“Promise,” she calls after us.

Brielle drags me away until her legs start to get sore, and she pulls me down into the damp sand. “Can you believe those three?” she says with a laugh, completely baffled by what she saw, though to be honest, I’m not entirely surprised. I mean, I suppose I am a little considering the weirdness between Jax and Ari, but it’s not left field for them, and certainly isn’t the first time I’ve walked in to see that exact same trio, only a different background. “I thought Jax and Arizona were out here having some deep and meaningful talk about their feelings and if there was even a possibility for a future between them, but they’re out here fucking like bunnies … and Riley. RILEY! Holy shit. My head is spinning.”

I laugh and pull her onto my lap until she straddles me, and she immediately dives in for a kiss, her lips moving so effortlessly over mine. She pulls back with a thoughtful expression. “What’s up?” I ask, cupping the side of her face, unable to believe just how lucky I am to have her in my life.

“Have you ever done that … a threesome, I mean?”

My brows arch and I hold her stare. “Do you really want to know the answer to that?”

Bri cringes before a cheeky as fuck grin tears across her face. “Yeah, I think I do. I want all the juicy details.”

“This isn’t some kind of trap is it? It’s not going to come back and bite me if I tell you?”

“Ha,” Bri scoffs. “I’m not like that.”

“Yeah,” I laugh. “You sure as fuck are.”

She pokes her tongue out at me. “Then why bother asking?”

“Same could be said to you if you’re going to get sore about it later.”

“Tough shit. I’m curious, and I know I shouldn’t admit this,” she says, her cheeks reddening as she lowers her stare in embarrassment, “but after seeing that, I’m kinda turned on and wanna know about all the filthy things you’ve done.”

“Really now?” I question, tipping her straight back onto the ground and coming down over her. “Is that what you want? Someone else to join us?”

She bites the inside of her cheek as her legs wrap around me, and I can’t help but grind against her. Bri truly considers the question before shaking her head. “I’m not entirely closed off to the idea, but I don’t like the thought of seeing someone else’s hands all over you.”

“Good, because the idea of another man’s cock in your mouth is driving me insane.”

“Are you sure?” she asks, a timid tone to her soft voice. “Because I know you were probably into all of that, and I don’t want to wake up a few years down the track to find out you aren’t satisfied with just me. Like, if that’s something you need, I’m happy to think about it more, I just … I’m not some secret BDSM dominatrix who can handle four dicks flying at my face.”

“I have every faith that you could handle it. You’re a fucking spitfire and that fucking mouth of yours, goddamn. You know what the fuck you’re doing. That tight little cunt can go all night and still be ready for more, so don’t think for one second that you can’t handle it. You can,” I tell her before pressing my fingers to her temple. “This is what tells you that you can’t handle it, and I’m telling you that it’s wrong. I know your body better than you ever could, and believe me, if you wanna take a job as a BDSM dominatrix, you’ll fucking kill it. I’ll be the first client though. Actually, on second thought, how do you feel about role play?”

Bri blushes and it’s fucking gorgeous. “I am so down for role play,” she says. “But you didn’t answer the question.”

“Wait, which question?”

“A few years down the track, will I still be enough for you?”

I slip my hand between us and cup her pussy, feeling her heat through her shorts. “What? This old thing?” I tease, smirking down at her as she laughs and swats me away. “Babe, you’re my fucking world. Yes, I might have indulged in threesomes every now and then, but they’re overrated and not always as fun as it sounds. But if you want to explore and change things up, just say the word. There’s plenty of things we can do that don’t involve inviting someone else into our bed.”

Bri beams up at me, her eyes lighting like Christmas morning as she loops her arms around my neck, pulling me in closer. “In that case,” she says, the corner of her lip pulling into a sly, needy grin. “You know I’ve never had sex out in the open like this.”

I stare down at her, my brows furrowed. “Babe, we fucked on my bike in the woods.”