“But I’m not one of yours,” I say. I’m touched by his words, but I feel awful everyone is going to such lengths for me.

Kynan levels a look that says he means business. “You are Kellen’s, and Kellen is one of ours, so you are too.”

My skin prickles and my chest warms. I’m Kellen’s.

I’m humbled, more than I think I’ve ever been.

I also might be a little lovesick over this man holding my hand, calling in a cavalry to bring down my nemesis, putting his neck on the line for me.

Kellen offers a hand to Kynan, and they shake. “I don’t know how I got so lucky as to land a place here, but I thank God every fucking day for it. You know you have my loyalty for life.”

I’m so moved that I fling my arms around Kynan and hug him. He chuckles and pats my back.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

“We got you,” he murmurs before releasing me to Kellen.

We enter the ballroom to the starting notes of “Unchained Melody,” and rather than going to sit with Anna and Malik, Kellen leads me to the dance floor.

He pulls me in close, his mouth next to my ear. “I think the end is near for Levi Hellman, and that son of a bitch will pay for everything he’s done.”

“I can’t believe it.” I snuggle into Kellen as we sway, our feet barely moving, more hug than dance. “I mean, I can believe that about him. He’s evil. But to think he could actually go to prison? That would shut down the mill, which will never happen otherwise. The laws suck when it comes to protecting animals.”

“If there’s incriminating evidence, we’ll find it.”

“And you’ll turn it over to the police?”

“FBI. It’ll be federal since the women are most likely transported across state lines. Kynan will inform Griff about what’s going on, and they’ll be ready to move in.”

“I’ll need to be ready.” I pull back to look up at him. “To go in and save all those animals. If Hellman topples, there will be hundreds of sick dogs to treat and work to get adopted. It’ll be a massive undertaking, and I’ll be damned if a single one gets euthanized.”

“Jesus,” Kellen mutters. “I never even thought of that.”

The prospect that a potential rescue could happen for all those animals causes an excited humming through my veins. “I’ve got a huge network of vets who will volunteer their time for medical care. We can get adoption networks from other states to help. They can mobilize foster families and transportation volunteers. I can totally handle it.”

“You’re amazing.” Kellen bends and presses his lips to mine.

It’s a sweet kiss, but my hand curls behind his neck. I tilt my head, open my mouth, and slide my tongue against his.

Kellen groans and nips my lower lip. “Want to get out of here?” he breathes into me.

“And do what?” I ask primly, as I nibble along his jaw.

“Everything.” He rubs his nose along mine in a moment of pure tenderness laced with promise. “Going to do everything to you.”



Something cold and wet nudges my arm, interrupting my sleep. I slowly open my eyes, note the brightness in the room, and realize I’ve slept in much later than I normally do.

An early-morning person not by nature but thanks to the Marine Corps, I’m usually up and sipping coffee by six a.m. But sleeping with Abby puts me in such a comforting slumber, I’m near comatose when the sun rises.

Bubba’s nose pokes at me, an indication that his bladder is as full as it can get.

I disentangle myself from Abby’s arms and legs as we somehow sleep just fine all tangled up. She groans and rolls over, burying her head under a pillow. She’s off today, and good thing after the extra champagne last night at the wedding.

After dressing, I open the door to let Bubba into the backyard, and step onto the deck behind him. It doesn’t feel right without Princess here. I loved watching her explore the confines within the fence. She never saw the fence as a prison, though, because she was used to living in a small cage. She would walk around and sniff practically every blade of grass in wonder.

Honestly, it’s times like this when I’m watching Bubba do his doggy things that I miss Princess the most. I don’t know how that girl got wound up so tight in our hearts in such a short time, but she did. Probably because she’s a survivor, and I’m beyond sick every time I imagine her back in Hellman’s possession. No matter what happens to that asshole, I’m getting our dog back.

Our dog.

Mine and Abby’s.

Ours together.

Definitely thinking long term with this woman. I never looked way down the road with Adriana. We just… were.