A week alone with her sounds like heaven, but a week separated from her when we reach California sounds like hell.

As the water shuts off, I get up and get my things together to take a shower. Then her phone goes off, and I find it sitting on her bed. It's her dad, so I pick it up and knock on the bathroom door.

"Your dad is calling." She opens the door and takes the phone from me and answers it as she gathers up her stuff.

"Your turn." She smiles at me, and I make a dash to the shower.

I'm still hard from that kiss, and even the cold shower isn't helping. The thought of jerking off crosses my mind for a brief moment, but I can't do that with her on the other side of the wall. Besides, I know it won't help anyway with the real thing nearby.

I guess this will be my permanent state for the rest of the trip.

By the time I get dressed and go back out to the room, she’s off the phone.

"Everything all right?" I ask her.

"Yeah, dad was checking in and wanted to know what we saw so far. I think he's trying to follow us on a map."

She gets under the covers and lies on the edge of her bed facing mine, and I do the same. There is enough light coming in the window from the parking lot that I can still see her face.

"How will this work with my brother?" She asks the question we have been dancing around all night.

"He wants us to be happy, but you let me deal with him. I promise he will understand, though maybe just not right away," I answer.

I hope I'm right because my gut is not so sure.