Chapter Sixteen

“Where in the hell is Dracott?” Ralston demanded, pacing across the office.

Eden noted her brother’s sheepish expression while he tried to make excuses for Dracott’s absence. What fool errand did Graham have Dracott chasing after? Probably the name of some light skirt. Her brother was hopeless. However, his excuses only made Ralston grow more impatient with the delay.

Lord Falcone had arrived with pertinent news that required immediate attention. Her gaze shifted to the arrogant lord. He sat with a smug expression, displaying his pride at the information he delivered on breaking the case concerning the whereabouts of Lady Langdale. Before long, he would gloat over his discovery. Her dislike for the gentleman grew each time she came into contact with him. Which, unfortunately, happened more times than she had liked lately.

She had held dislike for the marquess since the first time she met him during her stay at the Duke of Colebourne’s estate. He had attempted to draw a wedge in between her friends Jacqueline Holbrooke and Griffen Kincaid’s courtship by slandering the viscount with false accusations. However, his actions had held no effect on their courtship. They were happily married with a child and another on the way. However, the tension between the two gentlemen continued, especially when they needed to join forces with Kincaid’s security firm. As they needed to for this case.

Her gaze strayed toward Lord Kincaid, who had propped himself against the wall, waiting for their meeting to begin. Kincaid stayed quiet and ignored the marquess, making everyone aware he only held contempt for Falcone.

This investigation had taken a chaotic turn, and if no one brought it under control, they would lose their chance at capturing Lady Langdale and her crew.

Eden rose, walked over to Falcone, and knocked his feet off the desk. Besides annoying her with his presence alone, she found him to have the manners of a brutish oaf. Falcone’s reaction only fueled her annoyance when he smirked at her. If it was only a smirk, she could respond with a sarcastic remark. However, he raked his gaze over her body with a slowness that one would only describe as slow perusal. The bold stare left her flustered, and for a brief second, he made her forget her purpose.

Oh, yes. Chaos. She must start the meeting and not dwell on Falcone’s agenda, for whatever it was, it would only end in trouble.

She knocked on the desk, drawing their attention toward her. “Gentlemen, we need to begin. We can inform Lord Dracott of our news when he arrives.” She shot a glare at her brother for the delay.

Worth gave his sister an innocent smile in his attempt to rile her. “Eden has a point.”

“Very well,” Ralston agreed with exasperation at their disorganization. “Falcone, please explain the intel you learned this morning. I filled everyone in about your sighting of Lady Langdale but have not had a chance yet to tell them everything else.”

Falcone rose and stood with his hands behind his back. “While on surveillance of Lady Langdale’s home, I saw a carriage waiting outside the residence. I couldn’t get close enough to recognize the coat of arms, but the lady who exited Lady Langdale’s home appeared well-to-do.”

“What did she look like?” Worth questioned.

“She was an older lady and quite stunning. Her hair is the color of soft butter with streaks of sunshine. The style of her clothing is of the latest trends. My guess is that she helps Lady Langdale with the seduction of her victims,” Falcone explained.

“What brought you to that assumption?” Kincaid asked.

“Because, Lord Kincaid, I followed the carriage. It traveled into the shadier part of London to collect Lady L’s goons, then picked up some poor bloke. The carriage then proceeded out of town.”

“Did you continue to follow them?” Kincaid drilled Falcone.


Kincaid threw his hands in the air. “Why ever not? We need solid proof of Lady L’s arrival in London. Not hearsay.”

“They were her men,” Falcone snarled.

“Then you should have stayed close to confirm her sighting. Instead, you let her get away,” Kincaid accused.

Kincaid and Falcone had advanced on the other while making their arguments.

Ralston stepped between them, holding his arms out to keep them apart. “Arguing with each other will not help our case.”

“The work of an amateur,” Kincaid muttered. “Where is Dracott? He would never have made such a foolish mistake.”

“Who is this Dracott?” Falcone asked. “Can we trust him?”

“I hired him a few months ago,” Worth stated.

“Why?” Falcone asked.

Worth defended his actions. “Because we needed more help. You were unavailable.”

“Because I was tracking Lady L on the Continent,” Falcone snarled. “Not playing cards at balls or chasing skirts around town.”