She wanted him? Well, now she had him, and she'd get to deal with the consequences. Ela fucked her hard, the cravat around her neck so tight that her breath whistled as she tried to suck air into her lungs. I could see her body tense again, proving she was having a second orgasm, but neither of us let up. She didn't deserve that.

Once, Zeal had said that we should be careful when playing with gods because they might play back. In my opinion, the same should be true of playing with his Chosen. These men were my weapons. Ela was temptation, and the kind that was impossible to resist. He might not have cut her, and he'd only barely hit her, but he'd just done something even more damaging.

He'd exposed her. While Tishlie rocked beneath him, gasping at the overload of pleasure, she was losing everything. She was so drunk on hormones and euphoria that she wouldn't even realize it for a while longer, but her bond with her guardian was all but broken. She'd made it clear that she wasn't as attracted to Ciella as she was to Eladehl. That was called leverage. She'd dropped all of her deepest darkest secrets tonight, and for what? For a chance to ride that man's dick.

I kept waiting for her to realize how stupid she'd been, for her to beg and promise, but she didn't. She was too lost in the passion of her body, the man fucking her hard enough that she wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow. I kept teasing her higher, forcing her to lose control again and again. She probably thought she was the luckiest girl in the world right now, but she was wrong.

Never again would she reach this kind of high. No other lover would ever make her feel this good. There wasn't a man or woman in Calseth who could compare, and she'd spend the rest of her miserable little existence dreaming of that one time when she'd had us - and that was the true revenge for all she'd done. That was the power Ela wielded and I was quickly learning.

Then, just as she finished another orgasm, Ela leaned in and bit her shoulder. Not gently. Not like a lover. His teeth broke the skin and he held on. I shifted my hand to pinch her swollen little clit, and the girl screamed. She trembled. She began to beg, but Ela loved that part. It was like his own drug. He found another spot and bit again, my hand tightening to match his teeth. I could see her juices running down her legs. Her mouth hung open. Sweat clung to her body, and she was completely under our control. Her breasts swayed each time Ela buried himself inside her. The woman whimpered, but she was at his mercy.

And then he slapped her ass hard and stepped back. His hands pulled her away from my reach, but he'd withdrawn as well. For a moment, everything paused, and then Ela let go of her. Tishlie crumpled, her legs completely useless. Her arm jerked like she wanted to catch herself but her hands were still bound.

Then Ela stepped before her. "I didn't want you because you're pathetic. You were then, and you're even more so now. If you ever come near me again, I won't play quite as nice. This time, I let you breathe. Next time, I won't. If you ever forget, look at the scar on your shoulder, because those markswillstay. It's the last warning I'll ever give you."

Then he turned to me and dropped to his knees, pushing his face between my legs. Seeing him like this was hot. It was the only reason I was turned on. Tishlie had just been a prop, but when his mouth touched me, I could feel his need. Not for her. Not even for pain. This man needed to please me, so I opened my legs, leaned back, and let him.

He sucked at me, lifting his hand to pump into my body - the one he hadn't used on her. That hand moved higher to tease my breasts, and he loved me in a way no one else would ever know. His mouth was enough. It was so much. The excitement of tonight, the rage at the bitch still crumpled on the floor, and the strength of the man before me was enough. My legs tightened around his neck. I felt the first flutters in my core, and then it hit.

Throwing my head back, I didn't try to hold in my passion. The sound was harsh but honest. My hips lifted from the bed to grind deeper against Ela's mouth, and I took it, feeling the rush of this. Just as the last wave passed, he pulled back and met my eyes.

"I will always love you, Nari."

"You're sexy when you're bad," I panted. "And I'm never giving you up. You're mine."

"Yes, I am."

Chapter 43


Icouldn't pull my eyes away from Ela going down on Nari. It had been years since I'd seen them like that, and they'd both grown up. They were amazing, erotic, and stunningly powerful. The lace across Nari's skin was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Ela's was a very close second. The wildness of them, however, was like a drug. I could feel my dick getting harder, turned on by the power of their love, and the useless ring did nothing to stop it.

I knew Tishlie was still lying on the floor. I also didn't care. I'd heard everything she'd said, and it made so much fucking sense! She'd forced my friendship by using my helplessness against me. Then, once she had me, she'd used that as a wedge to separate me from the closest friends I'd ever had. Tishlie had ruined everything between the four of us. The worst part was that I'd had the chance to go back. I would've been welcome, but Tishlie had played her part too well, and I'd fallen for it without thinking about everything I'd given up: them.

As Nari cried out her release, I felt something inside me snap. It wasn't much, and it was small, but the last concern I had for Tish evaporated in that instant. The only reason I wouldn't ask to step down to Action was my god. He needed me to learn, and so I would. I could even pretend to be Tishlie's guardian, but I didn't fucking care if that little cunt died on my watch. In truth, I almost hoped she would.

When Ela leaned back to wipe his mouth clean, I knew we were done. Pushing away from the wall, I stormed over to grab Tish's dress from the ground. Next, I found a wet cloth for her to wipe away her mess. Carrying both of those back, I tossed the cloth in her face and dropped the dress beside her before kneeling to release her bonds.

"Well, I hope that was worth it," I grumbled.

"Oh, he was amazing," she breathed, completely oblivious to how pissed off I was.

I loosened the buckle on the first cuff, got her arm out, and then left the rest for her. "Well, let me make this very clear. You're going to pass Nari. You will give her a good or you will realize how hard this Path is for a priestess without a guardian. Do I make myself clear?"

Tish sat up and glared at me. "You'restillpicking her over me?"

So I leaned right into her face. "You are a sniveling little idiot who can't even wipe her own ass without help. I'd pickanyoneelse over you. I am not your slave, I'm not a puppet, and I'm done playing this game. You lied to me, Tish. You didn't care how much losing my best friends hurt me. All that's ever mattered to you is what you got out of it. Well, guess what? I'm fucking done."

"Fine, step down to Action," she snapped.

"Oh, I'm not doing that," I promised. "See, if I step down, you know what happens to you? You get put on hold, waiting for the next Choosing. No, I'm going to make it through initiate training and then request a reimmersion. But if you think that means you're safe? Try again. I will gladly step down and make you start training all over. You won't have your precious Ciella around to make you look tough. You won't know anyone in your class. You'll just be another simpering, brainless, common little priestess hoping to be noticed - and that'sifZeal keeps you on this Path."

"But this is the one I declared!" she whined.

"Kald wanted Protection. He got Action. Ryshie wanted Body. He got Protection. What makes you fucking special?" I stood. "Get clean. Get dressed. You have five minutes, and then I'm leaving - with or without you."

I turned, and a hand grabbed my arm. A big one. Turning just a bit more, I found Wraythe standing beside me, his green eyes scanning my face. Then, without a word, he pulled me against his chest and hugged me hard. For a moment, I tried to resist. I wanted to pull back. He didn't seem to care. He just held me against him until my body finally remembered what to do.