What the fuck?“I can see from here. There is no bee.” If he got any closer to her, he might not give a fuck that Billy had surveillance cameras set up throughout his property.

“Please. I’m allergic. I don’t have my EpiPen. Do you see any swelling?” she asked.

They looked perfect from where he stood. “Nope.”

“Kenneth, I hate to ask you to do this, but I need you to help me take off my bra.”

“Why? The bee isn’t there.”

“The stinger could be and that is just as dangerous. Even a dead bee can kill me,” she said, her hands now trembling.

Damn it.He walked behind her, unhooked her bra, and she let it drop to the ground. “Thank you. And can you please check my T-shirt and make sure the bee isn’t inside?” she asked as she used her hands to cover her nipples.

“Sure,” he said, bending over. He shook it vigorously. He saw nothing. Then he pulled out his cell phone, turned on the light, and looked on the ground. There by her feet was a very dead bee. Well, at least you died happy.

“You don’t have to worry. He’s dead. You’re safe.” And still half naked. “Maybe you want to get dressed again before Billy and Krissy return,” he suggested. There really was no way to explain what had happened.

“Kenneth, I…I can’t put that shirt back on. I know you said it was dead, but…but I’m still freaked out about it.”

Chuckling softly, he said, “I guess a gentleman would offer you his shirt.” He pulled off his T-shirt and went to hand it to her. She didn’t move her hands from her breasts and looked at him pleadingly. “Okay. I get it.” He slipped it over her head and then turned around. It wasn’t as though he was going to see any more than he already had.

“All set. You can turn back around now,” she announced.

When he did, he noticed the shirt didn’t do anything to hide her hard nipples, and his cock wasn’t doing any hiding of its own either. “Maybe it’s time we left. If you’d like, I can go and make up some excuse and meet you in front of the house with your clothes.”

She smiled and said, “You’d really do that for me?”

Right now, he was doing it just as much for himself. The last thing he wanted was to sit back down and have Krissy eyeing the two of them all night trying to hook them up as a couple. Besides, he had told himself he wasn’t going to see Shanda again. And now, he’d just seen a whole lot more of her. She had haunted his dreams last night, and he had a feeling she was about to do it again tonight.

“Actually, why don’t you sneak off the property now, and I’ll bring your clothes by the shop tomorrow.”

“I’m closed on Sunday,” she said.

“Then I guess we’ll just need to meet up for dinner then. Now go, before Billy comes back and your face gets even redder than it is now,” he said.

Shanda nodded, grabbed her purse, and headed out by walking around the house where he’d directed her. He couldn’t believe he was sending her away. And fuck, he really couldn’t believe he’d just asked her out to dinner. Since when did he start breaking his own rules?

It’s just dinner. After tomorrow, I’m not seeing her anymore.

Kenneth followed suit and headed back to his vehicle. Once he’d pulled out of the driveway, he sent Billy a text that said he and Shanda had to leave, but thanks for dinner. He didn’t care if Billy thought they’d left together. If Billy looked back at the security footage, he never would’ve believed the truth anyway. Kenneth was going to have to call Billy later and ask him to delete it. Although he knew Billy wouldn’t do anything…inappropriate with it. Kenneth still didn’t want it lingering out there, just in case. It would be embarrassing for Shanda. And the memory of those beautiful breasts is etched in my mind.

He wasn’t sure what tomorrow was going to bring, but damn, there had been nothing normal about their time together so far. Hopefully they could get through a somewhat normal dinner.

Kenneth laughed to himself. What fun would that be?