Chapter 16


AfterdinnerwithNate and Mandy last night, I wanted to take her out on a date, and she agreed. Though she tried to cancel this morning when she saw the bruises on my ribs from where Nate punched me. But I assured her I was fine, and after she kissed every inch of every bruise, she agreed we could still go out today.

So here we are walking along the Chicago River, taking in the beautiful day. She's holding my hand with a smile on her face, and she looks so damn beautiful.

"Have you ever done one of the boat rides down the river?" I ask her.

"No, you'd think living here that I would have by now."

"I haven't either. What would you think about doing one?"

"Great idea! I’d like that."

Let me tell you, there is nothing like holding my girl in my arms as she leans into me while we enjoy a boat ride. This is the best way to say she’s mine while she’s cuddling with me, and it's my arms around her. It’s certainly soothing, for sure.

About midway through the ride, a couple a few rows in front of us catch our attention, and a moment later, the guy drops to one knee and proposes. When she says yes, the whole boat erupts, clapping, cheering, and congratulating.

Everyone can't take their eyes off the couple, but my eyes go to Rory. Her beautiful face is lit up in pure happiness for some strangers. But when she turns that smile on me, I feel like I won the lottery.

"I love you, West." When I hear those words, I swear I swallow my tongue. My heart feels like it's about to burst from my chest.

"I was hurt,” she goes on, “but I think that I was looking for a reason to push you away because I was scared. I'm so sorry I hurt you. But you didn't run, and that says everything to me." Before I can say anything, she pulls me down for a kiss.

This kiss may be simple, but it's the most important kiss of my life. So, I take control of it and show her everything she means to me with my kiss.

For the rest of the boat ride, we make out like teenagers, unable to keep our hands off each other. Finally, we cut the date short and head back to the house.

Once there, I sit her on the couch.

"Wait here," I say, and she nods, so I disappear into the bedroom to get the gift I've been holding on to for a while now.

When I'm right in front of her, I drop down to one knee and open the square velvet box.

“It was the day we were in Santa Monica, and Kinsley called you. I went window shopping hoping to find a ring. This was in the window, and it screamed you. Even though you were mad at me, I wanted to ask you to marry me at Nate's reception. But you snuck out. When we got home, I thought we'd move slowly as I was attempting to show you that I would always pick you."

Taking the ring from the box, I hold it in front of her. "I wasn't entirely truthful with you yesterday when you asked me what I said to Nate when I had him pressed to the tree. I also told him I was going to marry you as soon as I could get you to say yes. Then I told him his opinion didn't matter, but for your sake, he better support the day."

"That's why he walked in smiling?" She asks in a shaky voice.

"Yeah, I guess he realized how serious I was. But hearing you say you loved me today, well, it's like my world finally shifted into focus. I’ll wait until the end of time for you if that is what you want, but I don't want to wait any longer to start our life together. You are already moved in, now I'm asking you to be my wife. Let me love you, let me show you every day you will always come first, in more ways than one." I smirk at the double meaning, and her cheeks flush.

"Will you marry me, be my wife, and let me love you, support you, and take care of you for the rest of my life?"

She is silent for a moment, and while her eyes have misted over, she doesn't say and word, and my heart drops. Maybe I misread the whole day. My mouth goes dry, and I am about to stand up when she leans down and kisses me. It's a soft, sweet kiss, and before I can deepen it, she pulls away.

"When I was nine, I roped you and Nate into playing wedding with me. Remember? I married you, and Nate was the minister?"

Damn, how did I forget that?

"You wore your Easter dress. It was pale pink, and your mom did your hair up with a wildflower crown."

She nods with a smile lighting up her face. "I knew then I wanted to marry you, even if I didn't understand it. As I grew up, I thought it was just a silly little girl notion. But sitting here today, I know there is nothing I want more than to be your wife. Yes, I’ll marry you."

I don't think there are words to describe the overwhelming pure happiness that floods my body. My hands shake as I slide the ring onto her finger. The moment I place it there, I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss the inside of her palm.

She launches herself into me and wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. "Does this mean you will finally make love to me again?" she whispers against my ear as I stand up.

"I need to be inside you like I need my last breath. I love you, baby girl.”

"I love you too, West. Always."