Talin nodded. "Unfortunately. Since I shouldn't be away from my ward, and my brother invited myself and any necessary associates, the High Priest said she's going."

"Which means we can't back out," I realized, knowing how much he hated being with his family. "Ok. Then we'll make the most of it, right?"

"I'm sorry," he told me. "Nari, I didn't mean to drag you into this with me."

"It's fine," I assured him. "Besides, I've never seen a baron's home." And I looked over at Eladehl. "Just means you need to do a little celebrating for me, too."

He huffed at that. "Yeah, except I was looking forward to celebratingwithyou."

"So pick up another priest," I teased. "Get kinky and tell me about it when we get back."

Eladehl dropped into a chair, looking more disappointed than I'd expected. "Yeah, I guess. I'd just had some plans, thinking we'd finally get to celebrate it together."

"What kind of plans?" Talin asked.

Eladehl looked at him with a devious little smile. "The kind that involve her in between all of us. Granted, in my head, we wouldn't have to hide that your rings are only for decoration." He chuckled once. "Or maybe a little teasing of her while you two have to watch. You know, completely well-thought-out plans like that." He waved it off. "Mostly, it's just that we've spent every Darkest Night together since we met."

"He deserves to have one with her too," Wraythe said, easing himself down on the couch beside Talin. "Sucks that you might miss the show, though."

"Tell me about it," Talin groaned. "Second year in a row? And even if we do get to come, we'll be with mybrother.His wife is from a very devoted Compassion family. The concept of Temptation is rather intimidating to her, so groping in the audience would probably give her some kind of fit."

"Ok," I decided, making plans on the fly, "then if we do come, Eladehl will give us a show to enjoy later. The temptation of delay, right? If we don't, then we'll just have our own celebration, Ela and Wraythe will have theirs, and we'll compare notes when we get back." I looked over at Eladehl. "And you'dbettermake the most of the night."

Wraythe jerked his chin up to get our attention. "As initiates, we're priests, right? So not required to stick with the students?"

"Exactly," Eladehl said. "We're not allowed in the display yet. But on the lower floor, beneath where the tenth-year students get to watch? The place turns into an orgy. Where do you think Amerlee and Jamik vanished last year?"

That made Wraythe smile deviously. "You know how many guardians are going to be suffering? Half our class are still fighting the rings."

Talin finally smiled at that. "And you're going to be sporting a boner, Wraythe. I suggest you wear the robe."

"Fuck that," he said. "Let them see it and think I'm just that tough."

"Yeah," Talin drawled, dragging the word out. "Well, this also ruined my big surprise." He held up the slip of paper. "Because you'll find out now."

"What surprise?" I asked, taking the empty chair.

"This..." He flapped the slip in his hand. "It is an order for Priest Ghale to make arrangements for a firing range. Indoors or outside doesn't matter, but Ghale is being ordered to research safety restrictions and set up a new training area that will be safe for firearms."

"What?" Wraythe asked. "What does that have to do with us?"

"It's because I had Saval put in a request to get flintlock pistols approved."

I sat up in surprise. "Black powder guns? I had to do a report on those to get a sufficient grade in my tenth-year weapons class. The flintlock is supposed to be the newest thing, surprisingly reliable, and… none of you really care."

Talin chuckled at me like my enthusiasm was cute. "Yes, it's the most devastating personal weapon invented in centuries."

"But expensive," I pointed out. "Slow to manufacture, and only available in limited quantities."

Again, Talin nodded. "And my oldest sister is married to a man whose brother has a share in the factory that makes them. Yeah, it's a long line of connections, but that's not important. What matters is that when I said I didn't want to come back, she offered me anything I wanted if I kept up the family tradition. I came back, matched with Nari, decided this wasn't so bad, so asked if the offer still stands."

"Ok?" I asked, not completely sure I was keeping up.

"And I told her I needed at least two pistols. Kinen just demanded a third." He lifted a hand. "Price isn't a problem. The hard part is getting the order in, but my sister is tied to the right people. I'm sure I can get these. When I told her that was my demand, she said she'd make it happen and asked how many I'd need."

Wraythe tapped his arm. "That's who's sending you the pink letters, huh?"

Talin actually laughed. "Yep. Pink stationary with gold sealing wax. The crest is for her husband's name. And before you worry, the purple letters are from my youngest sister. She's sixteen, so don't even think about it."