Page 33 of The Lies of Gravity

“That’s okay.” She grinned as she strolled up to me in her skinny jeans. “I’m used to terrifying men. Especially when I catch them upsetting my best friend.”

I opened my mouth to defend myself, planning to say fuck knows what.

“It’s okay.” She waved her hand at me. “I just got off the phone with Freddie. You’re forgiven.” She stopped at my side and linked her arm with mine. “He told me you’re mine for the day.” She gave me a gentle tug as she began leading us down the sidewalk. “To quote Fred: You have theboyfriendfor the day,” she said, emphasizing the work before she raised her eyebrows at me. “Strong words.”

“It is,” I agreed. “We talked last night and he…”

“I don’t need to know,” she said, cutting me off. “You make him happy!” She beamed her smile up at me and I couldn’t help but smile back at her. “That’s enough for me.”

“Cool.” We walked in silence for a few moments before I asked the dreaded question. “So, what are we shopping for today?”

“Well…” She pressed her lips together, pouting a little as she thought. “I want to get a couple of dresses and pick up some new shoes. A single girl has to look fabulous at all times, and I wanted a man’s perspective. I thought we could use the time to see some of the city and you can treat me to lunch.”

I laughed. “You remind me of Nina.”

“Who’s that?” she asked.

“She’s my Isobel.” I grinned down at her. “She’s living in Chicago now.”

“How come she hasn’t come and seen you?” She had a little frown on her face, and it made her look cute.

“She just got married. I went there before I came here and she’s on her honeymoon. Would be nice to invite her to the city when she’s back home so she can meet Freddie.”

“Or we can go there,” Isobel quickly inserted.

“Wecan, can we?” I asked, laughing at the way she had quickly inserted herself into it. “I’m sure Nina would love that.”

“Perfect!” She grinned at me before she sped up her pace. “This shop first,” she ordered.

I inwardly groaned at her words. I knew today was going to be a long day, but if she was anything like Nina when shopping, I knew that today would most likely involve me carrying all the bags.

* * *

It was past seven pm before we arrived at Isobel’s and I flopped down on her sofa, still loaded down with the bags from our shopping trip. That woman could shop! She put Nina to shame.

“Let me just freshen up and we can go.” She walked toward where I assumed her bathroom was.

“Go where?” I called after her. I sounded like a stroppy child but I was exhausted after today.

“We’re meeting Fred and Chrissie for dinner,” she called out to me. “Can you put those bags in my bedroom for me?”

I groaned as I stood up and took the bags to the only empty door I could find. Placing them down on the bed, I walked back to the living area. Before I could get comfortable again on her sofa, she came out of the bathroom.

“Let’s go, then.” She smiled at me. “We can get a cab and save your legs.”

Thank fuck for that, I silently said.

After hailing a cab, I was relieved when it was only a short drive to the restaurant. After paying the driver, I grinned when I saw Freddie standing outside with Chrissie. I held the door open for Isobel and watched as she went skipping over to her friend.

“You survived,” Freddie said as he walked over to me. He pressed his lips to mine before he stood to face the girls, slipping his hand in my arse pocket as he did.

“That’s gorgeous!” Chrissie said as she looked down at the phone in Isobel’s hand. “Was it expensive?”

“A little.” She smiled before her hand began flicking. “But look at these clutch bags!” I grinned as she showed the picture to Chrissie. “Luke bought them! One is for you.”

Freddie turned to look at me and I loved the look of admiration he gave me.

“Thank you, Luke.” Chrissie came over and gave me a hug. “I like him,” she said to Freddie, making us both laugh.