That made others agree, so I nodded, making it clear I heard them. "You all lead by example. She's a student. Make it clear that her way isn't something new and foreign. It's what you've all been doing this whole time and hiding it. I know that your wards come first. I promise I get that, because I feel the same about my guardian, but she comes second."
"You want us to guard her," a woman said. "But from what?"
"From the pressures of the temple," I said. "None of you are just a sword or a fist. Your presence in a room is enough to change the tone. So, do something. Anything! I don't care what, but waiting for orders isn't it. I need you to step up and help her."
"She's not our partner," Harlin pointed out, but his expression was a little devious, like he was taunting me instead of disagreeing.
"She's your god's Chosen," I said again. "No, she's not your desire. She's not your partner. She's Zeal's, and he's invested in her. What good are we as priests if we aren't working to furtherhisgoals?"
"She's the future of our faith," Wraythe said, his deep voice carrying even though the words weren't loud.
Harlin chuckled. "Wonder what would happen if a few of us sat in on the classes?"
"Or had our desires do so," the dark-skinned man added.
"We could complain about the instruction so she doesn't have to," someone else said.
"Or ask why she's graded that way, making it clear Oryll's way isn't the only one," another said.
"Walk the halls between student classes," someone else suggested, "because you know it's not only the teachers giving her a hard time."
"The kids have been doubling up to make sure she can't be targeted," Jamik told them. "So yeah, that would help."
"If nothing else," another woman said, "we can keep an eye out for her."
"Mostly," I told them, "her problem is the rumors. She spent the holidays with her guardian, who just happens to be the baron's younger brother. Rumors say she's snagged the baron as a patron."
"She can't," one of the guardians said.
I nodded, making it clear he'd just proven my point. "Exactly, but rumors are powerful. So spread others. There are things she can't do on her own, and too few of us can see Zeal. We need help, and I'm asking."
"Are the rumors about you true?" that dark-skinned man asked. "Heard you put Faylie in bed for a week, and not in a good way."
I sighed and dropped my head. "This isn't about me."
"Kinda is," he countered. "Where Nariana goes, so do you. You're her chosen partner, so I want to know what the real story is."
"I've been getting lessons," I admitted.
Wraythe dropped his hand on my shoulder, cutting me off. "He's a punisher. He's going to be very good at it, but he's still in training to master his limits. Zeal has claimed Ela in his own way. He's a temptation, but a dangerous one. He's also under control."
"You sure about that?" the man asked.
"I am," Wraythe said. "He's not, but I am."
"Good enough for me," the man said.
But that was more than I could take. Before anyone could ask me another question, I turned and headed for my things, grabbing the clothes I'd shed as I warmed up. Behind me, Wraythe groaned, but he followed. I may have slowed just enough for him to get his own stuff, and then I headed for the door.
"What?" Wraythe asked as I shoved through it.
"I'm not in control," I snapped. "You saw what I did! And he said she was in bed for aweek?"
"She didn't say no," Wraythe reminded me. "She called off her own guardian when he was ready to step in."
"Because Imadeher," I grumbled.
Wraythe caught my arm, yanking me to a halt. "Fucking stop!"