had a few painkillers…"

"Eden, are you high or hurt?" Vanni demanded, tipping her chin up with gentle but firm fingers to look in her eyes.

She whined, "What, do you only love me when I'm sober? My feet hurt, Vanni. I needed them." Then she proceeded to pout and stare at the youngest Carlotti with liquid green eyes that had the man clearing his throat and adjusting his crotch.

"Woman, don't pull that shit right now. I need to know if you're okay."

I tried to speak up over the plainly pussy-whipped mobster, but his cousin chose to intervene.

"My Paradise better have a damn good reason for getting fucked up. Although I have to admit, she gave me the perfect intro." The big fucker winked at me with a crooked grin. "Hear you're family now, so I won't kill you just yet."

They're all fucking nuts, including Eden for that stunt she pulled to piss Rodrigo off. I needed a drink before my head exploded like the dead DeLuca's.

Antonio, dragging Peter along with him, joined the impromptu party, but Eden wasn't having any of that.

Eyes narrowed and looking a hell of a lot clearer than they had moments ago, she hissed at the man. "Why are you still alive?"

"What'd he do, Eden?" the new head of the Carlottis demanded. He shook the petrified monster before growling out, "You'd better not have touched my fucking wife, Finelli."

"You did a lot more than touch, didn't you, Peter? 'She's a feisty one, isn't she?' Does that ring any bells? Or maybe you need to shove your dick up my ass again to jog your memory," she said, venom dripping from every word.

"Here, hold your niece, Fields," came from the enforcer as he carefully handed Eden off. I had to admit, it felt like a higher stakes version of 'hold my beer.' I wasn't sticking around to watch what would be a grisly death; no doubt all of them would be taking a turn or three. It was time to destroy evidence and get the fuck out the club.

"Jasper burned my foot…if you happen to come across him," Eden called over my shoulder as a bevy of armed men surrounded us to escort her out.