They were getting nowhere. His mother would never admit to why she was here. She played a part and wouldn’t break out of character. The only way she would leave was if they consented to her wish. “All right. Ravencroft will make the introductions soon. In the meantime, perhaps you should remain keeping a low profile until it is safe.”

“Like hell!” Ravencroft thundered.

“Safe?” Lady Ravencroft questioned with a look of innocence.

Dracott held out his hands for them both to hear him out. “If mother attempts to enter society again, then you must portray a united front. If not, Lady Noel will suffer the consequences of rejection more than either of you will.” Dracott focused on his mother. “You cannot show yourself until we clear your name. You are on a list associated with Lady Langdale. It states how you are one of her accomplices. Until then your safety is at risk.”

Dracott watched his mother’s confident smirk turn to fear and couldn’t help himself. “I do not think you will fare well in Newgate. Do you, Ravencroft?”

Ravencroft chuckled at Dracott’s barb. “No, I do not believe so.”

Lady Ravencroft stomped her foot. “You two are impossible, not to mention cruel. What children find humor in their mother’s demise?”

Dracott shrugged. “Children who had to endure a lifetime of hell with you as their mother.”

She advanced on Dracott with her fist held back, ready to strike him. At one time, he would have cowered from her brutality. But with Ravencroft’s help, he had learned how to defend himself. And Maggie’s love had given him the confidence to endure any battle set before him. When he didn’t even flinch, she lowered her arm.

“Ahh, I see the wench restored your confidence once you bedded her. However, I wonder how she would feel about you if she knew the truth of your identity.” She glanced between her sons. “I take it neither lady is aware of how you two are brothers.”

When they both stayed silent, they supplied their mother with the answer to her suspicion. “When will either of you learn? Stick to the truth as close as you can while working a con. Because the truth will always come forth. Your deceit will only make for some uncomfortable dinner conversations. Not unless you do not plan to make an honest lady of Lady Margaret. Was she only a replacement for your precious Ren?” Lady Ravencroft snarled in distaste.

“What in the hell is she talking about?” Ravencroft demanded.

Lady Ravencroft waved her hand in the air. “Oh, you know how your brother has an affliction for ladies who wear breeches.”

“Tell me you did not bed Lady Margaret,” Ravencroft pleaded with Dracott.

Lady Ravencroft chuckled. “Well, she was in his lodgings for a considerable amount of time, leaving one to speculate on their activities. Also, there was Rogers’s threat to Crispin to call on Lord Worthington the next day. But he never called.” She appeared quite pleased with herself and continued. “How is Rogers these days? You must send him my regards. I do miss his company.”

Dracott needed his mother to leave before Ravencroft unleashed his fury on him. He never planned for his brother to learn of his indiscretion with Maggie. “Where are you staying?”

“With a friend,” Lady Ravencroft answered.

“If the friend is Lady Langdale, I insist you break your ties. The only way for us to clear your name is to prove your innocence, and if you continue hiding out with her, then it only shows proof of your guilt,” Dracott explained.

Lady Ravencroft rolled her eyes. “Very well. I must complete this assignment for her and then I am free to go. Gregory, your time to supply the blueprints is running out. She expects them by tomorrow evening. Any attempt to thwart her plans will end in your demise. She will provide the authorities with proof of your involvement in her thievery ring. Then she will expose Crispin for who he is. Lady L will strike her revenge while the Worthington family suffers from the shock of your betrayal.”

Lady Ravencroft walked to the door. She had accomplished what she had set out to do. She left behind destruction as she always did, forcing her sons to pick up the pieces.

However, before she left, Dracott needed one more piece of information from her. “Ren?”

She turned and arched an eyebrow. “What of her?”

“What is her role?”

His mother looked at him with sympathy. “Her attachment and deception go far beyond what you believe of her. I warned you about her. Maybe one day you will heed those warnings, before she destroys you.”

With those last words, she left. Tension filled the air from her visit. His brother stood glaring at him, waiting for an explanation. However, he must follow his mother instead of soothing his brother’s battered ego. She would lead him to Lady L and hopefully Ren, too.

He grabbed his cap and set off. His brother ran after him, grabbing his arm to spin him around.

“You bedded her,” Ravencroft hissed.

“Shh.” He pressed Ravencroft against the wall when he heard his mother’s footsteps pause on the steps. Once she started again, he turned to Ravencroft, holding a finger to his lips. “Later,” he whispered.

Ravencroft snarled but nodded in acceptance. They kept to the shadows as they crept down the stairs, listening to their mother inform the carriage driver of her destination. Once the carriage took off, Ravencroft pointed to his carriage waiting for him across the street. They ran to it, and he ordered his driver to follow the other carriage but keep at a distance to stay undetected.

His brother glared at him while they rode along. He didn’t need to listen to Ravencroft’s lecture to understand his disappointment. Usually he held remorse for his actions, but in this he held none. He didn’t regret the magical evening he’d had with Maggie. He only wished to share many more with her.