“We each had our own part to play. You are the one who made the choice to leave the country,” Worth argued.

Falcone glared at Worth. “I had my reasons. You never answered my question. Can we trust Dracott? How do we know he is not a spy for Lady Langdale?”

Eden gasped. “Because he is an honorable gentleman.”

Falcone quirked an eyebrow at her. “Unlike myself?”

“Yes,” Eden hissed.

“Enough!” Ralston declared. “Trading insults between one another solves nothing. Everyone take a seat so we can discuss this rationally.”

Before they sat down, Reese stalked into the office, waving around a letter. “Where is he?”

“Who?” Worth asked.

“Dracott,” Reese snarled.

Eden and Worth exchanged worried looks. Reese had worked himself into a snit, and it didn’t bode well for Dracott. Was Reese the reason for Dracott’s disappearance? If so, what had he done? The only reason for Reese’s anger was because Dracott had hurt Maggie.

“He is following a lead on one of our cases,” Worth explained.

“Is this the same case you have kept a secret from me? One that involves my ex-mistress,” Reese demanded.

Nobody answered Reese. They each wore a guilty expression from keeping their investigation under wraps. In their defense, they did so to protect Reese and Evelyn from Lady L’s evilness. They were targets who needed protection.

“In all fairness, our investigation is a business matter,” Ralston explained.

Reese shook his head in disgust. “Business matter.” He scoffed. “This far surpasses business. She has made it a personal matter.”

Reese threw the letter at Worth. The longer Worth read the letter, the more shocked his expression turned. He passed it to Eden next, and she scoured the missive. The accusations the letter held far surpassed a shocking reaction. It painted a story of deception and greed. She looked up in horror at her brothers.

“No,” Eden denied, shaking her head.

Barbara Langdale’s letter told the story of two brothers who set out to destroy the Worthington family under her direction. She took great pleasure in giving details of her plan to make Reese suffer for abandoning her all those years ago. Her vindictiveness led her to break the hearts of his sisters. Since she couldn’t hurt him, she would torment those he loved.

“I am afraid so. Colebourne confirmed the story of Ravencroft’s family history,” Reese stated.

“Maggie? Noel?” Eden only spoke their names. No other question needed to be asked.

“They don’t know yet. I will deal with Dracott in my own way,” Reese threatened.

“You cannot,” Worth said.

“I can and I will,” Reese bit out. “He is a nobody, and no one will miss him.”

Worth tried to get his brother to see reason. “Ravencroft will notice.”

Eden gripped the letter in her hand. “So you will destroy Dracott because he is not a peer. But Ravencroft will not suffer because of his standing in society.”

“Oh, Ravencroft will suffer, but he will do so under my watch,” Reese growled.

“It is unfair.” Eden slammed her hand down on the desk.

“Unfair?” Reese roared. “These gentlemen have ruined our sisters. They do not deserve fair.”

Ralston, always the peacemaker, stepped forward and guided Eden to sit down. After he took the letter from her hand and read it, he shook his head and passed it over to Kincaid. Once Kincaid read it, he folded it and placed it in his pocket.

“What? Do I not deserve to understand what is transpiring?” Falcone asked.