I reach the hospital in under ten minutes and fly through the automatic double doors. I’ve been here so often with Mom over the past seven weeks that the nurses don’t bother asking me to stop and sign in anymore. Most of the time, I follow the rules here, but today is different. I don’t have time to spare.

Making my way up to the ICU, I go through the routine of washing my hands and using the anti-bacterial sanitizer, knowing damn well that if I don’t, they’re just going to throw me back out the door. It feels as though it takes forever, but when it’s finally done, I take off like a bat out of hell.

I hurry down the hall, trying to be respectful of the other patients, and take the first right, counting the doors as I go.




I shove my way through the tenth door on the left, my heart racing with anticipation, only to come to a screeching halt, finding Hudson in the seat my mother usually claims. He watches over Addison, his eyes wide, but not as fucking wide as when he turns to find me staring right back at him.

“The fuck are you doing here?” I question, my gaze flicking toward Addie and checking her over as I move deeper into her room, noting the few nurses busily going about their jobs, and making sure she has everything she needs.

Hudson stands, awkwardly hovering in the corner of the room as I move right to Addison’s bedside, slipping her soft hand into mine and willing her to wake. “I, ummm … I thought I’d swing by and check on her after practice,” Hudson says, his voice cracking with a strange emotion, one I’ve never heard from him before. “Is she really waking up?” he questions. “The nurses won’t tell me shit. I had to practically bulldoze my way in here.”

I glance toward him, full of suspicion before looking back at Addie. “Yeah, that’s what they told Mom. She called and demanded I get my ass over here as soon as possible. She didn’t want Addie waking up alone.”

“She wasn’t alone,” Hudson says way too fast.

“The fuck is wrong with you today?” I ask.

He shakes his head, his gaze shifting to Addie again. “Nothing, I just ... I meant that I was here so if she woke up before you got here, she wouldn’t have been alone.”

“Right,” I say, more than ready to push him for details when Addie’s hand flinches in mine and my head swings back to her like one of those clowns at the fairground. “Addie?” I rush out, my body tensing with nervousness as Hudson shuffles in closer, both of us desperate to see her finally open those bright blue eyes. “Addie? Can you hear me? Please, Addie, wake the fuck up. I know you’re in there, just put me out of my misery.”

Her eyes flutter and I gasp like a little bitch. “Holy fuck,” I rush out, shoving my elbow back against Hudson’s ribs. “Did you see that? Tell me you fucking saw that?”

We both lean in closer, and I give her hand a gentle squeeze. “Come on, brat,” I urge. “You got this in the bag. I swear, just open those goddamn eyes, and I’ll give you whatever you want. Lamborghini on Dad’s credit card? One of those Burger Bags you always talk about? Fuck, I’ll even admit that I was the one who switched out the ketchup for the hot sauce during Dad’s big business meeting when we were kids.”

Her eyes flutter again, and I swear, I could fucking cry with happiness. This is more than we’ve gotten from her in a little over seven weeks now. I just hope the sister I’ve always known and loved is still in there somewhere, though I’m not foolish. I know things are going to be different, she’s different now. How could she not be after what she went through? But not a day will go by where I won’t remind her that she’s fucking perfect. Though, I’ll make sure to call her a brat every time I do. I can’t have her thinking I’ve gone soft.

A quiet groan fills the room, and just like that, Addie’s eyes open, squinting into the harsh hospital light.

“Holy fuck,” I breathe, falling to my knees, my head dropping to the edge of her hospital bed as I cling to her hand with everything I’ve got.

Addie makes a choking noise, and my head snaps up to find panic in her eyes, but the nurse quickly rushes in, putting herself between me and Addie. “You’re okay,” she says in a soothing tone, working quickly to remove the breathing tube.

Addison takes a gasping breath, her eyes wide, unsure of what the fuck is going on. Her stare comes back to mine, waiting for some kind of explanation, but another nurse hurries in, giving her a thorough check and making sure she’s stable. “Hi Addison,” she says as she goes about her routine. “My name is Rebecca. I’ve been waiting to officially meet you. Do you know where you are?”