Page 65 of Amor in the 305

When I exit the bedroom, the hall upstairs is quiet and empty. The white walls are covered in artwork, just like the entire first floor. The wooden floors are cool under my bare feet, creaking as I pad down the hall. When I descend the stairs, I hear Amaury’s voice. He’s talking to someone but his voice is low so I can’t make out what he’s saying. I continue to follow his voice until I see him stretched out on the couch in the Florida room, wearing a fresh blue shirt, dark jeans, his sockless feet resting on the armrest.

“Mañana te busco a las cinco,” he says. I wonder who he’s talking to? I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but my curiosity gets the best of me.

“Okay.Te quiero. Put your mima on.” Mima. I remember that’s what he calls his mother, but why would he say your mima if he’s talking to his mother?

“Sí, I told her five.Gracias, Yanelis.Chau.” After ending the call, he drops the phone on the coffee table and lets out a long sigh. His arms extend up and he places them under his head. From this angle, I catch the right side of his face, the stubble growing from days of not shaving, reminding me how the roughness of his facial hair feels as he explores me with his mouth. A tingle spreads through my body.

“Hi,” I say, and shuffle toward him.

He turns and rises, a smile spreading across his weary face. It looks like he showered, the blood no longer spattered along his arms. “You sleep good?” he inquires, giving me a lopsided grin.

I nod. “Incredibly well. Almost forgot where I was.” A sheepish grin creeps across my face.

“What time is it?” I ask.

He lifts his wrist to glance at his watch. “Five past seven.”

Silence hovers, the unspoken words swirling in the air around us as we gaze at each other from a distance.

Amaury takes a step toward me but abruptly stops. “Sol. Talk to me,por favor. Tell me we’ll be okay. I love youy te necesito!” He’s beautiful, even with dark circles under his eyes from the lack of sleep.

The pang in my heart aches. I love and need him too. I want us to be okay. “No more secrets?” I ask.

His head shakes. “Prometo.” His promise is all I need right now. He’s been a man of his word and I trust he’s telling me the truth.

I close the gap between us and wrap my arms around him, crashing my lips with his. They’re warm, the softness of his lips a contrast to the scratchy hair growth around his mouth. He pries my mouth open, his tongue pushing its way in.

Without separating our bodies, I pull my face away from his and say, “We’ll be okay.” I reach for the button of his jeans and then push them down his thin waist. He’s wearing black fitted briefs, the tip of him protruding from the top, glistening from his arousal. His nose drags along my neckline, inhaling my scent. I nudge him back to sit on the couch then remove my pants. I leave my panties on. I remember he once told me he loves making love to me with them on because it gives him more pleasure.

When he’s seated, I straddle him, pulling him from his briefs. I rise to position myself over him, but he stops me. “El condón, in my jeans pocket,” he says, pointing to his pants strewn across the floor.

I ignore his words and let him fill me. I drop my lips to his ear, grazing the skin, and whisper, “I love you.”



“You must be hungry,” I say, pulling my jeans up. I’m not sure if Sol ate today before I went to her house and then after the Carmine incident we came here, and she fell asleep. I’m starving so I’m almost certain she is too.

She’s sprawled across the couch, wearing only her underwear and bra. One of the things I love about her is she’s unassuming. She wears what makes her feel comfortable. Her bra is pink, her underwear black. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her wearing a matching set. Right now, her skin is glowing.

“I’m starving. I only had toast with my coffee this morning not expecting the day to turn out how it did.” I don’t think anyone expected this day to start out like it did. I’m just thankful it didn’t end how Carmine wanted and I have my girl here at my house. I lean down, pull her lips between mine and suck on them. Although I made love to her and let my body show her how much she means to me, with her it’s never enough. She’s addictive and the more I have her, the more I want her. Her scent drives me wild. I’m like a dog in heat.

I rise again. “We can order takeout, if you want. Otherwise, I made black beans last night, we can have those with some rice,tostones, and grilled chicken. It won’t take me long to make dinner. Your choice.” I love to cook and eat in as much as possible so I’m hoping she says no takeout.

“I’d rather not order takeout. I was gone all week and have been eating out every day. A home-cooked meal is long overdue! Besides, I’ve never tried your black beans and you rave about them all the time.” She graces me with a beautiful smile, the left side of her face still red.

“Listo. I start cooking now and dinner will be ready in thirty minutes.” I grab my shirt from the back of the couch and pull it over my head.

Sol joins me in the kitchen about fifteen minutes later. “Can I help with anything?” she asks.

“Sí. Get the dishes over there.” I point to the cabinet on the far end of the kitchen. “We can eat here at the counter, if you want.”

“Counter is good, it’s easier that way too,” she responds.

We’re nearly finished with dinner and I’m itching to ask her about Carmine. I thought she would’ve brought it up by now, but she hasn’t. I’m wondering if she’s trying to avoid the topic all together. Let’s see if I can draw it out of her.

“I think you need classes, to learn how to protect yourself,” I say.