I formally request a release of my brother, Priest Talin, for the week of winter festivities. If he can be spared during the break between classes, our family would like to extend the hospitality of the Ranndor house to both him and any associates who would be expected to travel with him. We are excited to hear how he has placed in the temple, and to make sure that he is not a problem for you and your staff.
Baron Tath Ranndor
"Should her partner and his guardian also come?" I asked.
"No," he assured me. "We wouldn't want to put your family out like that. Still, the timing should work out well, hm? You can make it clear that our temple still respects the Ranndor claim to the title of baron, and retrieve those pistols while you're there." His tone made it clear refusal would not be tolerated.
"Of course, Priest Kinen," I said, fighting to sound perfectly pleasant. "My ward and I will be happy to serve, and two months should be plenty of time to order the three weapons."
"Very good." He stamped something on his desk and passed it across. "Give this to your weapons instructor. He'll need to arrange a place for us to practice. And it is so nice to see that you've returned to normal. I was honestly worried about your health."
"And I yours, Priest Kinen," I said, letting my eyes drop to the dark lines on his hands. "I will bring your tithe as soon as I return from the holidays with my brother, then."
Together, Saval and I both stood, knowing the meeting was at an end. As soon as Kinen nodded, we both turned, walking straight for the door without a word. I didn't bother to look at the slip he'd given me. I had a feeling I knew what it said. I was now allowed to enter the premises with three pistols, and expected to prove my proficiency with the new weapon before I'd be allowed to carry it.
Yet the moment we were back in the nave, Saval spun on me. "You're giving that man agun?" she gasped.
"Yes. No flint, and I will not supply his ammunition, but I see no reason why not. They are notoriously hard to aim without practice, or so I've heard. I think he'd be more deadly with a pool of water."
She pulled in a deep breath. "Fine. Then the answer to your question is yes."
It took a moment before I understood what she was talking about. When it finally sank in, I felt ice run down my spine. I'd asked, before we entered the High Priest's room, if she'd slept with my father.
"Saval!" I snapped.
She spun back around and lifted her chin. "The baron's household is given free access to all priests of the temple. Instead of asking for a Priestess of the Body, he asked for a Priest of the Word.Priest, Talin. Someone to help him with his theories. They sent me. I met your father when I was your age. I left him when he married your mother. I was never in the way, and he wasnota patron."
"He was an asshole," I reminded her.
She nodded. "Only because he had to be. My point is that I see him in you. That same smug pride. The same bravado. The same cunning intelligence. Do not become an asshole, especially not to Nariana."
"I would never!"
She just lowered her head. "Nor would he. However it's easy to get caught up in what you're chasing and forget what you leave behind. Do not build your schemes so well that you lose the one thing you're meant to love. She won't give you a second chance to apologize."
"She won't need to, because I will never leave her. Zeal already told me that's the one line I must never cross. Not even in anger will I walk away. I will leave my last name, I will leave this temple, and I will even leave this town, but never her. Where she goes, I willalwaysfollow. I am not my father."
She nodded. "So why so much interest in the guns? And whytwo?"
"Because Priests of the Body can't carry weapons, but that doesn't mean they can't grab them from their guardian's belts. One is for her. The other for Eladehl. I'm not leaving them, Saval. I'marmingthem."
Chapter 34
Talin didn't show up to our sexual orientation course. Wraythe said Saval had pulled him out of their strength training class, and he'd heard her tell Ghale he'd been requested by the High Priest. That made me a little nervous. The last time we'd been called before the High Priest, things had goneverybad. Thankfully, when the three of us got back to our suite, he was there, sitting on the couch with a small piece of paper before him.
"Talin?" I asked.
He looked up, those vividly pale eyes meeting mine. "We've been invited to spend the winter holidays with my family. Just the two of us."
"Shit," Eladehl grumbled. "Really? So you're going to miss the Darkest Night?"
He shrugged, lifting both hands with his palms up. "As the baron, he should be here for the viewing. We didn't come last year, though, due to my father's health. The way the invitation was phrased, my gut says he's going to try to skip it again. So I don't know. If we are, we won't be attending as priests, but as guests of the baron."
"And Nari has to go?" Wraythe asked, almost sounding like he was pouting.