“We will discuss this in depth later,” Ravencroft ordered.

Dracott shrugged. “We shall see.”

“That is not for you to decide,” Ravencroft declared before the carriage jerked to a stop, sending them colliding against one another.

Dracott glanced behind the curtain to notice his mother entering a prestigious residence in Mayfair. He quirked a brow at Ravencroft in question at who owned the home. Ravencroft shook his head. It didn’t matter. Now he could restart the investigation Worth and Ralston had come to a standstill on.

“We must confess our deceit to the Worthingtons. There is no other way to stop our mother and Lady Langdale,” Dracott whispered.

“No. Give me another day. I will come up with a plan,” Ravencroft insisted.

Dracott stared at his brother and listened to the desperation in his voice. He owed it to Ravencroft to figure something out. His brother had saved his life on more than one occasion and rescued him from their mother’s clutches. He owed his devotion to Ravencroft foremost. But he also recognized the madness of the situation and needed to make his brother see reason.

“One more day,” Dracott offered. And nothing more.

Ravencroft nodded his head with determination. However, Dracott didn’t know if determination would be enough.

“Now spill,” Ravencroft demanded.

Dracott noticed movement and saw Ren stealing away. She moved from bush to bush with stealth like he had taught her. He knew if he followed his mother, he would find Ren.

“Later,” Dracott said as he slipped out of the carriage.

“Dracott,” Ravencroft growled.

But Dracott had moved away too swiftly for Ravencroft to catch him. He blended into the shadows and tracked his friend. She kept glancing behind her, but he stayed hidden from her view. When she rounded a corner, he followed, only to find she had disappeared on him. He slowly spun in a circle, but there was nothing but complete darkness. She had led him into an alley with no light shining from anywhere.

Uneasiness settled over him. In his haste to follow his mother, he had left home without a weapon. Now he stood unprotected, a defenseless animal waiting for a predator to attack. It shouldn’t have surprised him when someone swept his legs out from underneath him.

He landed on the ground with his assailant leaning over him, holding a knife to his throat. The techniques Ravencroft had taught him vanished from his thoughts, and a panic he couldn’t control set in. In his attempt to control his breathing, it only intensified his fear. Sounds echoed in the distance, and a flashback from his past consumed him.

Blackness surrounded his vision, and he fell into the deep hell his mind delivered him to.