"So how would you grade him?" she asked.

"Polst?" I paused, confused about why she was asking me. "I think he deserves a good. We worked hard to get this right. The ingredients for our pie weren't the same as we're used to, but we all made it work. The guy made sure I knew to wait before serving, and he honestly tries hard, even if he resents the lace he was given."

"Then I will wait to see how the pie is scored, and will allow that to be the deciding factor. Lamic wants me to fail the pair of you."

"I know," I assured her. "It's ok. I don't mind repeating Obligation."

"No..." she breathed. "Nariana, what you did? I can't remember the last time that a priest on a different Path stood up for Obligation. The point of this Path is to serve others even when it isn't pleasurable for ourselves. Sacrificing your grade to keep that boy from being hit? I think that is the very definition of this Path. More than that, you are not and never will be a Priestess of Obligation. You, Nariana, are the Priestess of Temptation, and I think we're all starting to see exactly what that means." She draped her arm behind my shoulders and turned me to where the rest of my table sat in stunned silence. "If the three of you could give Nariana a grade for this semester, what would it be?"

"Excellent," Odette said. "She's always been friendly, and she seems honestly excited about making the pies."

"I agree," Norris told her. "She actually made me look forward to this class."

"Just because she's pretty," Polst grumbled.

"And you?" Elma asked the guy.

Polst sighed. "I would've said a good yesterday. She doesn't know anything about what we do. We've all had to stop and explain the most basic shit to her, but..." He looked up at me. "Thank you, Nari. I never would've expected you to sacrifice your grade for me. I guess we'll see each other in here next year, huh?"

"No," Elma said, "you won't. I'm passing both of you. Polst, she said you deserve to pass, and I'm grading her as a Priestess of Temptation, not Obligation, so Lamic can get over himself. Based on what you all said, depending upon how your pie is judged, I will determine the final grade, but you will both pass."

She patted my shoulder and left, so I just dropped down into the chair. "She's going to get in so much shit for that," I breathed.

"Maybe you can scream at some priests for her too," Polst joked.

Beside me, Odette laughed. "You were magnificent, Nari. Why do you have a guardian again?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Talin smiling down at me. "You managed to fuck up Cooking?"

I bobbed my head from one side to the other. "I managed to make it clear that Word is no longer the highest Path in the temple. And I may have caused a bit of a scene." I leaned my head into his arm. "I couldn't help it, though. Zeal made me their guardian."

"I know," Talin assured me.

"Whose guardian?" Norris asked.

It was Talin who answered. "Everyone in the temple. Nari is the liaison between the priests in the temple and the god who presides over us all. She's Zeal's Voice."

Polst chuckled once. "Then I guess it's a good thing that you're an insufferable bitch, huh?" He looked up and offered me a weak smile. "Thank you, Nari. I..." He shook his head. "Just... Thank you."

It was enough, because I knew exactly how he felt.

Chapter 68


Iwas in the shower when it all finally hit me. My fingers were busy working dried dough from my hair, and I realized that my first year as an initiate was over. I'd done it. Somehow, I'd managed to pass every single one of my classes, and I hadn't lost my guys in the process. I'd done it. No,wehad done it - together.

Once I was clean, we all headed to the dining hall to celebrate. We barely made it to the door before a Priest of Obligation stepped up and gestured to a table. It was Drandir, the same guy who'd summoned me when Maela had first arrived. The one who'd delivered the horrible slice of my very first pie to my room.

"Priestess, Obligation sends our thanks to you and your friends," he said.

The table had a cloth and four meals set out on it. In the middle was a bottle with no label, and four small glasses around it. The whole thing was sweet, but there was just one problem.

"Thank you, but um..." I looked at Drandir. "Can we get another chair?"

His brow creased. "Of course, but..."

Which was when Anver sauntered into the room. Seeing us, he made his way over. "Wow, who'd you impress?" he asked.