I did. Mostly because I couldn't remember the last time he'd lost his temper with me. To see my best friend looking at me like this? He wasn't just annoyed. Wraythe was honestly pissed.

"What?" I asked, but I couldn't keep the frustration from my tone.

"You're half her problem," he snapped. "You're so worried about being this thing, that you can't see how you're piling onto the shit she's dealing with. Nari doesn't care. I don't care. Talin doesn't care. You're a punisher. So fucking what?"

"A destroyer," I corrected. "Faylie said there hasn't been a priest like me in generations."

"And how long since Zeal was last seen?" Wraythe crossed his arms, making it clear he wasn't moving.

He also had a point. "You think Zeal did this to me?"

"Nope. I think Zeal saw it in you, though. It's probably why he nudged you toward Nari. Has it ever crossed your pretty little head that it might also be why he was so pissed off when Ciella burned you? Did you hear any of what Zeal said when he was riding Nari that first time? He was pissed about Ciella damaging his priests. You'd been attacked, and he was so angry he rode achild'sbody! Think about that for a second!"

"I..." Because I heard him, but I wasn't sure what he was getting at.

Wraythe just leaned closer. "He's admitted that he put us in her path. He hasn't once hidden the fact that he has a plan - or did. We were chosen for her, and nudged to be in the right place at the right time. I'm willing to bet he knew you were this thing when he put his lace on your hands, and he planned out a careful life for you where you could be happy and safe. That's why you foundme,Ela. Because Zeal knows what you are, and he honed you into something powerful. Fucking use it."

"Shit," I breathed, taking a step back. "But what if I hurt her?"

"Then we'll stop you."

"No," I groaned. "Wraythe, if I hurt her, she'll never trust me again."

He shrugged, looking completely unconcerned. "Then don't hurt her. Here's the thing, though. Theonething that your arrogance prevents you from seeing, yet Talin and Ikeepnoticing. You're not a dominant. You're a sadist. Youcanbe dominant, but that's not your kink. You just want to hurt the ones who hurt you - or those you care about. You love Nari in a way that she can't even fathom. I can see it. So can Talin. I'm willing to bet that Zeal's counting on it."

"Ok?" I asked, keeping up so far.

"And Nari's not a submissive. She's never once bowed down to you. Oh, she loves to be manhandled, or so she says. But when one of us is calling the shots, who is it?"

"Her," I breathed, finally seeing his point.

Wraythe just nodded. "Yeah. She's always been the one calling the shots. You push her, I shield her, and Talin fights for her, butshe'sthe one in charge. That's why I'm not worried about it."

"But she's not a dominant," I reminded him.

Again, Wraythe shrugged. "So? We don't have that kind of relationship. None of us. We don't have a ruler and subjects. We don't have a dominant and submissives. We have a partnership. Each of us is the master of his own task - or hers. We work together, Ela. Always together. That's why we actually work. You won't hurt her. You'll hurtforher, so stop avoiding her - because right now, she needs you."

Chapter 25


Wraythe and I got back to our room to find Talin sitting on the couch reading one of his textbooks. Our entrance made him look up, but he didn't say anything. He simply sighed, then pointed back toward the bedroom. It took a second, and then I heard Nari in the bath.

"Problems?" I asked.

"Zeal tried to talk her down. It didn't work," Talin admitted. "She's stuck on this idea that she's going to fail and let us all down. Not just the gods, either, although it seems that Ambition showed up."

"Uh huh," I said, dropping my things into the closest chair. "And what does Will look like?"

"No fucking idea," Talin said. "Evidently, I don't believe in him. Or I'm not his priest. Not sure, but I couldn't see him. Nari could, and it seems he kissed her."

"Really?" Wraythe asked, dropping onto the opposite edge of the couch. "Why?"

"Because she's hot?" I guessed.

Wraythe huffed, making it clear he didn't agree. "Zeal kissed us to claim us. It seems to mean a little something to them."
