"I've had a crush on you since high school." He blurts out, shaking his head like he can't believe he just admitted that.

That somehow shocks me again, though I didn't think that was possible anymore today.

I place my hand over his.

"Well, I had a crush on you too."


I can't believe she liked me back then, too. All the things I'd have done differently if I had known run through my head.

Like asking her to be my date to prom or homecoming, and I might have even told her brother to shove it and take a chance with her.

But we were such different people back then. We both went off to school, and it probably wouldn't have worked out. Though I have compared every girl I’ve dated to her.

I need to change the subject because it's our first date and I don't want things to get too serious. Though it isn't like any normal first date, I know almost everything about her and have known her for years.

"So, how is Kinsley doing?" I ask her.

"Oh, she's fine. I guess there is some drama with her sister’s boss, and her sister is trying to get her to fill in, so her sister can go interview with a new company."

"A twin switch? They haven't done that since they were in middle school."

"Yeah, remember when they tried to go to that party instead of studying? One studied for history, and one studied for math so they could take the same test twice. Then they changed clothes in the bathroom. It was a good plan. Too bad they got caught."

"What they didn't count on was the teachers being able to tell their handwriting apart," I laugh.

We finish our dinner and talk about things that happened in school, and I see all those memories with new eyes. Ones that know she liked me, making everything seem different. Every look, every time she tagged along with me and her brother, every hug.

"Want to walk some of the shops in the outlet mall we passed on the way here?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

It doesn't take long to get to the mall, and I know we really aren't here to shop. It’s more of an excuse not to end the date and spend some more time together because things change once we head back to the hotel room.

She lets me hold her hand as we walk in and out of the shops browsing and enjoying the cool night.

On the way back to the hotel, the conversation flows, and she is smiling until we pull into the hotel parking lot. The mood shifts and even I feel slightly nervous.

Things are different now, which means a new dynamic once we get back to our room. I hadn't thought this far ahead.

She holds my hand as we walk to our door, but we don't say a word. Instead, I stop outside the door and look at her. Her pink lips are calling to me and I want to taste them again. Was it really only this morning I got my first taste of them?

Almost like she can read my mind, she licks her lips, and my eyes follow the movement of her tongue, and it pulls me in like a magnet. I hesitate just a centimeter away from her lips, giving her time to understand what’s going to happen and to pull away. When she doesn’t, I lean in and seal my lips to hers.

It's like coming home and it just feels right. Her lips are soft and taste like the lemonade she had with dinner. Pressing her against the door, I deepen the kiss. She wraps her arms around my waist and leans into me. Her little moans are making my cock hard, and I don't even try to hide it. What would she sound like underneath me if she let out these sexy moans from only a kiss?

I pin her to the door with my hips, and there is no doubt she feels how hard I am. She gasps, and I use this moment to tangle her tongue with mine.

Damn, she's a good kisser, and I've never had a kiss like this in my life. The elevator dings signaling that someone else is getting off on our floor. Reluctantly, I pull back from the kiss and put some space between us.

Pulling the key card out, I open the door for her and follow her into the room. She turns and opens her mouth to talk, but I need a moment to recover from that kiss.

"Go get ready for bed. We can talk more before bed."

She hesitates for only a moment before getting her stuff and going into the bathroom. I flop down on my bed and toss my arm over my face, so many thoughts running through my mind at once.

For one thing, I have to talk to her brother because he needs to hear this from me. Though I won't be shocked if he takes a swing at me for it. We still have over a week left on our trip and then a week of festivities before the wedding.