“Of course not. Duty and responsibility come before happiness.”
“Perhaps you’ll find a wife willing to ignore your…liaisons… with Dagr. If so, you can continue the affair. But that’s all it can be, Oz. An affair.”
“Dagr refuses that. He either has all or nothing.”
“He will change his mind,” his father said. “You have a duty to fulfill. As does Dagr. He will come to understand. One day you will wear my crown and the burden of this land on your shoulders just as the dukedom will be on his.”
“Tyne was supposed to stand in my shoes,” Oz complained. “The crown was his.”
“Our world changed. We lost your brothers and now you must wear the mantle and become the ruler I know you can be. And youmusthave an heir.”
“So I can force my child to rule as I’m being forced?”
His father was quiet a moment. “You became captain of your own boat. Why?”
Oz frowned. “Because I desired to go where I wished.”
“You needed to lead… yet that came with responsibilities. You had a crew to govern. A ship and resources to protect. Is being a ruler so very different? All you see is the responsibilities and the duty. You don’t see the power you would wield. You would captain this nation on a journey all your own.”
Oz eyed his father, letting those words sink in.
“This crown will lead you wherever you wish to go… as long as you protect your home and your people. Unerringly as you did aboard theReliance.”
“You make it seem so simple.”
“To some, I doubt they would think what you did upon that ship was easy, yet you led with ease. You were born to this, my son… even if you weren’t the first in line, it has fallen to you. When you accept your fate, perhaps things might become easier.”
His father left him to contemplate his future.
Still, his mind went to Dagr and Llyr…
They were his fate… not some stupid crown.
Dagr stood beside his grandmother, watching the spectacle around them. It had been far too long since he’d attended a social event. And for it to be Oz’s matchmaking ball was the worst idea ever. Not only did he have to handle the stares, whispers, and gossip about his parentage, it was only increased by the news of his future status…
And rumors of he and Oz. He’d overheard a whispered comment about the time he’d spent so close to the future king. Gossip as salacious as that was bound to spread like wildfire. Yet it hadn’t stopped some of the more ruthless mothers from introducing him to their daughters.
Rumors or not, he was soon to become a duke. His grandfather’s health was rapidly declining. It was likely a matter of weeks. And the nobility knew it. Whether they liked it or not, they would have to accept him in his new role. Clyffsyde was the largest duchy in the kingdom and granted him a great deal of power.
Dagr had already danced with three insipid girls barely off their mother’s laps. Others eyed him hungrily. Perhaps they waited to rid themselves of their distaste for the color of his skin. He scowled, hating playing the game before it had truly started.
“Scowling like that will not win you any friends, grandson,” the duchess said at his elbow.
“Do I really desire friends like these?”
“Some of them you might need as allies, yes,” she murmured. “Especially those with lands bordering Clyffsyde.”
Dagr forced the scowl from his face and attempted a smile.
“I daresay that’s more terrifying than the scowl. Stop it at once,” his grandmother said.
“Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.” His attention went to Oz once more. His lover twirled a pink little princess around the dancefloor. Oz’s stare flipped to his before they spun away.
“Perhaps you could stop lusting over Prince Oswald so all could see?”
“I wasn’t lusting over Prince Oswald,” he lied.