They had much to discuss, but she held confidence they would conquer the obstacles in their path. It wouldn’t be easy, but together they would succeed. She must rein in her patience before she unraveled from the uncertainty. To help calm herself, she closed her eyes and brought forth the memory of their lovemaking.

Crispin’s desire for her held an intensity brought on by his attack. However, Maggie had never once felt an ounce of fear toward him. Her soul cried at what he might have endured in his past, and her soul rejoiced at every emotion he brought forth with each caress he brushed across her skin. Each of his kisses spoke of his possession of her heart. Her fingers trembled across her lips as she traced them. The intensity of his kisses awakened her senses even now.

Maggie laid her head on her folded arms and watched the sky grow brighter from the rising sun. Her eyes drifted close, and she dragged them back open. She didn’t want to fall asleep and miss Crispin’s visit. However, exhaustion took hold and she succumbed to her body’s need to sleep.

No matter how much she resisted otherwise.


WITH HIS THOUGHTS FOCUSED on his explanation to Maggie, Dracott was oblivious to the carriage following him. A sense of danger gripped him as he crossed through the park to reach the Worthington townhome. He tipped his hat at a couple passing him before glancing over his shoulder. A carriage with a suit of arms had stopped a few yards behind him. However, the carriage disappeared once he reached the gate leading out of the park.

Dracott walked to the corner of the street. Before he could take another step, the carriage pulled in front of him. Two burly footmen grabbed him and threw him into the carriage. They left him with no opportunity to resist. Dracott landed on the floor and slammed his head against the door. He kept his head lowered, not wanting the person who had grabbed him to find pleasure in his discomfort.

She was the root of his nightmare. The terror who haunted him with her demands. However, she wasn’t alone. He should’ve known his mother would turn against them. Her visit to his lodgings was nothing more than a warning, one they had failed to respond to. Now, he must deal with the consequences of his mother’s betrayal. Lady L had made her return, and now she would extract payment from everyone she controlled.

He pushed himself to the opposite seat before addressing them. “Mother.”

The other lady raised an eyebrow in disapproval at his rudeness. Instead of responding, he crossed his arms in front of his chest and waited for the lady to state her demands. He knew his insolence would irritate her enough to lose control of her temper. He played a dangerous game, but one he must, to protect those he loved.

Instead of stroking her anger, his silence only seemed to amuse her. “Yes. There is a difference with the boy.” She made a tsking noise. “How the love of a simple girl makes a boy brave. ‘Tis a sad act to watch.”

Dracott gritted his teeth, refraining from taking her bait. “What do I owe this displeasure?”

The lady shook her head in disappointment. “And he has lost his sense of respect. But what do you expect when he has fallen for a hoyden? I can see where her lack of manners has rubbed off.”

Dracott employed the techniques Ravencroft had taught him to keep his temper under control. He counted to ten, but instead of a calm approach, he only wanted to strike out with his own insults. Maggie was ten times more of a lady than the one before him. Lady Langdale was gutter swine. She might have married into the aristocracy, but she held less worth than the whores who worked in the East End.

His nostrils flared, and he tightened his hands into fists at his side. He must remain calm or else she would feed him to her goons. He couldn’t afford to suffer another relapse because no one held a clue of his whereabouts to help him.

“Have you guessed why I have asked you to join me?”

Dracott scoffed. “Asked?”

The lady laughed. “I quite enjoy the man you have grown into. No wonder young Maggie has fallen so hard. Though I much prefer your hair in its natural state.” She fluttered her hand at his head. “This color is atrocious.”

“I tried telling him,” Lady Ravencroft added.

“Yes, he is obviously a man who has reached a point where he no longer listens to his mother’s advice. If he had, we wouldn’t find ourselves in the predicament we are in now. Would we?”

“Barbara . . .” Lady Ravencroft started.

Lady L growled. “Do not say my name aloud.”

Dracott chuckled. “Do you imagine you fool anyone? Soon everyone in London will learn of your arrival and you will find no hole large enough to hide under.”

Lady L pulled off her gloves. “One should not sound so cocky unless they have proof to back up their words.”

Dracott relaxed back in the seat. “I need no proof. You are a wanted lady and will soon meet your demise.”

“Ah, that is where you are ahead of yourself, Lord Dracott. What a horrid name and disguise. However, it no longer matters. This morning your employers will receive an anonymous tip and proof about how you are a member of Lady Langdale’s thievery ring. This will, therefore, end your position with Graham Worthington and Barrett Ralston. Also, my past lover, Reese Worthington, will receive a letter.”

“What did you do?” Dracott snarled.

“Why, your mother sent Reese a letter explaining your identity and the different scams you ran throughout England and on the Continent. As a fellow peer, she refused to condone your actions in pursuing his sister and ruining her virtue. Even though the ton no longer accepts her anymore, she didn’t want Ravencroft’s chances with Lady Noel ruined,” Lady L explained.

Dracott sat forward in his seat. “You had no right.”

Lady L laughed. “When will you ever learn?” She sat forward to where they were only a breath apart, and she spoke with menace. “I own you.”