"Drandir, this is the fifth, my dear friend." And I tapped at the symbol just beneath the hollow of my throat making his eyes drop to the five-headed snake.

"Give me five minutes and I'll get another serving," he promised.

Wraythe dropped his hand on the guy's shoulder. "Just a chair, a glass, and a plate. I think there's more food here than even a guardian can eat. Thank you, Priest."

Drandir hurried off to get that, and we dug in. Wraythe was right. There was way too much food, and all of it was amazing. Then there was that bottle. According to Drandir, it was from Ati. It was also very, very potent. We gorged ourselves, sipping on the stuff and somewhere along the way we started laughing.

Then Talin lifted his glass toward the side of the room. "To the Priests of Obligation, because they kick ass!"

"Shh," Ela said, but his eyes were glassy and his smile seemed stuck on his face. "You're going to embarrass them."

"That's my job," I decided, the alcohol giving me the best idea I'd ever had. So I climbed up on my chair and whistled, making everyone look. "Here's to the guardians who pick up their wards over and over. To the desires, who have learned to smile pretty and take whatever comes, and most of all, to the Priests and Priestesses of Obligation who make sure we don't have to sleep on cum-stained sheets. To the Priests and Priestesses of Action for arranging it all, and to the Priests and Priestesses of the Word for making sure we all learn a thing or two."

"And to the Priestess of Temptation," Anver called out.

On the far side of the room, someone else stood up. "And to the initiates for completing their finals. Here, here!"

People laughed, and I was sure they were laughing at me, but I didn't care at all. I tried to make my way down, but couldn't figure it out, so Ela caught me by the waist and set my feet back on the floor. Then we all had another toast. There was at least one more after that, and then I seemed to lose track.

Which was how we all ended up in nothing but our black robes later that night. I wasn't sure whose idea it had been, but the temptation was too much to resist. Beneath the wrap of black cloth, we were all naked, but the weather outside was nice. Summer was well on its way, and we only had to make it a short distance. That didn't mean it would be easy.

I couldn't stop giggling. Wraythe was weaving. Ela had his arm wrapped around Talin, and Anver was leading the way to the Temple of All Gods. The bottle from Ati was long gone, but we had another of some very good port that Ela loved, and we didn't need glasses. Under the darkness of night, hidden by the color of our god, we were all but invisible out here.

And the Temple of All Gods had turned dark hours ago. It had to be near midnight, but I couldn't quite focus on a clock well enough to be sure. Everything around me was blurry at the edges, and the stars above had the best halos, but this wasmycelebration. I wanted to dance and spin and sing. I also wanted to do it where the gods could see just how much I appreciated what I'd been given.

Oddly, the back door of the temple was unlocked. The five of us slipped in, stepping lightly on the marble floors. I'd walked up this hall as a primary student, but it was different in the dark. Stepping into the main hall of All Gods even more so. Four small gas-lights burned in the massive room. It was just enough to outline the edges of the giant statues. Together, we all turned to look at Zeal.

And water splashed in the basin below his statue. "I see you're still susceptible to temptation," our god teased. "Come, the water's warm, and I'm craving a bit of that port."

"Zeal!" I breathed, hurrying that way.

"Oh, my Priestess is drunk," he purred, sounding thrilled at the idea.

"Mhm!" I agreed, stopping at the edge of the basin to strip off my robe. "Don't mess up my lace, ok? I like it like this."

"Then I promise I won't change it," he assured me as he moved closer to offer me a hand.

The basin was deep, making the water waist-high on Zeal. From the outside, however, that meant the edge was chest-high for me. I reached up for Zeal's hand, and one of the guys grabbed my waist, lifting me high enough that I could get my legs over. Then Zeal turned for the next, proving it was Anver who'd just helped me in.

All of us left our robes on the floor and our shoes with them. In the darkness, we sank into the wonderfully warm water as if it were the perfect bath, and then Ela offered the bottle to Zeal. The god took it, tilting it up to get a large gulp, and then pointed at the water.

"Dunk," he ordered. "All of you. Tonight is my night as much as yours, and I'm demanding a sacrifice."

Together, we all sank beneath the surface and then popped back up. I wiped my wet hair out of my face, then leaned my head back into the salty water. Right above me was Zeal's face - or a good approximation - and the statue seemed to be smiling. It was perfect for him, yet I turned to look at the real version, needing to compare the two.

The lines were the same, the features identical, but the color made all the difference. Zeal came to life with his golden-brown skin and iridescent eyes. Eyes that were so amazing right now, and watching me intently. Eyes I wanted to be just a little closer to. It only took a little push and a bit of a turn, then I was right before him.

"Wraythe?" Zeal asked, offering the man the bottle.

Wraythe took it. "Don't let her drown."

"Not gonna happen," Zeal said, reaching for me. "Nari, you are amazing. And beautiful," he added. "Very, very, beauti-"

The lights suddenly flared in the room, cutting him off. I turned, and the guys did the same, each of us looking in a different direction. We were supposed to be alone! No one should be wandering through the temple at this time. This place closed at the end of each day!

Then Oryll stormed forward, glaring at us. Ghale followed behind, but his head hung as if he was disappointed. I couldn't tell if that was because of us or his partner. I also wasn't sure I cared.

Behind me, Zeal sighed. "They can't see me. Neither of them. That man's lack of faith is like a void."