Tishlie just huffed, turning her face the other way in a clear refusal to talk to me. So Ela lined himself up, pressing only the tip of his dick into her. "Why didn't you want it?" he asked again. "If you refuse to answer, I will go no further." His fingers still tormented her clit, though, keeping her just distracted enough.

"Please?" she begged. "I'm so ready. I want you inside me."

"And I want to know what happened," he warned. "Trust me, Tishlie, I'm beingnice."

"I wanted to get him alone," she admitted.

Ela thrust into her, sheathing himself in one stroke. Tishlie's back arched, the girl gasped, and Ela's hands took up the slack in the fabric around her throat. Holding her bent like that, with her back arched just a bit too much, he pumped into her again, then again - and stopped.

"Why him?" Ela asked. "Why did you take Anver from me?" I noticed that he didn't say "us."

"You?" With her hands bound behind her back, there wasn't much Tishlie could do to brace herself, but she still tried to look back. "I took him from Nariana. She can't haveallof the best men. Wraythe would never look at anyone else. You were mean to all the other girls. Anver was the one who noticed me, and she doesn't geteverything.I worked just as hard to be a priestess as she did. If I couldn't have you, then I at least deserved him."

So I sat on the edge of the bed, reaching under her to take over toying with her clit. My other hand moved to the back of her head. A moment later, Ela began moving again, this time slowly. From the way he was looking at me, he'd just given me complete control of this interrogation, which was what it had just become. Fuck the class. Fuck my grade - because we both knew she'd fail me regardless. I wanted some fuckinganswers!

"Oh, is that it?" I kept my voice as sweet and neutral as I could, which wasn't much. "You don't want me, you want tobeme. You thought taking my friend would do that?"

"Your guardian," she snapped.

I shoved, pressing her face down into the mattress. Tishlie tried to turn her face so she could breathe. She struggled to get away from my grip, but she couldn't. I just pushed harder, not caring at all if she had air. She'd pass out before she died, and that wasn't against the terms we'd set. At the same time, Ela pulled on the cloth, tightening the noose around her neck.

Anver didn't make a sound.

"And you never once thought that I wanted him too?" Ela's voice was a roar. "You lied to get him, probably lied to keep him, and all because you wanted me? Tell me why I should finish you off!"

I released the pressure on her head. A moment later, Ela's hand relaxed on the cravat around her neck. For just a moment, Tishlie gasped, sucking in her breath, but when she didn't answer after the third thrust, Ela stopped moving.

"I didn't lie to keep him," she insisted.

"No?" Ela asked, thrusting into her one more time. "Why didn't he come back? Why did he never seek us out after you wormed your way in? We tried to accept you, and you pushed. You could've been one of us. You could've had me over and over and over, but you kept him away, and that kept you away. Why, Tishlie?" He yanked at the cravat ends again.

"So she wouldn't have him," the girl barely managed to get out.

Ela slammed his dick into her, once again fucking her hard. "Keep talking, you little whore, or I'll stop."

A nod of his head commanded me to play with her again, so I did. Tishlie missed that gesture, though. With both of us working her, she was gasping, struggling to stay focused, but the noose around her neck was a reminder she couldn't forget. Ela thrust again, then again, but the third time was less intense, the fourth even slower.

Which was when Tishlie began talking. "I just had to keep him from her. When he was with her, he ignored me. It was easy." Ela began pumping her hard again, so she rambled on. "I said I overheard Nari saying stuff about him. I told him that she was busy, or not there when he was looking for her. I just made sure he came to me instead of her, and it didn't take long. She started chasing him off herself, proving thatIwas the one who deserved him! He never even tried to get her back. She took you. She has Wraythe. She didn't deserve Anver too, but instead she got Talin!"

"What?" Anver gasped.

I saw Talin lift a hand, reminding him not to interrupt, but she'd already said enough. I was pissed. I was also done with this. "Lift her up," I demanded. "We're done."

"Let me hurt her?" he asked.

"So long as she comes, I don't care what you do," I promised.

"Oh, I can work with that," he assured me.

Ela's hand landed on her shoulder and he pulled Tishlie's back against his chest. Sliding over, I was now in front of her, so I pulled off the nipple clamps. Those got tossed on the bed. With one hand, I teased the bruised peak, but my eyes were on Ela.

"Have your way with her, baby. She is going to come so hard she'll scream, and her guardian can decide if he wants to take the cuffs off. I want her knees so weak she can't lift herself off the ground."

"Yes, Priestess," Ela promised.

He used the cloth around her neck to pump her body onto his. Ela's other hand moved to her hair, forcing her back to bend much too far. Me? I teased her breasts with one hand and my mouth, using my thumb to grind against her clit. None of it was gentle. Neither of us cared about being kind. This was our form of revenge, and we were doing it together.

This girl's beautiful, curvaceous body became a weapon in our hands. It didn't take long before all she could do was whimper. Ela kept going, kept ramming himself into her. Then she came, and still he didn't stop. Tishlie tried to pull away from the torment I was giving her breasts, but Ela held her too well. She bucked at the overstimulation of her clit and the abuse of her core, but neither of us cared.