Ember narrowed her eyes. “Yet you’re the only one who possesses the ability to not only see dreams but capture them. The crime could have been committed by no one else.”
“I don’t deny I’ve used my powers irresponsibility, and I can’t claim that I had no part in this crime, considering the nightmares that were released were captured by me. But I did not capture them for the purpose of harming the Dream Realm, nor am I the one who released them.”
“Even though you were the one who unleashed a nightmare in the Cultivating Fields?” Ember raised an elegant brow in challenge.
“I don’t deny that,” I said. “But these are two separate crimes, and I still assert my innocence in tonight’s events.”
Ember pursed her lips. “Despite your claims, there are no other suspects, clearly making you the culprit.”
I frowned, suspicious. Even for the damning situation, the proceedings seemed to be occurring rather quickly; it appeared the Council was so determined to suspend me they weren’t even making an attempt to investigate other possibilities.
“I have several potential suspects, but they are merely speculations.” As much as I yearned to, I couldn’t bring myself to accuse Mother and Trinity outright. “I still stand by my assertion that I’m innocent, despite knowing my word isn’t enough to escape the charge you’re laying before me.” I tugged my locket from my collar, nearly depleted after my futile efforts to recapture the escaped nightmares, and waited for them to empty it.
Ember’s brow furrowed. “You’re giving in so easily?”
“I acknowledge I played a part in the recent disaster. Perhaps in a small way this will help me atone for my mistakes, for I don’t want to be this person any longer.”
Ember rolled her eyes. “You’re weak as well as dangerous. I won’t allow someone like you to remain in this world any longer. You are hereby suspended from the Nightmare Realm.” With a click of her staff, all my magic twirled from my locket into the glowing moon residing on the top of her staff. As it was taken, it was as if a weight had been lifted from around my neck.
I couldn’t deny I felt fierce relief to finally be deemed unworthy of inhabiting the Nightmare Realm, yet that feeling wasn’t strong enough to completely dissipate my fears. If I didn’t belong in the Dream Realm or the Nightmare Realm, wheredidI belong?
* * *
“And once again wefind ourselves in a spectacular mess.”
I barely heard Stardust’s steady stream of dialogue as we soared away from the Council chamber. I cradled my now empty dream dust locket, hanging limply against my chest, but unlike after my last suspension, I didn’t feel as if I were drowning; I only felt numb.
“What are we going to do now?” Stardust asked. “I’m willing to go anywhere as long as it’s not with your horrible mother. I can’t stand her. You need to break away.”
I sighed. “I know, but I’m not sure I’m strong enough.”
“You need to stop believing that; your fear is keeping you trapped more than she is.”
“I don’t want to be alone; I need to belong somewhere.”
Outside of my Mother I knew there was Darius, for he’d reminded me tonight that in him I always had a place. Even though we were apart I sensed his heart reaching for mine, just as mine reached for his. He’d promised to come to me as soon as he could and I no longer doubted him. Despite everything, he’d never abandon me.
“Darius is my Pair.”
Stardust considered the words. “I do believe he is.”
Warmth filled my heart and seeped over me as if I were being dipped in the sun itself. My heart had been whispering this truth for ages; I was only now fully embracing it. “You once told me we couldn’t pair because he was a Nightmare and you believe I’m a Dreamer.” My smile became teasing. “It appears you were wrong.”
Stardust’s entire body blushed crimson. “I’m a high-class detective and thus can never bewrong. I was merely...mistaken. I’ve never heard of a Dreamer and Nightmare pairing, so I mistakenly assumed it wasn’t possible until you and Spiderweb disproved my initial assumption.”
I smiled. “Do you approve of him?”
“My opinion doesn’t matter,” she said. “He’s special to you and that’s enough for me. He’s surprisingly honorable for a Nightmare, not to mention it’s clear he cares deeply for you and makes you happy.”
I stroked her. “Thank you, Stardust.”
She eyed my smile, her look incredulous. “You seem to be handling your suspension well. Aren’t you upset about losing all your magic?”
I tried to sort through the conflicting emotions warring within me. “I admit I’m afraid of what the future holds, but I can’t deny that this suspension feels...right. I don’t belong here, and now that I don’t have any more magic, I can’t be forced to participate in Mother’s plan.”
Stardust frowned. “I doubt Ebony will allow you to escape for any reason; she seems determined to keep you ensnared forever.”
Trepidation knotted my stomach. I ached to argue against Stardust’s assumption, but unfortunately it was true, a fact which was only confirmed when we arrived at the tree that harbored our home. I pulled on the branch that opened the door and waited for Stardust to morph into her hair-clip disguise before we descended the twisting staircase down into the darkness.