Ilaria and Brielle trudge back toward me, and Ilaria looks as though she’s going to fall asleep on her feet. “I’m gonna crash,” she mutters through a yawn. “If Riley shows up, tell him to sleep in the back of the Silverado. I’m not sharing with him.”

“You got it,” I tell her, watching as she walks away.

Bri cuts past the fire to me and goes to drop down on my lap when I shake my head and stand, taking her hand in mine. “Wanna go for a walk down by the lake, see if it leads anywhere?”

She beams up at me, her bright blue eyes catching in the moonlight as she nods. “Oh my, Tanner Morgan, that almost sounds like a date.”

I scoff and fold her in next to my body, hooking my arm over her shoulder. “Cheapest date I’ve ever had.”

“And if you’re lucky, you might even get a kiss at the end of the night.”

“Only a kiss?” I tease as I lead her back to the water, walking away from the fire and our friends. “And here I was thinking I could turn your mouth into an overcrowded daycare center.”

She laughs as she threads her fingers through mine. “Tell me you did not just say that?”

“Don’t act like you don’t like my crude mouth,” I tease. “You seem to like it when I’m doing all sorts of crude things to you.”

“Damn right, I do,” Brielle says, not even the slightest bit embarrassed about it. We keep walking when she comes to a stop, catching her breath as she looks down the lake. She puts a hand to my chest, bringing me to a stop as she squints into the darkness. “Is that a bear?” she questions, her tone so quiet I can barely hear it.

“No,” I say, my hold tightening on her in case I need to throw her over my shoulder and run. Hesitating, I stare out into the darkness, trying to make out the awkward shape by the water’s edge. “It can’t be. We don’t get bears out here.”

She doesn't move an inch, positive that what she's seeing is an animal, but I'm not so sure. I hear the soft lapping of the water on the shore, and the longer I stare at the shape, the clearer it becomes.

No fucking way.

“Oh, that’s definitely not a bear,” I tell her, pulling her along. “Come on. You’ve got to see this.”

We keep making our way down the water’s edge, and I don’t dare stop until she figures out what it is and sucks in a sharp breath. “Holy fuck,” she gasps, her eyes wide as she takes in Arizona on her knees, her ass high in the air and getting railed by Jax while Riley’s down in the damn sand with his dick halfway down her throat.

Arizona looks our way at Brielle’s shocked gasp and freezes, Riley’s dick falling out of her mouth with a wet pop. Her eyes go wide as Riley trails his hand through Arizona’s hair, trying to entice her to keep going. She reaches back and taps Jax on the thigh, silently asking him to stop as she gapes at her best friend. “I, ummm …” Arizona cringes before trying to give Bri an encouraging smile. “Would you believe me if I said it’s not how it looks?”

Riley laughs. “It’s really not,” he says. “These two were fucking and I just wandered past and thought I’d join. It’s not like we planned it or anything.”

“Shut up,” Arizona says, swatting Riley’s chest. “You’re not helping.”

“Oh, and you are?” he throws back at her, casually gripping his dick.

Bri sputters and as if finally registering what she’s seeing, she spins around, burying her head into my chest as though she can’t believe what’s right in front of her face. “Holy fuck, Arizona,” she says, her words muffled by my shirt.

Arizona stretches up on her knees and tries to cover her bits as best she can while the guys really don’t give a shit, all too proud of their manhood. Though, it’s not like I haven’t seen it before. We’ve participated in more than our fair share of group activities. “To be fair,” Arizona says. “I got to see your cooter before, so I suppose now you got to see mine.”

“Oh my God,” Bri says into my shirt, shaking her head as I laugh.

“Hey, uhh, listen,” Riley says. “If you guys aren’t going to hang around and make this a party, then do you mind if we get back to business? I’m kinda losing steam down here.”

Jax scoffs and smirks at Riley. “Losing your touch, man?”

“Fuck off.”

“Okaaaay,” Bri says, gripping onto my hand and yanking me back in the direction we came. “I’m going to go and bleach my eyes now,” she says. “And Arizona? Promise me that we will never discuss this again.”