“You’ve had too much to drink,” Dagr spat under his breath. “Otherwise, you’d be more careful in public.”
Oz yanked his hand away. He regarded Llyr. “I always forget myself when there’s a pretty man in front of me.”
Llyr glanced at Dagr. “Why must you be careful in public?”
Dagr sighed. “A man… enjoying the company of another man?”
Llyr was confused.“And?”
Dagr eyed him. “Let me guess… under the sea, that’s allowed?”
“Allowed? Of course.” Llyr gasped. “Is it not here?”
“I need to become a merman,” Oz whispered. “I think I’d like it better down there.”
“If only youwerea merman,” Llyr said. He glanced at Dagr, smiling. “You’d both be so handsome with tails.”
Dagr observed him warily. “As I was saying before dinner arrived—tomorrow morning, we’re headed to see a white witch. You’re coming with us.”
Llyr turned his attention to Dagr. “Do you think she can help?”
“She can hopefully tell us if you’ve got us under a love spell,” Dagr replied.
“A love spell? I think not.”
“Why else would we have this compulsion toward you?”
Llyr smiled. Just barely. “And if you’re not under a spell?”
“Ithasto be a spell,” Dagr replied. “There’s no explanation why we would have this need to protect you.”
“Toclaimyou,” Oz added.
Llyr wriggled in his seat, his body ripening at their words. The idea had crept into his mind more and more… but he’d dismissed it. Until he heard what it was they’d experienced. “Youcouldbe bound to me…”
Both men stared at him, their mouths and eyes wide open.
Dagr rose to his feet. “This has all become a bit more than I’m capable of listening to tonight. I think it’s time we said goodnight.”
“Are we going upstairs?” Llyr asked, hopeful.
“We? No.You’regoing upstairs,” Dagr said. “Oz and Iare going back to the ship.”
“I refuse to spend another night on the ship,” Oz spat. “I paid for a bed here, and we’ll damned well use it.”
“You’ve had too much to drink,” Dagr said.
“Maybe you’ve had too little,” Oz replied sarcastically.
The two men glared at one another a moment as the tavern quieted around them.
“Icould go back to the ship,” Llyr offered, keeping his voice low. He hated seeing the two at odds. “I had no plans to cause problems here. And it’s apparent I’ve done just that.”
Both men eyed him before Oz waved one of his men over.
“Mr. Tyler—can you please escort Llyr back to the ship? He can use my quarters this evening,” Oz said.
“Don’t bother,” Dagr said. “I think I’ll escort him myself. I’ll sleep better in my own bed tonight.”