Krissy called out and said, “Oh good, you found the place.” Smiling from ear to ear, she added, “I guess I forgot to tell you that I had invited Kenneth to join us.” Bullshit! He looked over and Billy shrugged. Then Krissy asked, “Did you want to eat first or look at the dining room?”

Kenneth had a feeling Shanda was going to bolt first chance she got. Who could blame her? The manipulation was as plain as day. Thankfully, Billy answered the question for them.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m starving. Let’s eat,” Billy said, as he rubbed his hands together, acting as though he hadn’t eaten in days.

Kenneth shook his head, walked over to Billy and whispered, “Laying it on a bit thick, aren’t you?” Billy just grinned and Kenneth knew Billy was not so innocent in this last-minute gathering. You’re going to lose this bet too, buddy.

Once they had their plates overflowing with food, Kenneth opted to take the seat opposite of Shanda as they ate. It provided him distance, but also a great view. There was no easy way to eat ribs, but he loved how Shanda would take a few bites, then slowly suck the sauce off her fingers. It was sexy as hell. There was some barbeque sauce on the corner of her mouth, and he was tempted to get up and assist her with that. When she looked in his direction, he pointed to the corner of his mouth. Her tongue slowly reached the drop of sauce, curled, then traced her upper lip.

Fuck. He wasn’t sure, but for a brief second, he swore he’d seen Shanda watching his reaction as she licked her lips. Was she intentionally torturing him like this? She had a sweet and innocent look, but looks can be deceiving. Doesn’t matter. I’m not interested. He just wished his cock would get that message, as he shifted in his chair to ease the discomfort.

Although Shanda was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, she looked anything but relaxed. Krissy was chatting up a storm, which was normal, and he could tell Shanda was trying to listen intently. It wasn’t easy keeping up with Krissy when she started talking, and honestly, Kenneth had stopped paying attention. She tried to hide it, but apparently so had Shanda.

Eventually dinner was over, and Krissy stopped long enough to take a breath. He soaked in the moment of silence, knowing it wouldn’t last long. He had no idea how someone could talk so much and eat at the same time.

“Maybe you can take her for a walk in the garden while Billy and I put the leftovers away,” Krissy said.

“Unless the two of you would rather do the dishes,” Billy offered.

Shanda instantly said, “I’d be happy to help you.”

Krissy raised her hand and said, “Oh no you don’t. A bet is a bet Billy and you lost.”

Billy collected the dirty dishes and mumbled as he took Kenneth’s, “I hope you’re happy.”

Kenneth smiled. “I am. I’m not doing the dishes,” he joked. And single and loving it.

Once he was alone with Shanda he asked, “Did you want to take a walk? Krissy is very proud of her flower garden. Just don’t ask me what they are.”

“I’m not sure,” she replied softly.

Was she still concerned about being alone with him? “It’s just a walk in the garden.”

“With flowers,” she said.

“That’s usually what they have. Or we could just sit here.” But sitting in silence didn’t seem enjoyable either.

“I’d like to see her garden,” Shanda said.

“Just don’t get too excited. It’s really not as impressive as she makes it out to be.” To Kenneth, they were just things women liked. His penthouse apartment was set up for a bachelor. No pets and nothing that needed to be watered. He came and went as he pleased with no responsibilities. Life just as he liked it. He hoped Shanda at least would enjoy the walk.

“It really does smell wonderful here. Lilacs are one of my favorite scents. I even have a wax I melt at home that smells just like these.”

He watched as she leaned closer to them. She raised her hand up and brushed something off the front of her shirt. Then he saw the panic in her eyes right before she pulled her T-shirt up over her head and tossed it on the ground. If that wasn’t shocking enough, she took both hands, grabbed the bottom of her bra and pulled it out away from her. He stood motionless as he watched her large breasts bouncing around until they were free from the fabric.

In a frantic voice she asked, “Do you see it?”

Fuck yeah! He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to be looking for, but all he saw were two perfect mounds that he wouldn’t mind burying his face in. “Is there something specific I should be looking for?” I don’t mind looking all night. Hell, you can take off the rest of your clothes and I’ll search every inch of you if you need me to.

“The bee.”

“Bee?” he asked.

Still holding her bra away from her body, her breasts totally exposed, she said, “Yes, it went down my shirt and landed between my breasts. Is it still there?”

The only thing he noticed was her taut nipples. “I don’t see it,” he said, not taking his eyes off her.

“Look closer,” she pleaded.