This woman was so beautiful, so sensual, and all mine. Even when someone else had her body, she was still mine. Well, ours, but they were mine too. The fear that had been suffocating me for so long was finally releasing its grip, and each pass of our mouths made it dissolve a little faster. She wasn't scared of me. She didn't hate me. She wasn't repulsed.

She was turned on.

I pulled back as a huff of relief fell out. "I didn't mean to," I breathed.

Her lips curled, so close I could feel it. "You did. I also like it. My own devious and dangerous weapon." She stole another quick kiss, then leaned back enough to meet my eyes. "But I need you to show me where Faylie lives."

That made my heart slam to a halt. "What? Why!"

Nari chuckled. "Because I'm not about to kiss Amerlee or Shalsa, and there's no way that little idiot will be the first woman I kiss. Faylie likes women, she's nice, and I need to beg her for a favor."

"To kiss her?" Wraythe asked, proving he and Talin were still hovering.

Nari nodded. "Yeah. Just... Trust me, guys?"

I slid my fingers out of her hair and stepped back, my arousal long gone. "Yeah. She's in a different hall."

"Please, Ela?" she asked.

So I offered my partner my arm. Nari took it, sliding her hand against my forearm, and then I turned us the right way. My guts clenched, because I didn't want to do this. I didn't want Nari and Faylie to become friends. I didn't need my girl to hear all about what I'd done - but that was stupid.

Nari knew. Faylie had been going to their lunch dates with Maela. Wraythe had told her plenty, as had Amerlee and Shalsa. Sheknew- and she'd just made it clear that she didn't care. I did, though. I felt like I was doing something wrong, as if I was letting her down, but maybe I needed to reconsider that.

My partner was strong. Oh, she was weak in some ways, but overall, she was a very strong woman. Nari stood before a god; she carried burdens that would break most people. Over and over, she'd risen to the challenges she was given, and found a way to succeed.

Was that why this bothered me so much? Because the love of my life was so fucking perfect, and I felt like I wasn't? But maybe I'd been looking at it wrong. Back there, none of them had worried about me. They hadn't tried to stop me. They didn't act as if I was doing anything wrong at all.

If anything, they seemed proud of me, almost as if I'd accomplished something that no one else could. I wasn't just a punisher. I was a destroyer, the kind of sadist who could make my target beg for even more. The type who was a weapon made by a god.

I'd been told that my match-marks to Nari were the swirls on my dick. Zeal had put it there for a reason, and it seemed this was why. Wraythe was the shield. He went first and blocked the hits. Talin was the blade. He followed beside her and tore down any threats. I'd always assumed that my place would be beside her, but it seemed that I'd been looking at this all wrong.

I was the temptation. I was supposed to be inside her, just like her heart. I was the lover who'd break them with pleasure. Zeal had made me into a weapon, and I knew that. I'd accepted that. I just hadn't realized - until right now - that it wasn't a bad thing. I kept her safe by loving her.

By the time I lifted my hand to knock on Faylie's door, I was starting to feel a little better about this. A bit. I still didn't want my partner talking to my instructor, but this was happening. Granted, if Nari wanted to kiss a woman, well, at least I'd get a front row seat.

Chapter 33


The door opened, but the man on the other side didn't look pleased. Faylie's guardian let his eyes scan Eladehl first, then he moved to me. That made his expression soften a bit, until he realized our guardians were behind us. I watched him consider the situation, but he did not open the door any wider.

"What do you want, Eladehl?" Quin asked.

"Nari wanted to talk to Faylie," Ela explained. "I'm just here to show her the right door."

"Uh huh." He pulled in a breath. "And it can't wait until the weekend, huh?"

"No," I admitted before Ela could reply, "it can't. I'm sorry, Quin. And this has nothing to do with her getting hurt."

He sighed and pulled the door wider. "Fay? Company!"

"I heard," she called back.

Just as we piled into the main room of her suite, the delicate little blonde walked out of her bedroom. She wore no makeup, and her hair was up in a knot on her head. A casual look, but it worked for her. The bruise around her neck, however, didn't. Ela saw it, looked away, and groaned.

"You did that?" I asked.

"Yeah," he grumbled. "See, I told you this was a bad idea."