Chapter 4


WegotintoAmarillo, Texas last night and are spending all day here. Apparently, one of Weston's friends from college is a cop just south of here and is coming up to meet us for dinner.

Things haven't changed much between West and me. We still have fun on the road, but we kiss more, and each night he takes me out to dinner. The days on the road we spend talking and getting to know each other in a new way and not just via the connection we have with Nate.

"So, what is on the list for today?" West asks as we go out to his car.

"First stop, we need to buy some spray paint."

"What the hell for?" He looks at me like I just sprouted a second head, and I can't help but laugh.

"For Cadillac Ranch!"

Since he is still looking at me like I’m weird, obviously, he doesn't know what Cadillac Ranch is.

"You know Cadillac Ranch? The place where some artist guy stuck ten classic Cadillacs in the dirt ass end up and now everyone stops, and spray paints a message or design to leave a piece of them on Route 66?"

"I know what it is, but it's the thought of you with spray paint that has me worried." He smirks as he pulls into a hardware store.

I fake gasp and playfully hit his arm. He rubs it, acting like the Hulk just sucker punched him.

Otherwise, he’s a good sport, and together we pick up a few colors of spray paint and then head out to the ranch.

Luckily, there is only one family here, and they are down on one side, so we go over to the other.

"What are you going to paint?" I ask him.

"It's a secret." He gives me that sexy smirk like he knows it turns me on, and he's doing it on purpose.

We pick one of the cars at the end of the row, and he paints on the underbelly, and I start my design on the roof of the car. I figure I’ll do something silly but cute in memory of us being here together.

So, with my lack of artistic skills, I spray paint a large heart and put both mine and West's initials in it.

"Ready when you are," I call out.

"Perfect timing! I'm ready too."

I join him on his side and gasp. He took my idea further and did it up like he was carving it into a tree trunk.

Rory + Weston = 4Ever

"It's perfect!" I giggle and snap a photo before moving over to his side.

"Looks like we were on the same wavelength." He wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me in for a hug, and kisses the top of my head.

"I think we need to do a Nate friendly one and send him a picture of it,” I say, thinking out loud.

So, we head to the next car and write their wedding hashtag across it and then take a selfie photo together with it in the background and send it to both Nate and Mandy.

Then we grab a quick lunch before spending the rest of the afternoon at the RV museum. It was great to see some famous RVs from the movies and tour many of the models that you just know made their way down Route 66 at some time or another in history.

"When I have kids, I want to do summer road trips in an RV with them. Get out and see the country and spend time together over summer break." I say as we leave the museum.

"That sounds like a great idea. You ready for dinner?"

"Yeah, am I dressed okay, or should we stop and change?"