"But how does that help him?" I asked, and then waved it away. "No, that's not actually why we came. Faylie, we have this session, and the submissive is a woman he hates. She's also a woman, and I've never kissed a woman before. I hate this girl, and I really don't want my first kiss to be with her."
"But Amerlee..." Faylie said, the confusion clear.
"Her mother," Ela explained. "Amerlee all but adopted Nari when she was surrendered. Jamik may as well be her father. They have an agreement to never perform together, and to not even watch."
"Which is why Amerlee took that year off," Faylie realized. "Oh, that's actually sweet. I can only assume Shalsa is family as well, right?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Just weird to think of kissing them. I'm not opposed to women, but I've never been attracted to any in my class, and I think it's because I was always the youngest. For so long, I was just a baby while they were growing up, so they treated me like I was annoying. The boys didn't care as much. Now that we're initiates, I'm this thing, and that causes another type of distance, so I haven't met a single woman I want to kiss." My teeth found my lower lip, and I looked at Ela, then back. "Except you."
"Me?" she asked.
"Just a kiss," I said. "And this is me asking if you mind. It's just that I don't want to have something so special with someone - "
She leaned in, pressing her mouth to mine, and cut off the words. For a moment, I paused in shock, and then I realized that this very pretty woman was kissing me. Her lips weren't like a man's. They were softer. Her mouth was smaller, and she felt smoother.
I leaned in a little and parted my lips. Hers matched, and what came next was so natural. Our tongues bumped, my hand reached up to her face, and she relaxed into me. My head tilted, and hers bent to match. I pressed her deeper into the couch, curling around her. Faylie made no move to stop me. Instead, her hand clasped my arm, holding it against her. Her lips moved in time with mine. Our tongues swirled, dancing around each other, and I liked it.
She was nothing like a man. It wasn't just a difference in size, but so much more. Faylie was gentle and feminine. She was fragile and meek. She was also sensual, curvaceous, and alluring. She smelled like citrus and sugar. She tasted so different from any man I'd ever kissed. There was a power to having her in my arms, and I didn't hate it.
Our mouths caressed one last time, and then I leaned back. "Thank you," I whispered against her lips.
"You're so beautiful, Nari," she said, her words soft, meant for me alone. "The pair of you will be amazing, but I think I finally understand your partner. He has no limits because he gave them all to you. He's been yours for so long that he didn't even notice, and you are so easy to be with that he doesn't care. He just hasn't realized that you're just as dangerous, but in a whole different way."
"What way?" Ela asked, proving he was listening.
Faylie caressed my face one last time, then turned to him. "You're the wolf. She's the scorpion. Everyone sees you coming. Nari? She looks so fragile. She acts so sweet. Nothing about her seems dangerous, until you're in her arms, and then you realize you never want to leave." Her cheeks were turning pinker. "I, um, can see the appeal."
Ela caught her hand again and lifted it to his lips. "It's a lot harder to hate you when you like her."
"That," Faylie said. "See? She's your limit. You destroy those who want to hurt her. You punish those whohavehurt her. You group people without even thinking about it, and I was put on the wrong side. I think that's what we need to work on next. Finding a way for you to control how you think of someone so that you only punish when it's deserved."
"He does that naturally," Wraythe said.
"Bullshit," Quin grumbled.
"Hear me out?" Wraythe begged him. "His first session for class was with a guy who tried to push Ela around. Somehow, he knew that Osas was bluffing. Ela took control, and he could've broken the man, but he didn't."
Ela groaned and rocked back before standing. Then, as he headed back to the chair, he explained, "He was just scared."
But that had Faylie's complete attention. "But he pushed you around, Ela. How did you know he was scared?"
"The way he did it," he explained. "He was bluffing, and I could feel it. Osas is bigger than me, almost Wraythe's size, and he was so sure that meant he had to be more of a man."
"But?" Faylie pressed.
"I don't know!" Ela snapped.
In the kitchen, Quin tensed, but Talin dropped a hand on his shoulder, making the man relax before they picked up a selection of cups. Carrying three each, the pair made their way in. Talin passed a tea to Ela first, then me, keeping the last for himself. Quin gave Faylie the first one, Wraythe the next, and then moved to stand beside his desire. His eyes naturally moved back to Eladehl, proving he was not a fan. He honestly thought Ela was a threat.
"Relax," Faylie told him. "He's not going to touch me with his own partner in the room."
"He hates me," Ela joked, flicking a finger at Quin. "Here's the weird thing, Faylie. I don't want to hurt him. Figure that out."
"Because you know what he's doing," Wraythe said, answering before Faylie could. "You only hurt those who want to hurt you - or use you."
"Use how?" Faylie asked.
This time, it was Talin who answered. "Patrons think of priests as pretty little baubles to entertain them. They don't care if they break us - regardless of our Path - because we're here to serve. They assume they deserve us. They act like they're better than us. That's what he means by use."