Dracott had never wanted to strike a lady before. But Lady Langdale was no lady; she was a vindictive shrew. He never understood what any gentleman saw in her. They were always too blinded by the act she performed.

Lady L looked out the window before addressing him. “Now onto business. Your brother’s deadline has expired. He failed to supply me with the drawings I requested. His defiance has resulted in my need to destroy both of you. Not only for disobeying my instructions, but for helping Sabrina escape. Thanks to your mother, Sabrina has returned so that I may watch over her welfare. However, it doesn’t lessen my annoyance at her disappearance.”

The carriage slowed and pulled off the path of the road. Dracott realized they had left the city and what awaited him when he stepped from the carriage. Lady L would set her goons upon him to beat him to within an inch of his life. She wouldn’t allow them to kill him. No. She would enjoy the entertainment of how he would suffer from their abuse, then take pleasure from the shame she set into motion.

Maggie would learn the truth of his deception at the hands of Barbara Langdale. A truth, no matter who delivered it, would hold the same effect. Only his description would have held his personal agony. Either way, the Worthingtons would learn of his twisted involvement and how he had tried to cover his tracks. He hoped the love Maggie expressed would help her understand the reasons for his deceit. If not, then the hell from his past would consume him again.

Dracott had no words for either lady because they were cut from the same cloth. Their only agenda was for themselves. His mother may have given birth to him, but that was as far as her motherly care extended.

He opened the door and stepped out of the carriage to his doom.


MAGGIE HAD OVERSLEPT, missing breakfast. And Crispin. Her family had left the dining area, and the servants had cleared away breakfast. Should she wait for Crispin to pay a visit or should she make an excuse to visit Graham’s office?

The house held an eerie sense of silence. Maggie wandered from room to room, deciding on her next course of action. Where was everyone? The parlors and library sat empty, and when she looked outside, she noticed a light rain fell. So they wouldn’t have taken a walk in the garden. Maggie climbed the stairs and looked in her sisters’ chambers and couldn’t find them. Even Reese and Evelyn’s bedchamber door remained closed.

And she had learned early in their marriage to never disturb them. She smiled, now understanding why. When she was younger, she’d had the tendency to walk in on them during some intimate moments.

Since she couldn’t find Mama, Maggie figured Noel had talked their mother into another shopping excursion. She shuddered at the thought. One highlight, at least from oversleeping. She had hoped to ask Eden if she had seen Crispin since Eden worked alongside Graham on a few cases. Perhaps Eden held some insight into his character she hadn’t noticed. Not that she doubted him. She only wished to learn everything about him. She wanted to understand what had traumatized him.

Maggie lingered in the hallway, unsure what to do. She heard the silly giggles of her niece and went to play with her. In the meantime, Maggie hoped someone would return home or else Crispin would pay a call.

She stood above Mina. “Are you being silly, Miss Mina?” Maggie tried to talk in a stern voice but only ended up giggling herself.

Mina clapped her hands. “Play, Mags. Play.”

Maggie laughed at her enthusiasm and dropped to the floor. “What shall we play?”

“Dolls and teatime,” Mina stated to her aunt as though it should have been obvious.

Maggie cringed when Mina selected her dolls and set them around the small table. Even as a child, Maggie had never played with dolls. She had preferred the outdoors and horses. Even now, she longed for the open fields and the babbling brook on their estate. She wondered if Crispin enjoyed the outdoors or if he preferred the city more. They had much to learn about the other.

“Mags.” Mina patted the chair next to her.

Maggie joined her niece for playtime with dolls and tea. She would indulge Mina the same way her family always indulged her when she was younger and preferred playing in the barn.

“Who do we have joining us today?” Maggie asked, glancing around the table.

Mina made the introductions in a grown-up voice, pulling another smile from Maggie’s lips. While she enjoyed the morning with her niece, she realized her troubles would work themselves out, and all would be well.

It had to.