Dagr dragged him closer and angled his head. Their mouths crashed together in a kiss so ferocious the very ground Oz stood upon seemed to shake.

Or perhaps it was the thunder in the distance.

They parted, but barely. Oz clung to Dagr, not wanting to let go. Forehead to forehead, they didn’t move.

“Never doubt my love for you, Oz. But you understand it’s impossible for us to be more.” He sighed. “I can’t accept a tiny piece of you. I need it all or nothing.”

The breeze off the sea whipped up, battering against them. Oz’s hair blew back, and a chill washed over him. Lightening crackled in the distance, over the water, and another rumble of thunder shook the very earth.

“Let’s get inside before the deluge comes,” Dagr said before taking Oz’s hand in his and leading the pair of them inside.

His hand burned Oz’s palm, the heat of his male scorching him. But there was no way he was letting go until he was forced into it. They walked along the gilded hallway together—until they reached the top of the winding staircase that led to the grand gallery. Below, Oz could hear the tittering laughter, the whispers of the gossips, and the music swirling into a cacophony. It sounded like torture.

Moments before they descended, Dagr drew his hand away. The lifeline gone, Oz felt his body sway.

“Take a deep breath,” Dagr whispered before marching on ahead.

They couldn’t enter together. There were already rumors swelling due to the years they traveled together, as it was. Not that Oz cared much.

Oz smiled as he heard Dagr announced. “Baron Dagr von Burgstaller of Clyffsyde.”

He wished he was already inside to see the shocked faces of the nobility. It was the only highlight of the night worth looking forward to, and he missed it.

A few moments passed before he approached the doors to the ballroom. As soon as they were opened, the herald announced him.

“Johannes Oswald Hieronymus von König, Crown Prince of Aelymanua.”

All heads turned in his direction. Silence fell. He could almost hear the anticipation pulsate through in the room.

A crash of thunder shook the very walls, and a gust of wind blew through the ballroom, blowing out many of the hundreds of candles filling the room.

What an entrance.

* * *

Nearly an hour later, Oz was taking a quiet moment from making his rounds through the ballroom. That quiet was short lived. His father soon found him hiding in the salon.


Oz shook his head. “No,” he fibbed. “I needed a moment to breathe. It’s hot in there.”

“Quite so. There’s a bevy of young beauties tonight. I would hope you could finally find one who suits you.”

Oz clenched his teeth, struggling to not say the things he wished to say. How could his father think he could so quickly wed another when his heart belonged to Dagr?

And maybe a little of it belonged to Llyr, too.

A seed had been planted. There had been little time to let it grow much, but the inkling it had was enough to leave him devastated by the loss. But then, love was no requirement for his father. The king demanded heirs, so all that mattered were the babes to come. “The night’s still young.”

His father focused on him. “Every eligible maiden is here tonight. Either you pick one, orIpick one for you.”

Oz kept the angry growl rising up his chest back. “Stay out of my love life.”

“As I have thus far? If only you could put a babe on Dagr, your life would be so much easier. Dagr is a fine man and a loyal friend. I can see why you would be attracted to that.”

Oz gasped inwardly. “If a male could give me a babe, you would be fine with that?”

“You love who you love. I accept that.” His father sighed. “But Dagrcannotgive you the heir you need. So, no—I cannot give you my blessing there.”