Page 16 of Lark

“Lark, honey,” he starts as I throw a glare his way, then he rephrases. “Lark, please put the whips down so we can talk about this.” He makes a move in my direction, and I flick the other whip towards him in warning. Braeden speaks up taking pity on them

“She knows how to use those, as she’s shown you already, and she can keep this up for at least an hour. I don’t think we have that kind of time right now.” Why does he have to be logical? Can’t he see I’m in a standoff? “Fire bird? Do you want to tell me why you’re flashing everyone, swinging whips, and throwing, are those sex toys, at everyone?” I shake my head no. I do not have anything to say to those dicks. “Did someone hurt you?” Now he’s angry and looking to the three men, who up until yesterday, were strangers. “Do I need to kick someone’s ass, Lark?” Uh oh, real name, he’s pissed. I shake my head again, figuring I’d better answer.

“They need to learn to ask permission before touching me. Whatever ambiguity this room imbued earlier isn’t working this time. I care. A lot.” Apollo has gotten up and gestures for everyone to back up.

“Lark, we really don’t have time for this. I won’t punish you for defending yourself in here, but if we’re late and marked up in ways we can’t easily explain, I can’t protect any of you. I apologize for our forwardness. Can we please finish up and prepare for the evening?”

Reasonable. Why is he reasonable now?

I slow the whips. “If you promise not to touch me without permission again, any of you, you have a deal.” He nods his head in assent and I drop the whips.

“Marcus, get this cleaned up. Brent, come, let’s finish checking her out before we’re late.” He must notice the shitty look Marcus gives him. “Marcus, if you hadn’t tried to manhandle her, this may have all been avoided. And don’t forget how the injury occurred in the first place. Although, I blame myself as well, as I should have paid more attention. I apologize for being distracted. I'll monitor more closely from now on.”

I nod to my guys and make a shooing motion with my hand. They linger a moment, then turn and leave. I move back to the chair, and surprisingly it doesn’t have anything I threw on it. I climb up and cross my arms.

“Relax, Ms. Jones. I’ll explain everything before I do it and give you an opportunity to object.” He washes his hands and gloves up, while Apollo brings him a newly stocked tray. “I need to irrigate the rectum, just enough to disinfect it to prevent infection. It’s not an enema, and I won’t use that much liquid. It uses a small tube that may feel odd but should not be painful. If you feel any pain, let me know immediately.” I don’t object, and a basin is moved below me. I’m just going to ignore this as much as possible. Lubrication is applied, and the tube inserted a short way. I feel cool liquid pumped in, and it soothes the skin in there. After it’s removed, the doctor explains his next steps. I have to evacuate the liquid now. Of course I do. I do so in mortification. It was a little pink, but he thinks it’s okay. He wants to use an anal dilator, which is a smaller speculum essentially, so he can visually check. I’m not into this one, but he explains he’ll numb my sphincter first. I wish he would shut up, why did I want everything explained again? He uses a numbing lube, and while he waits on that to take effect, he checks my vagina then probes around inside, every so often asking if anything hurts. Sore yes, hurt no. After that he applies the dilator. It doesn’t hurt, but I can still feel it, and even more so when he clicks it open a few notches. He shines a light in and decides it’s more chafing than anything from the lube wearing off. They decide to evaluate what they’ve been using and check to make sure they’re all long-lasting formulas. Anything strictly water-based will absorb too quickly, he explains. With that finished, I’m done and get dressed.

“I suggest to be on the safe side that anal penetration is avoided for the next couple days. That could easily get worse,” Dr. Martins addresses Apollo and Marcus, who have finished the clean up now. They nod their agreement, thank the doctor, and ask him to send the guys in on his way out. I stand there, waiting, for what, I’m not sure. Maybe an apology from Marcus. Not that he gives me one.

As the guys come in, Marcus instructs me to go shower and shave everything and threatens to do it himself if I don’t. I leave to do so, knowing he'll make good on his threat.


“Is Lark okay?” It’s the first thing I want to know when she’s gone. Apollo answers me.

“Yes, just have to avoid any backdoor activities for a couple days, only to be safe.” He adds on the last to reassure me, I think. “We have a showing tonight. It's at my father's request, or I would have attempted to decline. Unfortunately, even I cannot defy Robert without consequence. Normally, you would all be outfitted, but I think some well-placed objects will help deter anyone from attempting to touch. There are usually one or two that will try anyway, but less is more in this case, in reference to clothing. I’ll leave the rest to Marcus and see what I can find for Lark.” With that, he leaves us with Marcus to take over.