Page 17 of Lark

Chapter Ten

The Showing

We’re all given an oil to rub down with before wide leather chokers with a ring on them are buckled around our necks, decent sized plugs are inserted, and clamps with feathers on the ends are put on our nipples. I don't know why I'm surprised at the hoopla after earlier, but it seems a bit much. Especially, when a length of silk wraps around our dicks after we get them hard, and our balls are tied up to them with rings in an effort to decorate the display and help us stay erect for the showing. "Really, dude? Is this necessary?"

Marcus, of course ignores me and continues instructing us on how to place the material. The silk goes around our thighs and weaves up to our waists, criss-crossing our chests, and is twisted apart in the back to help hold our cheeks open to show off the plugs. A longer clamp is used on our perineum after it is pinched to shape it.

"Rex, I swear to fuck, if you ever get me involved in something like this again, I'll kick your ass out of the house." Emmett is not amused at the clamp.

In his defense, that part was the least fun besides the degrading little bells hanging from it, jingling with every step. As we’re finished off with our hands bound by our wrists behind our backs, Lark comes in. She stops dead in the middle of the floor, gaping. I'm embarrassed we look like harem rejects.


Holy buff babies. The guys are decked out and wrapped up like a dominatrix’s wet dream. After earlier, I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but I actuallyget a little excited looking at them. My pleasant view is interrupted when Marcus approaches and speaks to me for the first time since calling me a bitch.

“Four, if you would please disrobe and get in the chair, I can get you done quickly. The sooner you’re ready, the less time everyone must be adorned this way. I’ll explain what I’m doing as much as I can, there's always the chance we might be observed. I apologize for not doing it in the first place. You’re being a good sport when you could have ratted us out. We took a chance going to the FBI for help when Rex started poking around looking for his friend and we appreciate both your, and Braeden's assistance.” Who’s this and where is Marcus? “And princess, don’t think I have forgotten I owe you one,” he says with a smirk. And there he is, folks. Braeden and Rex both start to object. I'm not sure what they think they’re gonna do while tied up though.

Before they get far, Marcus the Douche speaks again. Maybe I should call him Mad Dog. Code for Marcus the Douche. I like the idea. “Speak out of turn, and I will use a gag— one that I can stick my dick in, and you don’t want something that can accommodate my size in your mouth. That would be tame compared to the things Robert will do to you if you embarrass him." He shudders, as if recollecting past horrors, before continuing, "Three, you may be equinely inclined and hang lower, but I’m wider. Who wants to find out first?” No one responds. Ohhh, I guess the glass plugs did have a use other than just being obscene. Ouch...

I'm kinda confused as I was under the impression that the four of us as trainees would be interacting exclusively, at least for now. I need to talk to Rex or Emmett ASAP. Right now there isn't time as Apollo joins us and hands a tray to Marcus. I sigh, strip, and climb in the chair yet again. I’m gonna have my name stenciled on it if we don't get out of here soon.

“Apollo has cobbled some things together to be a place-keeper. Essentially, a decoration. Dr. Martins has approved it as well. Are you alright with me going ahead? You can take a look at the tray to see that it all resembles what the others are wearing. Except a couple, being you have different parts.” I glance over and quickly away, nodding my head.

After gathering my dark hair high onto my head in a secure bun, Apollo, much to my surprise, starts applying makeup. Marcus has a miniature looking plug that's made of what seems to be silicone and is missing the big part. It only has the flare on the outside portion and a small, open end that is inserted that expands enough to hold it in place. I close my eyes and try to relax, pretending I'm at a perverted spa and that I didn't notice what Marcus is holding.

I peek when I feel Apollo step back and see Marcus ready for his part. He inserts the contraption first into what looks like a mini tampon applicator, before I’m lubed up, then, with a sharp gasp from me at the rubbing on the damaged tissue, the tube is pushed in, and the insert is released. It’s not terrible, but I can tell it’s there, as I'm still really sore. I suppose anything at all would still be noticeable.

“I’m going to put extra numbing lube in with a syringe attached to a tube, then I’ll do the same to you all, minus the lidocaine, since I’m not sure how long we’ll be or when I can re-up it. All the plugs you have are equipped with removable cores, so I can periodically apply more.” The tube is longer than the funnel like plug, and it goes in higher. As Marcus backs it out, he releases its contents. It definitely has more of that numbing stuff as I feel more relaxed almost instantly. Holding onto the funnel sleeve, he inserts a rod that snaps into place with a hollow bulb hanging on the outside mimicking a large plug. It's an ingenious design. Might have to give Sunny boy props.

Before finishing me, he goes and tops off the guys too while Apollo dusts my body in gold powder and wraps me in a silk ribbon that matches what the others are in. Not sure how I feel about this collar though. Mostly claustrophobic at this point.

Marcus comes back and applies clamps to my nipples, clit, and taint using a side clamp that only goes into my vagina and tightens down from there and the outside. I squirm at all the hardware. Then comes the dildo, a silicone piece could be the javelin's shorter twin. I’m dry down there, so Marcus applies enough lube to grease a pig before working the mini javelin in until it’s finally inside completely. After he cleans up, he attaches a harness he fashioned out of more ribbon looped through the ring on the end to hold it in. Walking is going to be a bitch. The guys’ eyes are all full of heat, including Apollo and Marcus, when I look around. Marcus basically lifts me and places me standing up to avoid bending. I thank him, truly, and attempt to walk normally after them out of the room and through the apartment. Being nervous about others seeing me naked and adorned in such a manner, I get between Rex and Braeden, and surprisingly, Emmett gets behind me. They’ve effectively put me inside a circle.

Guards fall into position all around us as we go into the hall. We’re led through the commons, down a ramp covered in industrial carpeting, and into a small ballroom with a circular stage set in the middle of a horseshoe-shaped table. Mostly men, and a couple women, are already seated with their plates of food. Is this a fucking dinner party? The room is done in red and black, not a blood red, but more of a burgundy. Low lighting keeps it looking mysterious, but carefully-placed spotlights illuminate certain areas. We’re taken over to a wall in the shadows, but off to the side. It’s slightly inset, so we are out of the way as we hug our backs to the surface. The temperature in the room isn't cold, but it's cool enough to make me shiver at the contact from the painted concrete. Apollo and Marcus take the empty chairs directly in front of us. I try to keep the surprise off my face when I see naked men and women only wearing red collars serving food and drinks. The people at the table reach out and touch them occasionally as they pass near, but the servers are impassive about it and continue on with their duties. A mixed group of men and women with leashes attached to their white collars are led in. I’m seeing a theme of colors here. Now, just to figure out what they mean. As the eating dwindles, and the drinking intensifies, the dishes are removed, and the servers thin out. An older man that greatly resembles Apollo claps his hands, drawing everyone’s attention to him.

This must be Robert Vitti, Apollo’s father. The light comes up a little, and I see Dr. Martins is sitting next to Marcus. I notice movement under the table, and, focusing on it, I see women are servicing some of the men. One of the women at the table also has her legs draped over another's shoulders and her chair is made differently than the others, it's missing a section of the seat and taller so that the woman with her head in her skirt is nearly a part of the furniture, allowing her to sit almost normally. She’s paying attention to Mr. Vitti, acting like nothing is happening.

“I’d like to welcome you all to celebrate my son’s first undertaking with a group of trainees. He has been invited to present them tonight. At his request, and his clients' demands, this will be observation only. No touching. The pets that have been brought in wearing the white collars are available for general use. The servers will pass out containers with equipment in case you feel the urge to play with your pet. To kick off the evening, two of my own will provide entertainment. If any others have brought something interesting, tell your server, and they will pass it on to me to make a decision.”

Two masked women come in, stripping their robes off before they climb on the stage. Someone, I'm not sure who, activates a circular section that rises out of the center with a shallow step surrounding it.

It's like a display you see on game shows. I shiver at the thought of people probably being sold as merchandise on this very stage. My breathing picks up as I begin to panic. What if we're being sold tonight? Can we really trust Apollo?

Braeden scoots a foot, so it's touching mine, trying to comfort me. I'm afraid if I look at him I'll burst into tears again. I try to stare straight ahead so as not to bring attention to myself or my freak-out, but my only options are the naked slaves around the room or the guests at the table. Dr. Martins is in my line of sight enough for him to make eye contact, and his own widen at my growing distress. He surreptitiously gets Marcus' attention while the others select their 'pets'. I won't be a fucking pet.

Marcus leans in, speaking into Apollo's ear, too quietly for me to hear despite being right behind them. Apollo's shoulders stiffen slightly, and he jerks his head in a short nod. Marcus gets up from his seat to grab a black leather case out from under the table. He pulls a syringe out of it, and I begin to tremble. No one is commenting or even taking particular notice, making me think this is a normal occurrence. And maybe it is. He palms it and opens a square alcohol packet, shaking his head at Braeden's movement when he tries to step in front of me.

He whispers, "It's only a low dose of a very mild sedative. It'll take the edge off and get you through. I know you don't trust me, so think of it like this. No one here wants to see a dead fish up there, so it would do no good for me to knock you out." While his words are cruel, he does have a point, and I shakily nod my head.

Marcus turns me to get access to my inner elbow. He doesn't even untie my hands, just stretches my arm out, putting an uncomfortable pressure on my shoulder. The prick of the needle is over quickly, and moments after he pulls it out and puts a small bandage over the mark, I feel a calmness course through me.

Either I'm a lightweight, or the medication is stronger than he said. At this point I don't really care either way. I slump back against the wall, staggering a little. Brade and Rex both make low rumbling noises on either side of me, and Marcus shushes them. I lift my heavy-lidded eyes to stare at him. He mouths 'fuck' and turns a furious glare at the doctor. Someone's in trouble. The words sing in my head, giving me the urge to giggle. The sound catches Robert’s attention.

"Is there something amusing to your female trainee that we should be aware of?" Oh, shit. That's not good. I try to school my expression and hope it doesn't look as idiotic as it feels on my face.

"No, Father. I believe the fault lies with the medication as sometimes happens. You know how these things go. Can't always predict a reaction. She won't need them soon enough when I'm finished training her." Apollo smooths over my faux pas, and while I'd like to be annoyed with him, I'm grateful for the redirection. Even as I'm angry, I'm having a hard time keeping my thoughts in order.

"Very well. Be sure she improves, or she'll need to be cut out of your venture." The men on either side and in front of me stiffen at the threat. They all remain quiet though, only Apollo nodding his head in the affirmative at his Father. "Let's get on with the show, shall we?" I turn my wandering attention to the stage along with everyone else not occupied in the room.