It’s not just Bebe and Griff setting the tone for relationship contentment. I’ve watched everyone here carefully, and all the Jameson couples are so into each other.

Just like I’m into Kellen.

He’s like no other man I’ve ever dated or been with.

He’s absolutely the real deal.

We’re sitting with Malik and Anna when Ladd approaches. He puts a hand on Kellen’s shoulder and bends to speak to him. Kellen’s eyebrows rise, and then Ladd nods toward me.

Kellen stands and holds out his hand. “Kynan wants to talk to us.”

I excuse myself, and we follow Ladd out of the ballroom and into the hallway where Kynan waits. He cuts a dashing figure in his tuxedo, heightened by his crisp British accent.

“Hellman?” Kellen asks as we approach.

Kynan nods and looks to Ladd, who lays it out. “We aren’t picking up anything of use from the devices I planted in his home, but the tracker on his car showed some encouraging data. He visited a house over in East Allegheny.”

“I don’t know where that is,” Kellen says.

“It’s one of the more unsavory parts of Pittsburgh,” I say.

Ladd nods. “And the house in particular is in a well-known drug area.”

“He’s dealing?” Kellen asks incredulously.

“Well, one would assume,” Kynan replies. “Based on that info, I’ve had two agents casing the house over the last twenty-four hours.”


“And,” Ladd says, taking over the story, “it’s not drugs being run out of there but women.”

I frown as I consider what that means. “Prostitutes?”

That I can see more so than Levi dealing drugs.

“Worse,” Ladd says, eyes coming to me. “Women who don’t want to be used for sex.”

My eyes double. “Sex trafficking. But how is Hellman involved?”

“No clue,” Kynan admits. “We only know his car went there once in the last two days. Given the large sums he’s got in foreign accounts, I’m guessing he’s heading up the operation. But we don’t have nearly enough to turn this over to the police. We need to keep watch.”

Kellen nods in understanding, my mind whirling with implications. If this guy is involved in any way with sex trafficking, particularly with unwilling victims, he’s going away for a long time.

At least, that’s how it works in the movies.

It could be the way to get his breeding operation shut down. Bebe had said he has no partners in that enterprise and his sons are minors, so without him at the helm, it would probably fold.

“Put me on the schedule to watch,” Kellen says, and I jolt, my fingers squeezing his. I’m prepared to lobby against this idea, but Kynan beats me to the punch.

“Not going to happen.” He shakes his head. “You’re too emotionally involved.”

“I’m not.”

But he is. He’s too emotional about what Hellman did to me.

Kynan’s voice is slightly patronizing. “You were going to kill him two days ago, and we both know if Griff hadn’t been there to stop you, you would have.”

“I can control myself,” Kellen says through gritted teeth.

Kynan appraises him a moment. “Maybe. But I don’t think we should discount the danger that Hellman presents to Abby. The motherfucker is bold, walking into that clinic and taking the dog back, especially knowing there are cameras recording him. He’s got an overinflated ego, and because he gets away with repeat violations at his puppy mill, he thinks he’s untouchable. You add in the fact that he’s potentially culling victims and processing them through that house to be sold into sex trafficking, are you really willing to leave Abby alone?”

My blood chills at this prospect. Would Hellman be the type to have me abducted and sold into captivity?

“Surely not,” I say, my voice confident because I need someone to tell me that’s a very low possibility.

“Sex trafficking is a multibillion-dollar enterprise,” Ladd says.

“Granted,” Kynan says, giving me a respectful nod, “you’re not the typical victim. They usually lure runaways from the streets and get them hooked on drugs to make them compliant, but somehow, I think Hellman would relish bringing you under his boot heel.”

Kellen growls low in his throat, like an animal issuing warning over his territory. “I’d like to request a leave of absence until this is over. I can’t leave Abby alone. Even if chances are slim that Hellman would be so ballsy, I can’t risk it.”

My head whips his way, and I note that Kellen looks slightly pale. His eyes come to mine, and he manages a smile. “I cannot risk losing you.”

Kynan shakes his head. “Request denied.”


“You’ll stay on payroll and do other work remotely. I’ve got plenty to keep you busy and earning your paycheck.”

“Thank you.” Kellen nods once. “That’s generous. And I know I’ve offered before, but I’m more than willing to pay for the agents tracking Hellman. I don’t expect Jameson to do this for free.”

“We don’t charge for our services for team members.” Kynan’s tone is curt and almost offended. “We take care of our own.”