Faylie just laughed. "Come. Sit. They're fine, Quin. Nari's a friend, and Ela's not as bad as you think."

"No?" Quin snapped. "Who else has caused this much damage to you, Fay? And you keep letting the little shit come back. His dick must be fucking impressive or something, because - " He stopped, looking over at me. "Sorry, Priestess. I overstepped my place."

"You're fine," I assured him. "And it's your job to worry about her. I'm assuming it's a challenge to be both her dominant partner and her guardian, hm?"

The man laughed once. "Pretty much. Drinks?"

"Let me help," Talin said, moving with Quin into the kitchen area.

Wraythe just pointed at the chair, his eyes on Ela. "I'm thinking you should give her space. Her guardian seems a bit twitchy."

"With good reason," Ela grumbled.

I, however, moved to sit on the sofa beside Faylie. "So, I need advice, and you're the only woman I could think of who might help. A few minutes ago, we were given our next assignment in Sexual Orientation. It's a threesome, and because of Ela's training, we're going to be put in dominant and submissive roles."

"You are not a submissive," Faylie told me.

I waved her off. "Already know that, and it's been talked about to death. Here's my problem. The instructor?"

"Oryll," she said, proving she knew.

"Yeah, he paired us with one of the girls making my life miserable." I glanced back to Ela, then decided to lay this all out there. "Faylie, there are two of them. In primary, Ciella - a very beautiful girl with blonde hair that she's very proud of - made our lives miserable. She's still trying, but now a girl named Tishlie has joined in. She is short, delicate, and has these ringlets. You look a lot like both of them. Ela hates them for what they've done to me."

"What have they done to you specifically?" Faylie asked.

"Ciella tormented me through primary. She destroyed my clothes at one point, made everyone else laugh at me, and for years I was sure that I wasn't good enough. Tishlie? Well, the man who was supposed to be my guardian ended up with her. She's stupid, shallow, and brainless."

"A brat of a submissive," Eladehl added.

Faylie was nodding. "Ok, I can see where that would cause some annoyance, but why the rage, Ela?"

"They hurt her," he said softly. "Emotionally, not physically."

"What did I do?" she asked.

Ela leaned forward, and Faylie's eyes immediately dropped to the floor. "Look at me," he snapped.

I watched as her gaze jumped back up, her submission so inherently a part of her that it wasn't obvious. She wasn't weak. She was nothing like I'd expected of a submissive, but she was still completely under Ela's control. Faylie swallowed, her gaze wavered between his eyes, but she did exactly what he said.

"I didn't notice it. Nari's the one who saw it. All I knew was that something about you made me angry. Your face is shaped like Tishlie's, and your hair curls like hers. Your hair is colored like Ciella. Your manners remind me of Ciella when she's behaving. Ciella also tried to make Wraythe into a joke. It's actually how we met Nari, so I have a lot of experience with her tearing others down to lift herself up."

"I didn't do it," Faylie whispered.

Ela rocked in his chair as if he was about to get up, but Quin's voice came from the kitchen. "Keep your ass in that chair, boy."

Ela laughed once. "I was actually going to be nice, Quin."

"You don't fucking know how."

"He does," Talin assured him. "I can also promise that you have three other guardians in here who can stop him."

"Uh..." Quin paused. "Right, Nari." Then he sighed. "Ela, she's still recovering. Do not hurt her, because she will let you."

"Iwon't let him," I promised before Ela could say anything. "He's not here for a session."

As soon as Quin nodded, Ela got up and crossed the room to grab Faylie's hands. Then he knelt before her. "Have I been that bad?"

She smiled at him, but it was almost sad. "You're a lot, Ela. If you were less strong, or less controlled, it wouldn't be so hard. I'm trying to find your limits, which means we have to go to the extremes, but..." She looked over at me. "I've only found one. You, Nari."