Page 34 of The Lies of Gravity

The girls turned to the doors of the restaurant and I froze when I felt Freddie lean over and kiss my cheek.

“You are so getting rewarded when we get home.”

I grinned at him and gave him a wink before I took his hand and led him to the doors, following the girls inside.



Icouldn’t hide my excitement the moment I saw Luke heading towards me with one of my girls in tow. I felt the smile spread across the width of my face as he swaggered toward me with his arm linked with Isobel’s after exiting the taxi together, being a pure gentleman and looking as sexy as sin. I’d half expected a call at some point to say he was going to throttle her or that she couldn’t cope with him after their last encounter together, but to hear instead that they’d had a fantastic day together had settled every fear inside me. That one of my best friends and my boyfriend could actually enjoy each other’s company for me. Luke had even taken it a step further and spoiled both Isobel and Chrissie, making my heart soar out of my chest at his caring gesture. He was perfect. He was all mine and I couldn’t be happier. How did I get so lucky?

Isobel was the Queen of shopping and I knew she wouldn’t have changed her day for anyone. Once Isobel started a shopping trip, that was it; a bomb scare wouldn’t even hold her back from completing the list of shops she needed to visit throughout the day. Luke would’ve had to catch up with her or admit defeat that the day was too much for him, but it seemed nothing would deter him from showing how much I meant to him. If that meant a solo day with Isobel shopping and getting to know her, then so be it. If he asked me to do the same for his Nina, I’d do it in a heartbeat. He made the experience sound effortless, even though I knew what Isobel was like and it would have been meticulously planned, military-like even but Luke wasn’t phased. He made Isobel’s requirements seem like an everyday occurrence; fun even, not like hell on earth for most men knowing they’d be stuck going from shop to shop, trailing on her heel with piles of bags.

So, the moment I leaned over with the promise of a reward later on for Luke, I wanted him to know that he hadn’t blown today. If anything, he’d have read the neon signs that I’d been showing him exactly right and be blowing him later on tonight instead. Yes, I wondered if he’d love that as his reward. My lips around his cock. Mmm. I knew I would enjoy every moan and gasp that expelled from his lips as I brought him to his release.

The day with Isobel hadn’t ruined anything between us and if anything, it had more than likely tightened our bond together, meaning dinner was going to be hell. The girls would definitely liaise together and play on our connection, seeing how far they could push our buttons. All I knew was I’d test his restraint to the maximum as I teased him, surrounded by my friends. I enjoyed the chance of a challenge.

“Table for four, please?” Isobel asked the waiter as we stood behind the girls, watching the flustered servant flicking through the sheets of paper until he pulled out a table plan. His breath grew heavy as he flitted his eyes around at the busy restaurant and a sheen of sweat began on his brow as he noticed the gathering queue behind us. “We booked it under Petterson.”

“Ah, let me try and find your seats,” the guy replied in a quick retort as I took notice of his name badge pinned to his black apron: Evan. He took a quick glance at the time before turning his attention back to the plan and letting out a long drawn-out sigh as he dropped his head down low, closing his eyes too for a moment, like he was trying to calm himself. It was as if everything around him was causing him to panic, and he didn’t know what to do to ease the motion.

I noticed Isobel flick her hair over the shoulder with her hand before she turned toward Chrissie, raising her brow in question. Isobel wasn’t the most patient of people and her fuse could easily snap, but even she could see more was going on in front of her eyes and she didn’t know what to do. I took a moment and listened to the voice of reason in my head.Help him. Let the guy have an out from the situation.

“Baby, I’d better deal with this and see what’s happening.” I brushed my mouth against his lips for the slightest touch and connection, which set a spark of lust straight to my groin before letting my fingers slide from his pocket, not forgetting the quick squeeze of his arse. “Sorry, can I help, Evan?” I asked worryingly, cutting myself between the two women as they stepped back behind Luke. I was unsure where the air of worry had come from for this stranger, but I felt Luke’s hand grip my shoulder in comfort and I clung to his strength, like it was the oxygen I needed for my next breath.

“I need some fresh air. I can’t…” he stuttered in shock, running his hand around his neck, gripping the collar as he wrestled the tie looser and opened the top button. “It’s too much.”

Just a few days ago I’d have worried about how I would’ve dealt with a situation where I was obviously stuck, lost in my mind; just like the waiter in front of us. I’d have just run away and abandoned Luke and even my friends, freaking out at my emotions but seeing it from this perspective was like a vision of the purest clarity. I don’t know what had happened to the man in front of us, but I noticed the server to my left and grabbed his attention as he came and relieved Evan from his post. I’d never seen such relief on a man’s face as he bolted from the room and straight into a back room, as I heard the slam of a door. It made me realize how lucky I’d been with Luke as I cast a glance over my shoulder at him and felt the tears begin to gather in my eyes. I’d done this to him. I’d put Luke through this pain and I never realized what that must have done to him until now. I just hoped that Evan had the support network I did and found the piece inside that was missing to fix his fears, just like I had.

“Well, that was an interesting start to the night,” Chrissie said, taking her seat as I tucked her chair into the table as Luke tucked Isobel’s chair in next to hers. “I hope that guy will be okay.”

“I think maybe we should leave it alone,” Luke uttered as he held his hand up to grab the attention of a waitress that had just headed down our aisle, as he took his seat next to mine. “I could certainly do with a drink.”

“Me too,” I replied. I knew the gesture was rude, but I turned to face Luke and leant close towards his ear before whispering into the cups of it. “I’m sorry. I never knew I hurt you so much. I…”

I felt Luke’s mouth on mine, stopping me mid-sentence as the growled tone reverberated up his throat, his tongue coating the inside of my mouth for a very steamy kiss that I knew I should try and calm down but couldn’t. Both girls coughed to grab our attention as we pulled away to the waitress standing pink-faced with her order book in hand.

“And what can I get you two?” I gathered my composure and winked at Luke.

“Drink Fred, she meant drink.” Isobel giggled as Chrissie and the waitress laughed along.

“I mean, I wouldn’t mind a guy showing me that public display of affection. It certainly got me a bit hot under the collar,” the waitress replied.

“Me either,” Chrissie replied.

“Me three.” Isobel smiled before nodding her head. “Better get that drink order in then, Fred, or you’ll never get home tonight.”

The rest of the evening flew by with the four of us laughing and joking whilst Luke and I made lingering looks and teasing touches, driving each other’s libidos wild. I tried to participate in the conversation that Isobel and Chrissie kept giving us cues to join in with, but the discussion of which guy was hotter in the bar at work, Robert or Kai, wasn’t a topic I wanted to join in with. I wanted to finish the chocolate cake that was currently being spooned into Luke’s mouth and lick the frosting clean off his spoon before I made our excuses and head back to whoever’s place was the closest.

“Is it good?” I asked Luke breathlessly as the girls continued their argument over Robert’s protective nature and kindness and Kai’s strength of will whilst taking bites of New York cheesecake that had the perfect wobble.

“This?” Luke asked, taking another bite slowly as he turned to face me and torturously placed the contents inside before licking the contents, his darkened gaze never faltering. “Delicious. I thought you didn’t want one…”

“I didn’t.”

“But now…” Luke dipped his finger in the rich chocolate sauce before coating it fully.

“Now it looks delicious.”