Page 87 of Nightmare

And although his presence wouldn’t change the outcome from meeting with the Council, I knew that with him by my side I’d weather the upcoming storm, for no matter how fierce it proved to be, as long as we were together it would be impossible to completely drown.

Chapter 28

Istared up at the floating rows of Council members, all wearing solemn expressions. Head Nightmare Ember stood in the center, my jailer holding the keys that would either keep me here or finally release me from this prison.

Darius remained loyally beside me, staring at his Head Nightmare mother with defiance. I fumbled, searching, until my fingers found and intertwined with his. I clung to him tightly and he gave my hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze in return.

Ember frowned at our clasped hands. “Leave, Darius. This is between us and Nightmare Eden.”

“DreamerEden,” he corrected. “And I refuse to leave her.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You must.”

“I won’t.” His grip on me tightened, affirming his words. My heart swelled at his fierce loyalty. He’d always been here, my light in the darkness, the one who believed in me and who I now knew without a doubt I was connected to. Because of this precious connection I knew what I had to do, as difficult as it would be.

“You need to leave, Darius.” My voice shook as I voiced my plea.

He squeezed my hand again, his expression desperate. “I can’t leave you, Eden.”

“You have to. I need to atone for my own mistakes.”

He tightened his jaw resolutely and didn’t budge.

Ember frowned, her manner rather desperate. “If you remain, I’ll be forced to give you the same punishment. Please don’t make me do that.”

Darius lifted his chin in defiance, his decision. Wonder filled me. He really wouldn’t abandon me. But as sweet his loyalty was, it caused my panic to rise.

“If the situations were reversed, would you let me take the fall with you? Please, Darius.”

His determination faltered and his expression twisted in despair. “But Eden—” He searched my eyes for my sincerity before sighing in defeat. “You need me to leave.”

He sounded so sure, as if he could feel the intensity of the wish filling my heart for him to be spared my punishment, just as I could feel his own desperation to remain with me filling his. It was such a unique but beautiful sensation, as if all his feelings were my own.

“Please,” I said again. His expression crumpled and with a surge of relief I realized I’d won.

He embraced me and held me close. “Are you sure?” he murmured into my hair.

“Positive.” For it had been my own choices that had led me to this point, thus the punishment was mine alone to take. I cared too much to let him suffer because of our connection; I’d already hurt him enough, and I couldn’t bear to harm him further than I already had.

He nodded reluctantly. “Very well. I’ll wait for you outside.”

I shook my head. “You shouldn’t be anywhere near here should the outcome I anticipate occur. I’ll find you later.”

I watched his inner battle play across his expression before he relented with a sigh. He leaned down to my ear. “No matter what happens, I’m here for you. Please don’t be afraid. Everything will be alright. We’ll fix this. Somehow.”

He pressed his lips to my brow for a tender kiss, then with one final embrace he backed away, keeping me in his line of sight until he left the chamber.

I felt his loss the moment he departed, but I knew I’d done the right thing. I loved him all the more for allowing me to sacrifice for him, just as I loved him for having been willing to sacrifice for me in return.

Ember released her pent-up sigh. “Thank goodness he left. That boy is being utterly foolish.”

She glared at me, laying the blame solely at my feet. I couldn’t blame her. I knew becoming entangled with me made things complicated for Darius, but I wouldn’t push him away anymore.

“Nightmare Eden,” Ember began. “It has come to our attention that dangerous nightmares have been released and wreaked havoc in the Dream Realm as well as on Earth. After your previous warning following a similar offense in the Dream Cultivating Fields, the Council has compelled me to take action against your dark magic.”

Although I could see where her words were going, a strange sense of calm settled over me. Unlike when I’d been ejected from the Dream Realm, I didn’t feel as if a part of me was dying with the Council’s inevitable decision. If anything, I felt relief.

Yet I still felt compelled to state my case, needing the truth to be heard. “I didn’t release the nightmares. My weaving partner, Dreamer Caspian, can confirm I was weaving with him when the nightmares were released.”