Page 66 of Amor in the 305

She nods in agreement. “When I left Carmine, I had thought about taking self-defense classes but never got around to it. Then I moved to Miami and forgot about it. I assumed I had left Boston and I was safe. I hadn’t realized the lengths he would go to, although I should’ve. Now self-defense classes seem like a great idea. I’ll look into finding a class.”

“My friend owns a place, I call him tomorrow. He’s former military and very good.”


I push the stool back and rise, grabbing my plate to put it in the sink. “Y ahora, what happens? What did Officer Cruz tell you?”

Sol finishes chewing what’s in her mouth. “She told me the State Attorney would call me because even though I gave a statement to the police, I’ll have to tell the State Attorney again. I’m guessing you’ll get a call too, since you saw some of what happened.”

“I’ll tell them everything. How much time does he stay in jail?”

Her shoulder rises in uncertainty. “I don’t know. I asked the officer, but she said I needed to ask the State Attorney. What I do know, is he might be able to pay bail so he can get out of jail while the case moves forward.”

I lock my gaze with hers and cross the kitchen, closing the gap between us. “I no want you staying at your house alone, Sol. Please, stay here until it’s over.”

“Umm, that could be a long time,” she says, turning toward the window while pulling a curl between her fingers.

“Sol,no importa,” I tell her, placing my finger at her chin to turn her gaze back to me. “I want you to live with me.” Sol’s eyes widen as I’m speaking but I continue to keep my eyes steady, letting her know I’m serious. I don’t care how long it takes because I want to move in together.

“Let me think about it,” she responds. I can see the thoughts swirling because she’s quiet, her lips slightly pursed. If I had to guess, she’s probably trying to convince herself things are happening way too fast but at the same time doesn’t want to return to her apartment after today’s incident. I know that’s what I’d be thinking if I were in her shoes.

“No make a decision right away. Take your time.”

“I’ve never been so scared in my life,” she says. “When I saw Carmine’s face on the other side of my door it took me by surprise. I got too comfortable, let my guard down and he knew it. He was waiting for the right moment to show up. I wasn’t strong enough to push the door closed and he gained entry. Fear rushed in as he grabbed my arms and pushed me toward the bedroom. I didn’t know what he wanted, why he was there. When I asked, he said, ‘shut up you fucking whore, I’m the one doing the talking today’ and then he slapped me.” Her hand lifts, resting on the red area of her cheek. “Stupidly, I complied.” She’s staring blankly at the wall as she’s talking.

I’m about to interject when she speaks again.

“I thought I was gonna die today. I was suffocating. If you hadn’t shown up, he would’ve killed me.”

I need to hug her, remind her she’s safe. “But you’re here. No think about that. Think about him being arrested.”

She reciprocates and squeezes her arms around me before separating, our eyes locking on one another. “Thank you for today. For everything you’ve done for me.”

Is she serious right now? I’d do anything for her! How does she not know this yet? “Haría todo por ti.” I drag my thumb across her plump bottom lip.

“Do you know why he showed up, what he wanted?”

She shakes her head. “Like I said, he’s my ex-boyfriend. We were together for almost two years. In the end, he was becoming abusive and so I escaped before it became worse.”

My heartbeat quickens and rage stirs inside of me. “Cómo quéabusive?”

She shifts in her seat and stares out the French doors overlooking my backyard. “I don’t like talking about everything I lived through. Besides, I figured no one wants to hear how weak I was.”

“Weak?Muñeca, you are no weak.” I extend my hand out to touch her, feel her skin. Sol remains still, her eyes fixed on something in the backyard.

“At first, he wasn’t physically abusive. He was just controlling and emotionally abusive. Would never trust what I told him. Would check my phone, interrogate me each time I got home.” Her eyes are still and they’re staring into nothing as the memories spill.

I swallow. Listening to her recount being with this asshole is enraging me, and she hasn’t even gotten to the abuse part yet.

“When he and I started living together, I wasn’t much of a cook, but he expected me to cook, and clean, basically do everything at the house. If it had been up to him, I’d have been barefoot and pregnant.” Sol’s index fingers draw back and forth in a slow repetitive motion along the countertop. “The first time I made a pasta dish he wanted, he took one bite, told me I was worthless as a woman, and threw the food away, dish and all. Then he screamed and insulted me the entire time I cleaned up from making dinner and when I was finished, he left to go eat something. It was the first time I experienced his rage.”

As Sol is remembering, a tear slips from her eye, and she wipes it away then clears her throat. “I think he felt emboldened because after the first night he started causing scenes when we went out. If someone even glanced at me, he would start a fight with the guy. He got arrested more times than I can remember, and according to him it was always my fault.”

I adjust my jaw. Listening to what she’s telling me is incredible, seems surreal she had to live with such a person yet here she is telling her story.

“It got to the point my friends stopped wanting to go out with me if he was coming, which is exactly what he wanted. They kept telling me I should leave him, but I ignored all their pleas. He would call me a whore for dressing in a way that attracted men. Said I provoked them purposely for their attention.” She shifts in her seat and pushes her dish back.

“The first time I thought he was gonna hurt me was when I returned home late from work. He accused me of sleeping around and when I told him I was at work late he grabbed a knife and approached me, stabbing the wall to the left of my face—inches away.” Tears start streaming down her face as she remembers yet her voice remains steady, flat.