“No,” Ilaria says. “No, there’s no way. If they wanna go on some fucked-up camping trip so they can all get murdered in the woods, they can fuck each other instead. It can be a sausage train, or I can point them in the direction of some realistic sex dolls. They’ll even suck their dicks for them. Win-win situation.”

Chanel glances toward Ilaria, curiosity written across her face. “I wonder if you can program them to make gagging sounds?”

Ilaria shrugs and steps back into her closet. “Ask Jax, he’d probably know.”

“BRIELLLLLLLLLLE,” Tanner’s low tone comes sailing through the window. “If I have to come up there and get you, I’m going to show everyone that video you sent me.”

“Not before I show them yours.”

“Hold up,” Chanel says, eyes wide. “What kind of video are we talking about? Please tell me it’s a cum shot video.”

A grin tears across my face as I look back at her. “It sure as fuck is, and it’s…” I kiss my fingers, “chef’s kiss.”

“Goddamn,” she groans, immediately pulling her phone back out, hitting a few buttons and bringing it to her ear. She waits only a second before yelling down the phone. “Where the hell is my cum shot video, Logan Morgan? If Brielle gets one, then I want one.”

She ends the call before Logan responds, and not a moment later, I hear his screechy roar flowing through the window. “Do you have any idea how fucking hard they are to get the right angle, Chanel? Of course you don’t, because you don’t have a motherfucking dick, you judgmental princess.”

Chanel races across Ilaria’s room and shoves her face out the window. “Are you sure you have a dick, Logan? Because I hear a lot of bitching coming from down there.”

“That’s it. I’m coming up there.”

Chanel’s eyes bug out of her head, and she hastily slams the window shut, narrowly avoiding crushing my fingers. She whips around, her face ghostly white. “Uhhh, well … they’re coming up.”

“They?” I ask, shoving her out of the way, only to find Tanner, Jax, and Riley following Logan while Hudson and Addie hang back in Tanner’s Mustang. “Oh, fuck.”

“Wait. What? They’re coming up here?” Ilaria breathes in fear, moving in front of the closet door, her perky tits on full display as she gapes at us in horror. We hear them bust through the front door and hit the bottom of the stairs. “BUT I’M NAKED!”

She slams her closet door, the whole wall shaking just as the boys bust through her bedroom door, Logan in front. He darts straight for Chanel, and she screams, racing across the room, but she’s no match for Logan. He’s the fastest kid in school. He grabs her around the waist and hauls her up over his shoulder, smacking her ass in the process. “You’re coming camping whether you like it or not,” he says, spying her overnight bag across the room and grabbing it. “Let’s go.”

“I swear to God, you big ass—” the rest of her insult is lost as Logan strides out the door, leaving me to deal with the rest of them.

Riley stares me down. “Where is she?” he demands, referring to Ilaria.

I shake my head. “Getting dressed. Just give her a min—”

Riley barges right through the closet door and Ilaria screams, clutching her tits. “Well, fuck me,” Riley says, striding right into her closet and shutting the door behind him. There’s a strangled scuffle coming from inside before we hear Riley’s amused laugh. “Come on, babe. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”

My brows shoot right up as Tanner crosses to me, and I can’t help but scan my gaze up and down his body, knowing all too well what’s kept them away tonight. He’s freshly showered, his hair still a bit damp. If he’d gotten all bloody, he’s gone to big lengths to hide the evidence, though there’s no mistaking his cracked knuckles and the way he seems so much lighter. “Don’t make me carry you out of here,” he says, those dark eyes eating me up.

“What happened to Friday night races?” I ask, taking his hand and looking down at his knuckles before bringing them to my lips and gently kissing them.

Jax scoffs from across the room, bored of our conversation, and beelines straight for the bathroom door, only it opens just before he can get to it. “What the fuck is—”

Arizona lets out a high-pitched squeal as Jax lunges and flips her over one of his shoulders. “Get your shit, we’re going camping,” Jax sings, smacking her ass.

“The fuck I am,” Arizona says, pounding on his back. “Put me down, you big turd.”

Jax just laughs and strides out of Ilaria’s bedroom as though there wasn’t an eighteen-year-old girl hanging off his shoulder.

I turn back to Tanner, unable to keep my stare from his bruised and broken knuckles. “Did … is it …”