Wraythe just smiled down at him fondly. "Yeah, I think we're gonna keep you."
"Definitely," I agreed. "Because that?" And I gestured to the pair of them on the couch. "Is about the cutest thing I've seen all day."
"So I'm allowed to grab your leg like that?" Talin asked, ignoring my comment.
"Yep," Wraythe said. "Seriously, my best friend has been groping me for as long as I can remember. I'm not going to suddenly decide I'm scared of guys, Talin. Just not turned on by you. It really is that simple."
"I've even given him a hand job before," Eladehl said.
I turned around to see him. "What? When?"
"Oh, it was before we met you."
"I said I wasn't into guys," Wraythe explained. "Ela said I couldn't know unless I tried it. Andthenhe offered to jerk me off. Figured I had nothing to lose."
"He had to finish himself," Eladehl grumbled. "And I'm pretty good with a dick."
"Too hard," Wraythe said. "And your hands are too big. Feels weird."
Then Talin sat up. "Wait. You did it, Nari. I mean, Wraythe has to have at least half an inch on the dildo, and I swear he's thicker around."
"He is," Eladehl agreed. "We measured when you were watching Amerlee get laid."
"Which means you can pass your class, right?" Talin asked.
I could only shrug. "It's actually easier with a real dick and a little excitement. Unfortunately, my test isn't going to work like that."
"Could," Eladehl said. "I mean, you're supposed to be laying your own Path, right? So let's figure out how to do this test our own way."
"Ours?" I asked.
He nodded. "Because I'm going to follow you every step of the way, my love. So are they."
Chapter 21
Something changed that day between the four of us. That little bit of reservation I'd had with Talin had simply vanished. I couldn't be sure if it had more to do with Eladehl lowering his emotional walls, Wraythe showing a willingness to goof around with him, or if it was simply because every time his eyes found mine, my heart skipped a beat.
But Talin seemed to feel it as well. He and Wraythe joked easier. He and Eladehl touched without shame, even when it was something as casual as clasping Eladehl's arm when Talin walked past. The part I liked best was how he'd started kissing me in front of them. Just little things, like my forehead or the side of my neck. It was usually playful, since three of us were still too sore to go further, but I wanted to melt into him each time.
Because I was starting to fall for him.
I was already in love with Wraythe. I had been for so long. The man was my security blanket, and I wanted to live wrapped up in his arms. With Eladehl, it was different, but love was still the only word I had for it. Our friendship colored the romance we shared, making it feel exactly like what it was called: a partnership. But Talin?
He made me giddy. I knew it had to do with the newness. I was used to Wraythe and Eladehl. I was comfortable with them. Being with Talin was still new and exciting, so I was going to enjoy it. Not better. Definitely not that. Simply different, but in a way that was quickly shifting from infatuation to something so much more.
And I trusted him completely. Not once had he lied to me. Sure, our first meeting had been under false pretenses, but he hadn't reallylied.He'd simply allowed me to jump to the wrong conclusions. The same way I'd let him. As I watched him learn how to blend seamlessly with my family, I knew Zeal had found the perfect man for us. I also didn't care that he'd taken the decision out of my hands. After all, this was everything I'd ever wanted.
Unfortunately, the weekend didn't last long enough, and school came back much too soon. Most of my classes were variations of the same. Priest Ghale assigned me to Grath to get me caught up on the basics in my grappling class. Grath seemed impressed that I'd already picked up a few things. Eroticism was a lecture on the power of our bodies, and how to use it wisely. My course on the Service of Others flew past as we delved into daily requirements of the Obligation priests. Advanced Literature was always a joy, and my Assignments with Patrons class was boring enough that simply not falling asleep was my only goal.
Then there was my sexual orientation course. The four of us walked in together. Eladehl and I carried our dildos, dreading the upcoming test, but all the other Priests of the Body looked just as apprehensive. Together, we claimed chairs as close to the edge of the row as we could, wanting to be near our guardians, but they were the most popular chairs. When we finally sat down, there were four priests between me and where Talin stood, Wraythe right beside him.
Then Priest Oryll walked in with a metal bucket. Stopping in the gap between his desk and the rows of students watching, he dropped the thing on the ground with a loud and sharp clang. A few people jumped in surprise. Oryll just smirked at the entire class.
"That is for when you puke," he said. "If you miss the bucket, you will be demoted to the Path of Action. Now, today we will spend the entire class watching each of you demonstrate your ability to swallow a dick." He looked at the back row. "And I do notcareif you are not attracted to men. The same way I will not care when we study cunnilingus. The art of oral sex is the foundation for all pleasure, and whether you are giving or receiving it, you willneedto understand your partner's needs and limitations.
"So," he continued, "we will go by rows. I'd like the back row to get up, make your way down here, and form a line. One by one, you will take your place beside the bucket and push your dildo into your throat as far as you can. I don't care if you stand or kneel. Your grade will only be determined by how close your lips are to the testicles. Any biting will result in an automatic failure. Anything less than half of the shaft will result in a failure. More than that will be judged as an excellent, good, fair, or poor, based on the ease of insertion, depth of penetration, and length of time you can maintain it." He lifted his hand and waved the students forward. "Back row. Let's go."