Llyr’s eyes went wide. “Can someonedothat?Eattheir own fingers? Or have a hollow leg?” He reached down and pressed on both his legs. They seemed quite firm.

When he lifted his stare, both men eyed him again with the same peculiar expression as before. Suddenly, Oz let out a bark of laughter. Before he lifted his mug to his lips, he proclaimed, “You’re hilarious. Youreallyare.”

Llyr forced a laugh. Was his ignorance of their world laughable? Then he reminded himself that they were skeptics. In their eyes, his life was all a delusion. How delusional would it seem when he sprouted a tail in a few days? Llyr almost wished time would speed up, just so he could see the looks on their faces. “I’m sorry if I ate more than my fair share. I haven’t had a decent meal in some time.”

Oz frowned. “Oh no! Eat all you wish… and if you wish for more, I’ll gladly have them bring another tray. No one walks away from my table hungry.”

“No. Thank you,” Llyr murmured.

Oz lean closer. “We honestly meantnoharm in our comments. If you’re hungry, eat.Please.”

Llyr smiled, his stomach tightening. A pulse low in his belly radiated outward, liquid heat filling him. “No… honestly, the longer I sit here, the fuller I feel. I doubt there’s room for another bite.” Hewashungry, but it wasn’t no longer food that would sate him.

“Are you sure?” Dagr asked, watching him close.

Llyr nodded. “Thank you, but I swear, I’m quite full now.”

Oz took another drink from his pint before eyeing Llyr. “I’ve been listening to your accent and trying to place it… yet I’m struggling. Where are you from?”

“I’ve told you where I’m from,” Llyr answered lazily. He didn’t want to say too much in mixed company. He observed the humans around him, fearful someone was listening, but they all seemed too involved in their own conversations. Fortunately.

Oz eyed him. “No… really.Whereare you from?”

“Aegeaus. As I already said.”

“Where’s that?” Oz asked.

Llyr sat up straighter. Oz’s words and voice were changing. Each syllable grew a little longer. What was causing that change? “Under the sea.”

“We’ve traveled all over the world,” Oz murmured before leaning back on his bench. “I can usually place an accent with ease.” He cast a glance at Dagr. “You, my friend? Hazard a guess? Where is our merman from?”

“Shhhhh,” Llyr whispered. “Please.”

Dagr narrowed his eyes and gave a glare that made Llyr sure the man could see into his very soul. Llyr lifted his chin, daring the man to truly see him.Allof him.

“Not from anywhere we’ve been,” Dagr replied, his voice low and deep. “But there’s no point in making a scene, Oz.”

“I’m not making a scene.” He leaned across the table and winked at Llyr. “He and I jumped aboard a ship heading to the Far West when I was barely fourteen.” Oz focused on Dagr and Llyr saw something warm shared between them. “Hewas not quite fifteen.” Oz turned his attentions back to Llyr. “Since then, we’ve been to nearly every port in the known world. Some in places where there are no official maps,” Oz added. He quieted and gave Llyr a thoughtful, seductive look. “Imustknow where you’re from. If it’s a place I’ve never been, I’ll have my next destination on the map.”

“Oz,” Dagr warned.

Oz gave him a pointed stare. “One day. I refuse to be kept hostage forever.”

“Hostage?” Llyr asked, worried. Were the pair in some kind of trouble?

“It seems my sailing days are soon coming to an end. I’ve been called home, which Dagr has once again reminded me.” He offered a melancholy smile that Llyr understood down to his soul. “But Iwillfind a way to return to the sea.” Oz waved a hand. “We should discuss something else.” He smiled alluringly at Llyr. “Like this attraction we experience whenever you’re around.”

“Oz,”Dagr warned.

Llyr fought the smile coming to his lips. The change of topic was welcome, even if it did leave him a little breathless. He was happy to discuss anything other than where he was from, especially if it was admission about their desire for him. A thread of need slid up Llyr’s spine. More of his slick eased from his cheeks—which felt odd out of the water. He then realized it would dampen his dry clothes if it continued.I wonder what omegas of this world do to hide their desires.

“Attraction?Are you saying you’rebothattracted to me?” He’d scarce been able to get the words out of his mouth. They’d sounded throaty and desperate to his own ears. Had the two men heard that desperation?

“Well, if you have to ask, you must not be very observant.” Oz leaned closer before he trailed his fingers over Llyr’s cheek.

“This isn’t the place,” Dagr warned under his breath.

“Damn them if they have a problem,” Oz snapped under his breath. The scent of ale washed over Llyr’s face as he talked. “I want who I want. They can be damned.”