“Feel like shit for throwing Erica under the bus the way she did you.”

Bri nods, and I move across the room, scooping her off her bed before taking her place and lowering her to my lap. “Talk to me, Killjoy. I don’t want you feeling like shit over this.”

“I know,” she murmurs. “It’s just that those thirteen years of friendship actually meant something to me. She was my best friend, and I guess I’m just not over it yet. It still hurts to think about what she did. I thought she was my ride or die, and to find out she wasn’t only sleeping with Colby behind my back, but that she had something to do with hurting your sister … the whole thing makes me sick.”

“It’s going to be okay, babe,” I tell her. “It’ll feel like shit, but you’re doing the right thing. She can’t get away with this. You just need to think of it as taking out the trash. You have new friends to lean on now, friends who actually give a shit about you.”

Bri’s face softens and she leans into me, her lips pressing to mine. “Thank you,” she whispers, her warm lips moving against mine. “Who would have—”

My phone cuts through the serenity and Bri’s words fall away as I groan and adjust my hold on her. My hand slips into my pocket, searching for my phone. I can guarantee it’s the boys checking in. Everyone knew what Bri was doing this afternoon, and they were just as hungry for answers as I was. Only unlike me, they can control themselves.

I’m just about to silence the call when I see Mom’s name flashing across the screen. “Shit, sorry, babe,” I say, hitting accept on the call and bringing it to my ear.

“Mom, what’s up? Everything okay?”

“Oh, Tanner,” she says, sounding as though she’s out of breath. “I just had a call from the doctor. They think this is it. She’s waking up.”

“For real?” I rush out, throwing myself to my feet and struggling to hold onto Bri, momentarily forgetting she was on my lap. My eyes zone in on hers, so wide and alert as she grips onto me, sensing this is an important call.

“Yes, Tanner,” Mom says, sounding as though she’s about to break into tears of joy. “I had to duck into your father’s office to collect some papers. I’m not with her right now, and it’s at least an hour drive back. I’m not going to make it in time. Please tell me you’re close. I can’t have my baby waking up alone.”

“I’ll be there,” I tell her. “I’m leaving now.”


I throw my phone down, frantic as I search Bri’s room for my shoes that are already on my goddamn feet. Bri grabs me, forcing me to focus and breathe. “What’s going on?” she questions, her eyes wide and full of hope. “Is Addison okay?”

A grin stretches across my face and I all but start whooping like a fucking cowboy at his first rodeo. “She’s waking up,” I beam, feeling so relieved that it physically hurts. I grab Brielle and pull her into me, crushing my lips to hers in a bruising, swift kiss, wishing that I could have her in my arms for all of eternity. “I have to go.”

Her warmth hasn’t even left my fingers before I’m flying toward the door. “GO,” she calls after me, joyous laughter in her addictive tone.

I fly down the hall before doubling back and shoving my head through the open door, the beaming grin on my face like nothing I’ve ever felt before. “Hey,” I rush out, watching as she spins around to face me. “I fucking love you.”

Brielle’s eyes bug out of her head, but I don’t hang around for a response. There’s no way in hell I’m about to let Addie wake up alone. Not on my fucking watch. Though I’m not going to lie, it feels fucking amazing to have those words finally come out of me. It’s not exactly how I’d envisioned telling her for the first time, but it’ll have to do. I can make it up to her later, but right now, I have a sister to see.

I’m out the front door and catapulting myself over the boundary line in no time. My leg flies over the side of my bike and knocks my helmet off the handlebar. I consider taking off without it, but the last thing I need is to end up in the bed next to Addison. Besides, this really incredible chick told me I needed to learn how to control myself, and I think taking the extra second to do the right thing falls under the self-growth category.

My bike rumbles to life, and I take off, not even bothered by the thick black line left across my driveway. I know my father will have something to say about it, but I’ll just blame the douchebag next door … or Jax.