I grab him by the back of his hair and yank him up, shoving him into his car so hard that the side panel crunches under his weight. “I should end you for what you did to my sister, but instead, I’m going to make you wish I killed you.” I slam my fist into his gut and watch him double over with a low groan, giving me the perfect opportunity to ram my knee into his nose.

The sweet, satisfying sound of his nose breaking tears through the night, but the moment is quickly destroyed by the way his blood spurts all over my shoes. My lips twist in disgust, and I step back, watching as he drops to the ground like the pathetic sack of shit that he is, gripping his face and groaning with agony.

He curls into a ball, trying to protect what he can, but there’s no hope for him, especially when I go in hard, giving it everything for the trauma he put my sister through, for the brokenness she feels in her soul, for the tears she cries every night when she thinks no one can hear.

Jax and Riley leave Roxten on the ground, completely out cold as my knuckles split and blood splatters across Colby’s face and car. Hudson hovers around me, ready to tag team this bitch as Logan takes the bat to the Charger like a scorned Carrie Underwood who just found her man cheating.

I don’t give up until Jax and Riley physically have to pull me off him, and even then, I’m fighting to get back. Colby is black and blue, and I’m gasping for breath, more worked up than I’ve ever been. His face isn’t even recognizable, eyes swollen shut, brows and lips split, and a good chunk of that nose bent right out of shape.

“That’s enough, bro,” Riley says, placing a calming hand on my chest. “There’s nothing more you can do.”

I shake my head, pulling against the boys’ hold. “The fucker broke Bri’s ribs. I ain’t going until this shit is done. I might not get another chance.”

“I’ve got you,” Hudson says, stepping in. He walks right up to Colby and kicks his shoulder, rolling him until he’s flat on his back. My body finally relaxes, and I take a proper breath as Colby looks up through the slightest slit in his swollen eye, completely deflated. Hell, he looks like he wishes he were dead, and I realize I delivered exactly what I promised.

Hudson leans down, watching the motherfucker as though committing every drop of blood to memory, and I can’t help but wish I could take a photo. Addie would love this, and she deserves to see justice served, but I won’t hold onto that kind of evidence. Hell, if this prick can get away with raping my sister, then I sure as fuck am going to get away with this.

“If you even think their names again, I will end you, and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me,” Hudson says, his voice thick with venom to the point a shiver of fear trails down my spine. And with that, he pulls back and lands an almighty blow to his side, the sound of his ribs snapping like a lullaby in the night.

Hudson turns and I don’t miss the smile that lights up his face, the weight of this night finally falling off each of our shoulders. “Camping?”

Letting out a calming breath, the boys release me, and I grin right back at him, more than ready for this weekend. “Fuck yeah.”

Chapter 22



“The fuck was that?” Ilaria asks, partially popping out of her walk-in closet, looking like a floating head, and if it weren’t for half her tit also poking past the doorframe, I might have believed it.

I shrug my shoulders and hurry to her bedroom window as Chanel’s phone blows up.

Ding. Ding. Ding. Diiiiiiiing. Ding.

“For fuck’s sake,” Chanel mutters, searching through her things as I stare out the window, finding a familiar black Mustang and Silverado in the driveway. What the hell are they doing here?

Unlocking the window, I shove my head out into the night to find Tanner sitting through his car window, his delectable ass perched against the frame as he looks up at me. “GET THAT SWEET ASS DOWN HERE,” he yells up to me as Riley hangs out his passenger side window, slapping his hand on the side panel in excitement. “WE’RE GOING CAMPING.”

“Tell me that twat was just talking to you because I am not going camping,” Ilaria exclaims, panic tearing across her face. “There’s no way in hell. Fuck that. The only stars I sleep beneath are five stars with room service.”

“No,” Chanel breathes, her eyes widening with horror as she glances up from her phone. “They wanna take us camping.”