As a group they all stood and began to shuffle out of their row. Slowly, the line marched toward the front, each Priest of the Body clutching their own dildo. A very pretty boy was first, and he looked as nervous about this as I felt. Still, when Oryll nodded at him, the guy dropped to his knees beside the bucket, tilted his head back, and slid the dildo into his lips. It kept going in smoothly until just past halfway. There, the guy had to pause, breathe, and then push a little more. He made it two more inches before giving up, pulling the dildo out, and bending over to swallow a few times.

"Good," Oryll said, the word being his grade and not simply praise. "Next!"

This time, it was a girl. She blew out a breath first, then made her attempt while standing. Just like I had that first day, she didn't get very far. The dick hit the back of her throat and she immediately gagged, pulled it back a bit, and then made it to halfway, but only barely.

"Poor," Oryll told her, gesturing for the person behind her.

Only one person in that line was able to swallow the whole thing without a problem, and she looked rather impressed with herself for doing it. When there were only three people left in the line, Oryll told the next row to come down, creating a loop. The students walked down the row on my right, waited their turn, then returned to their seats using the aisle on my left.

As more people passed - and a few failed - the hum of conversation grew louder behind me. It felt a little more relaxed, but my nerves didn't seem to care. My gut was twisting. My pulse was pounding. My hands were clammy.

"Our row's next," Eladehl whispered. "Just pretend like it's the other night. Talin and Wraythe are right there..." He leaned forward to look at them. "And you know as well as I do that they'll be watching. Remember the effect it had in our room?"

"Yeah, with you holding my head in place," I reminded him.

Eladehl smiled. "Huh. You know how you're supposed to be making your own Path?" And he leaned closer. "Give me your dildo?"

"Why?" I asked, passing it over.

"Trust me," he whispered just as Oryll motioned for our row to make our way down and line up.

Halfway down the aisle, someone finally puked. The sound was disgusting, and I hoped I wouldn't have to smell the stench as I tried to suck a dick, but the guy did hit the bucket. Thankfully, Oryll paused the testing to carry it away, returning with another, almost identical bucket.

Then we began to shuffle forward again. It didn't take long enough. All too soon, I was the next person in line, with Eladehl right after me, and my partner still had my dildo.

"I need that," I told him.

"Just go over there and kneel," he said. "Close your eyes, and remember the other night. Trust me, beautiful."

And Oryll said, "Next!"

Taking a deep breath, I walked to the center of the open area and knelt. Priest Oryll's eyes narrowed because I didn't have a dildo, but then I heard Eladehl step behind me. Obediently, I closed my eyes, just as my partner grabbed a handful of my hair and wrenched my head back cruelly. My lips parted and the conversation in the room died.

The rubber head brushed my lips gently. I licked at it, lubricating the tip, and Eladehl eased it into my mouth. The moment it bumped my tongue, he paused, leaving the rest up to me. His leg forced my back straight. His hand in my hair kept me from bending my neck forward. All I had to do was lift up and swallow, just like I had with Wraythe.

I could do this. I'd already done it before. Still, the dick wasn't warm, didn't flex the same, and tasted horrible. I'd still turned my men on by trying. Opening my eyes, I found the pair of them still leaning against the wall, but now they both had their hands clasped before them, not behind. And the look in Wraythe's eyes? The raw need simmering there?

I lifted myself up and swallowed, feeling the dick slide into my throat. When it wanted to stop, I slid back, sucking it gently, then took a little more. My hands needed to do something, so I reached up, cradling Eladehl's forearm with my fingers, and I swallowed the dick the same way I'd sucked off my lover, until my lips were pressed against the too-hard fake balls.

And then I moaned, feeling my throat vibrate around it.

Somewhere in the back, a guardian groaned in pain. To my side, someone in the line sighed in awe. Behind me, Eladehl just pulled my hair a little harder. Then he began to slowly pump the dildo up and down, carefully fucking my mouth with it.

"Enough," Oryll snapped. "Next!"

Eladehl huffed at the man's annoyance and eased the dildo from my lips. "Then it's my turn."

Without letting me go, he lifted my dildo to his mouth and pushed it in. My head was still tilted up, giving me the perfect view to watch as the rubber slid in, down, and down a little more. The moment his face pressed against the balls, he pulled it out, only to swallow all of it again. His hand let go of my hair, caressed the back of my head, and then he pulled the dildo out for the last time, lowering his arm to his side.

Oryll didn't look impressed. "Should I assume the two of you intend to perform together?"

"We'd thought about it," Eladehl assured him, the sarcasm heavy.

"Well, teach her how to keep her teeth out of the way. She fails. You get an excellent."

"What?!" I snapped, pushing myself to my feet. "I didn't touch it with my teeth."

Oryll grunted. "I saw your jaw clench. Imagine how your lover would feel about that."